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  一、術(shù)語轉(zhuǎn)自環(huán) 球 網(wǎng) 校edu24ol.com

  制成品 manufactured goods 資本貨物 capital goods 國際收支 balance of payments 經(jīng)常項(xiàng)目 current account 有形貿(mào)易項(xiàng)目 visible trade account 無形貿(mào)易項(xiàng)目 invisible trade account 貿(mào)易順差 trade surplus 貿(mào)易逆差 trade deficit

  易貨貿(mào)易 barter 補(bǔ)償貿(mào)易 compensation trade 反向貿(mào)易 counter-trade 組裝生產(chǎn) assembly manufacturing 工商統(tǒng)一稅 industrial and commercial consolidated tax 合資企業(yè) joint venture 延期付款 deferred payment 買方信貸 buyer credit 賣方信貸 supplier credit 軟貸款 (低息貸款) soft loan 最惠國待遇 MFN treatment (Most Favored nation treatment)

  永久性正常貿(mào)易關(guān)系 PNTR(Permanent Normal Trading Relations) 國民收入 NI(National Income) 國民生產(chǎn)總值 GNP(Gross National Product) 國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值 GDP(Gross Domestic Product) 國際復(fù)興和開發(fā)銀行 IBRD(International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) 國際開發(fā)協(xié)會(huì) IDA(International Development Association) 國際金融公司 IFC(International Finance Comporation) 經(jīng)濟(jì)合作和發(fā)展組織 OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)

  國際清算銀行 BIS(Bank for International Settlement) 歐洲經(jīng)濟(jì)共同體 EEC(European Economic Community) 歐洲聯(lián)盟 EU(European Union) 外商直接投資 FDI(Foreign Direct Investment)


  substantially : dramatically, significantly, considerably

  subsequently: afterwards

  exacerbate: deteriorate, worsen; aggravate; make worse

  withdraw: cancellation

  theme: principle

  in return for: in exchange for

  disrupt: interrupt

  destined: designed

  pronounced: marked

  in the wake of: following; after with轉(zhuǎn)自環(huán) 球 網(wǎng) 校edu24ol.com

  undue: too much; unbearable

  reverse: change to the opposite

  buoyant: brisk

  outcome: result

  boost: stimulate; promote; develop

  recover: rebound

  facilitate: make easy

  run-down: reduction

  mount exhibitions: hold exhibitions

  insofar as: to the extent

  bottlenecks: obstacles


  1. During the 1950s China exported agricultural products to the USSR and East European countries in return for manufactured goods and the capital equipment required for the country‘s industrialization programme which placed emphasis on the development of heavy industry.


  2. The growth of foreign trade was distrupted again during the Cultural Revolution when agricultural and industrial production fell sharply and transportation constraints became more serious.

  3. Exports grew much faster than imports during this period not only because of the strong emphasis placed on exporting by China‘s economic planners, but also because a number of industrial projects were postponed in 1979. Official recognition that foreign technology could play a major role in modernizing the Chinese economy has caused imports to rise by more than 50 per cent in 1978, placing undue strain on the national economy.


  4. Chinese official stress the importance of introducing advanced technology to domestic industry, but the need is for technology of varying degrees of sophistication,not necessarily for advanced technology as that term is understood in the West.


  5. There are no official statistics covering the invisible account of the balance of payments,but the size of the visible trade surplus during 1981-1983 and a pronounced increase in earnings from tourism suggest that the current account has been in surplus over the past few years. 沒有官方的統(tǒng)計(jì)資料涉及無形貿(mào)易收支,但在1981-1983年期間的有形貿(mào)易順差的大小和旅游贏利的顯著增長表明了經(jīng)常項(xiàng)目在過去幾年里有盈余。

  6. Goods are produced according to a sample provided by the customer,while strong encouragement is given to compensation trade whereby a foreign seller supplies raw materials and equipment and receives manufactured goods, produced by the equipment provided,in return .Compensation trade differs from barter or counter-trade insofar as there is a direct link between the equipment supplied from abroad and the manufactured product. Assembly manufacturing began in 1978 and particular forms of foreign trade are eligible for exemption from customs duties and taxation.


  7. The debt problems confronting a number of developing countries have reinforced China‘s determination to introduce foreign technology by means of direct investment and concessionary finance rather than by raising substantial sums of money on the international capital markets. The authorities do not consider it appropriate to incur large amounts of external debt until a number of practical bottlenecks in the economy, such as an inadequate transport network and energy constraints, have been tackled.




  1.The special Economic Zone 經(jīng)濟(jì)特區(qū)

  2.a well-placed source 一位高層消息靈通人士

  3.infrastructure 基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施

  4.capital stock 實(shí)際資本

  5.consumer goods 消費(fèi)品

  6.preferential tax rate 優(yōu)惠稅率

  7.cooperative enterprise 合作(經(jīng)營)企業(yè)

  8.ETDZ ( Economic &Technical Development Zone )經(jīng)濟(jì)技術(shù)開發(fā)區(qū)

  9.entrepreneurship 企業(yè)家精神

  10.means of production 生產(chǎn)資料

  11.stock-taking 評(píng)估

  12.Allocation of resources 資源配置

  13.macroregulation and control 宏觀調(diào)控

  14.fiscal policies 財(cái)政政策

  15.tight monetary policy 緊縮的貨幣政策

  16.working capital 運(yùn)營資本

  17.basic policy 基本國策

  18.technical transformation 技術(shù)革新


  1.in piecemeal form: piece by piece; gradually 逐漸的

  2.showpiece: a prime or outstanding example 典范

  3.pipedream: fantasy; daydream; dream that cannot be realized 白日夢(mèng)

  4.from scratch: from the very beginning 從零開始,從最初開始

  5.grassroots: basic level 基層

  6.the dust settles: the confusion ends 塵埃落定

  7.in the driver‘s seat: in the dominant position


  1.A clearly confident China has rolled up a large section of its bamboo curtain, declared itself “open to the outside world” and hung signs on nearly all its cities inviting foreign investors to come and do serious business.


  2.The literally, this does not make more sense as the parts of the coast which have not been “opened” are simply not ready for the demands of foreign businessman.


  3.In the SEZs, which are being built almost from scratch, foreigners can invest in anything which the state deems useful for the country, be it, for example, production of goods for export or construction of private-housing estates.


  4.So, while comprehensive framework for the country“s modernization has been provided by the central committee”s 21 October 1984 decision to reform the economic structure, it will be some time before the dust settles and local authorities and foreign investors can deal with one another in a systematic way.


  5.Stock-taking of the open policy will come later this year when the National People‘s Congress discusses the seventh five-year plan, which will run to the end of the decade.




  1.economic heavyweight 舉足輕重的經(jīng)濟(jì)強(qiáng)國

  2.commercial hub 商業(yè)活動(dòng)中心

  3.Per capita 人均

  4.Gross National Product 國民生產(chǎn)總值

  5.punitive import tariff 懲罰性進(jìn)口關(guān)稅

  6.securities 有價(jià)證券

  7.real estate market 房地產(chǎn)市場(chǎng)

  8.“ Greater China”trade bloc “大中華”貿(mào)易集團(tuán)

  9.conglomerate 跨行業(yè)公司

  10.consortium 國際財(cái)團(tuán)

  11.GATT:General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 關(guān)貿(mào)總協(xié)定


  1.jockey: move

  2.is bustling with: is filled with

  3.giddy: dizzy; euphoric

  4.farfetched: improbable; incredible

  5.clear: earn a net profit

  6.deal a hard blow t strike heavily

  7.rung: level

  8.retaliation: return of ill treatment for ill treatment; revenge; reprisal

  9.career out of control: run out of control


  1. A farfetched prediction? The new American administration doesn‘t think so. Bill Clinton has appointed China hands to top Asia posts at the state and Treasury departments. When critics called the appointments a slight to Japan, the leading Pacific economic power, U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altman explained the administration’s reasoning: by early in the next century, he said ,China may replace Japan in importance to the U.S. as an economic partner. Japan recognizes the rise of China. As a warning shot in an intensifying rivalry, Tokyo last week put punitive import tariffs on Chinese steel.


  2.With the U.S. Congress due to consider the renewal of China“s most-favored nation trade status in June, officials in Beijing fear the trade imbalance could surpass human rights as a source of U.S. opposition to preferred status for China. ”The trade surplus itself will be the NO.1 problem this year.“ Says one Chinese official. ”After Japan, we‘ll be first in line for relation.“


  3.However, even as the party promotes growth as a national priority, it worries about going too far. Inflation has recently climbed back into double digits, and the party press is issuing strident warnings, urging restraint on buyers and sellers alike. Rapid development is overwhelming China‘s antique transport networks.




  1.centrally-planned economy 中央計(jì)劃經(jīng)濟(jì)

  2.market economy 市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟(jì)

  3.disinflationary (anti-inflationary) policies 反通貨膨脹政策

  4.deflation 通貨緊縮

  5.short-term dollar interest rates 短期美元利率

  6.commodity market 商品市場(chǎng)

  7.nominal (dollar) terms 名義(美元)價(jià)

  8.constant (dollar) terms 不變(美元)價(jià)9.business cycle 商業(yè)周期

  10.weighted average 加權(quán)平均數(shù)

  11.hard currencies 硬通貨

  12.fiscal adjustment 財(cái)政調(diào)整

  13.portfolio investment 有價(jià)證券投資

  14.market diversification 市場(chǎng)多元化

  15.tight credit policy 緊縮的信貸政策16.exchange-rate devaluation 匯率貶值

  17.accommodative monetary policy 融通性貨幣政策

  18.yield curve 收益曲線

  19.per capita GDP 人均國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值

  20.GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 關(guān)貿(mào)總協(xié)定

  21.EMS: European Monetary System 歐洲貨幣體系

  22.GDP deflator 消除國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值通貨膨脹因素指數(shù)( GDP 平減指數(shù))

  23.CMEA (Comecon): Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 經(jīng)互會(huì)

  24.LIBOR: London Inter-Bank Offered Rate 倫敦同業(yè)銀行優(yōu)惠利率

  22.per capita income 人均收入

  23.multilateral trade agreements 多邊貿(mào)易協(xié)定

  24.Portfolio investment 證券投資

  25.cyclical deceleration in investment spending 生產(chǎn)總值通貨膨脹因素指數(shù)

  26.the population-weighted growth rate 人口加權(quán)增長率


  1.in a row: in succession

  2.easing: slowing down; decrease

  3.momentum: force of movement

  4.underlying: being at the basis of

  5.slackening: slowing of speed

  6.compound: worsen

  7.moderate inflation: ease inflation

  8.robust: strong and healthy

  9.setbacks: frustrations

  10.slump: depression

  11.edge down: move slowly down

  12.depreciation: devaluation

  13.spike: abrupt increase

  14.pick-up: recovery

  15.rein in: control

  16.bottoming-out: reaching the lowest point before rising again ( 止跌回升)

  17.stagnat: stop; almost


  1.International conditions for growth in developing countries deteriorated in 1991. The Seven major industrial countries (the G-7) experienced a significant slowdown in GDP growth-from 2.8 percent in 1990 to 1.9 percent during 1991 as recession gripped Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States and growth rates slowed in Continental Europe and Japan. In important respects. The slowdown was different from those that occurred during the 1970s and 1980s. Rather than reflecting the effect of disinflationary policies, weakness in demand was more closely related to the loss of momentum that had built up during the long period of expansion that began in 1983. In addition, a common factor underlying the slowdown in many industrial countries was the cyclical deceleration in investment spending.


  2.Although the weakness in demand in the United States led to a sharp decline in short-term dollar interest rates―a positive development for many developing countries―it also contributed to a drop of over 6 percent in nominal commodity prices and to a slackening, to 3 percent, in the growth of world trade. These trends were compounded by worsening economic conditions in the soviet Union and its successor states, where a growing shortage of foreign exchange led to a compression of import from Eastern Europe and an acceleration of certain commodity exports to earn hard currencies.


  3.Financial stress brought on by excessive debt in the household and corporate sectors was an example of another kind of structural problem, in particular for the economies of Japan and the United States. Financial institutions in these two countries adopted more conservative lending policies, curtailing financing of higher-risk projects such as commercial construction and highly leveraged corporate transaction. A number of weaker institutions were also consolicated through bankruptcy, merger and reorganization.


  4.The major risk facing this highly trade-oriented region is the potential for sluggishness or disruption in world-trade flows. Economic weakness in some of the region‘s traditional export markets has underlined the importance of market diversification, including a further strengthening of ties within the region. Increasingly buoyant intraregional trade in East Asia may be viewed as evidence of an ongoing process of “market-oriented” regional integration, a development that could partially offset lackluster progress in the area of multilateral trade agreements.





  trade representative 貿(mào)易談判代表

  government procurement 政府采購

  NAFTA ( North America Free Trade Agreements )北美自由貿(mào)易協(xié)定

  trade sanctions 貿(mào)易制裁

  trade hawks 貿(mào)易中主張強(qiáng)硬路線的鷹派人物


  1.tough: uncompromising (不妥協(xié)的,強(qiáng)硬的)

  2.discrimination: unfair treatment

  3.sanctions: penalty

  4.escalate: develop; intensify

  5.frictions: conflicts

  6.procurement: purchase

  7.be bullied into doing: be forced to do

  8.is awake t is conscious of

  9.amenable to responsive to

  10.a ragged start: a poor start

  11.intolerable: unbearable

  12.retaliate: revenge; reprisal

  13.impose: exert; influence

  14s.drawn-out: prolonged and boring

  15.shock: impact

  16. prompting: provoking

  17. tactical: skillful

  18. underpinning: foundation

  19. peeved: annoyed

  20. embrace: acceptance


  1.WASHINGTON-The Clinton administration is drawing the first lines of a tougher U.S. policy on trade, signaling to Europe and Japan that it will demand fairer treatment for American exports and is prepared to see relationships with U.S. trading partners get worse before they get better.


  2.The strongest signal came last week, when Mickey Kanter, the U.S. trade representative, moved quickly to cite the 12-nation European Community for “intolerable” discrimination against U.S. companies seeking government contracts within the community. The administration will begin retaliating in six weeks if EC policies remain unchanged.


  3.Administration officials see little risk that this more aggressive policy could escalate into a full-fledged trade war that would shock the world“s fragile economies. Thus, the administration will not be deterred by complaints that it has moved to ”protectionism.“


  4.In some ways, Mr. Clinton and his advisers are following the same well-trod path as the Bush administration, which threatened sanctions against the Community last year and walked away from GATT negotiations rather than sign an agreement that would provide only small gains for U.S. companies.




  the single market 統(tǒng)一大市場(chǎng) Maastricht Treaty 馬斯特里赫特條約

  barrier-free market 無壁壘市場(chǎng) free-trade zone 自由貿(mào)易區(qū)

  referendum 公民復(fù)決投票 merger 兼并

  budget cuts 預(yù)算削減 political and economic integration 政治經(jīng)濟(jì)一體化

  deregulation 放松管制 privatization 私有化


  big bang: strong and powerful effect; impact (不同凡響的效果)

  sour: worsen backlash: a strong adverse reaction

  be bursting to: be eager to (迫不及待地 … ) skid: slide; fall

  gush about: talk about with excessive enthusiasm (滔滔不絕地談?wù)?

  translate into: transform into hang over: impend over; threaten


  1.Yet in its current dour mood, Europe risks almost overlooking the revolutionary step forward it has taken in creating the world“s largest and wealthiest barrier-free market ― and on a continent where, for centuries, economic battles have led to some of history”s bloodiest wars. But perhaps the major reason is the dark economic clouds now hanging over Europe. One of the central justifications for the single market was its ability to create greater prosperity, but it is making its debut just as Europe traverses one of its roughest economic storms in years.


  2. The single market is central to the community“s progress, but it is by no means certain that it could stand alone, says one senior EC official here, ”if the political will to continue moving forward fails, we can anticipate more strains in the marriage contract that ultimately would strike at what we“ve accomplished.”




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