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摘要 2014年自考英語一課堂筆記之unit5(2),由環(huán)球網(wǎng)校自考頻道為您提供!

  推薦輔導(dǎo)班型:2014年自考保過班全新上線 不過免費重修|2014年自考英語簽約保過套餐熱招

  11. overseas adv. 在海外,在國外  adj. 海外的,國外的

  He said he would travel overseas if he had a long holiday.(他說如果有長假,他就去國外旅游。)

  These companies are investing large sums overseas.(這些公司正向海外進行高額投資。)

  The overseas Chinese donated medicine and clothes to the flooded area.(海外華人向受災(zāi)地區(qū)捐贈藥品和服裝。)

  There is a vast overseas market for our goods.(我們的產(chǎn)品有廣闊的海外市場。)

  12. widespread adj. 分布廣的,普遍的

  There was a widespread belief that she committed suicide.(人們普遍認為她是自殺的。)

  Industrial robots will be in widespread use.(工業(yè)機器人將會廣泛使用。)

  Pollution problem is now attracting widespread attention.(污染問題正引起廣泛關(guān)注。)

  13. digestive adj. 消化的,有消化力的

  digest v. 消化;領(lǐng)會

  digestion n. 消化;領(lǐng)悟

  indigestible adj. 難理解的;難消化的

  The doctor told him there might be something wrong with his digestive system.(醫(yī)生對他說他的消化系統(tǒng)可能有問題。)

  It will be very helpful for you to digest the important points in the book.(領(lǐng)會這本書中的要點將會對你很有幫助。)

  Every day they gave the old man food that was easy of digestion.(他們每天給老人易于消化的食物。)

  The steak was tough and indigestible.(這牛排太老,不易消化。)

  14. foundation n. 根據(jù);基金會;基地

  The early training gave her a very firm foundation.(早期的訓(xùn)練給她打下了堅實的基礎(chǔ)。)

  In fact the rumor is without foundation.(事實上,這個謠傳沒有根據(jù)。)

  This conference is sponsored by the National Foundation for Educational Research.(這個會議是由全國教育研究基金會主辦的。)

  The construction workers are laying the foundations for a 28-story building.(建筑工人們正在為一座28層的高樓打地基。)

  15. belief n. 相信;信念

  believe v. 相信;認為

  It is his belief that he will succeed sooner or later.(他相信他遲早會成功。)

  What he told me just now is really beyond my belief.(他剛才對我說的話令我難以置信。)

  I believe we will win the match.(我相信我們會贏這場比賽。)

  Believe it or not he got a full mark in the exam.(信不信由你,他考試得了滿分。)

  16. combination n. 結(jié)合,聯(lián)合;化合物

  combine v. 結(jié)合,聯(lián)合

  The color purple is a combination of red and blue.(紫色是由紅藍兩色混合而成。)

  The football players showed good combination.(足球隊員們配合默契。)

  It will do us a lot of good if we can combine theory with practice.(如果把理論和實際結(jié)合起來將對我們大有好處。)

  He very well combines the characters of soldier and poet.(他把軍人和詩人的性格很好地融合在一起。)

  17.chiefly adv. 主要地

  chief n. 首領(lǐng);長官  adj. 主要的

  This vegetable juice is made up chiefly of tomatoes and cucumbers.(這種蔬菜汁主要由西紅柿和黃瓜制成。)

  I will have to go and talk to your department chief about it.(我得和你們部門的頭兒好好談?wù)劇?

  I think this will become the chief concern of the world today.(我認為這將成為當(dāng)今世界的首要關(guān)心的問題。)

  the editor in chief 總編     the chief engineer 總工程師

  chief executive 最高行政長官  chief justice 首席法官

  chief of staff 參謀長      chief of state 國家元首

  18. contain v. 包含;容納;克制

  This mini-bus can contain 18 passengers.(這輛面包車可乘坐18人。)

  How much water can this water tank contain?(這只水箱能裝多少水?)

  This book contains the material you need.(這本書里有你需要的材料。)

  He cannot contain himself for the joy.(他高興得不能自制。)


  affixation 詞綴法

  1.名詞后綴 -ity quality

  2.名詞后綴 -ation;-ion; combination, civilization, foundation, digestion

  3.名詞后綴 -ture mixture

  4.形容詞后綴 -ous poisonous

  5.形容詞后綴 -ible indigestible

  6.形容詞后綴 -ful helpful, powerful

  7.副詞前綴 over- overseas

  compounding 合詞法

  1.復(fù)合形容詞 widespread; man-eating;

  2.復(fù)合名詞 man-eating; carbohydrate




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