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摘要 2014年自考英語一課堂筆記之unit5(3),由環(huán)球網(wǎng)校自考頻道為您提供!

  推薦輔導班型:2014年自考保過班全新上線 不過免費重修|2014年自考英語簽約保過套餐熱招





  1. Many primitive people believed that by eating an animal they could get some of the good qualities of that animal for themselves.

  本句中that 引導的是一個賓語從句。賓語從句在前幾個單元中我們已有了比較多的了解。掌握賓語從句并不困難。請看下面的句子:

  1) You must remember that it is never too old to learn.(你必須記住:活到老學到老。)

  2) He says that friendship is very important to him.(他說友誼對他很重要。)

  3) Don't forget what your parents said to you.(別忘了父母對你說過的話。)

  4) Can you tell me where the bookstore is?(你能告訴我書店在哪兒嗎?)

  5) I don't know whether the letter is overweight.(我不知道這封信是否超重。)

  by 后面跟動詞的現(xiàn)在分詞表示某人做了某件事,并通過這件事產(chǎn)生了某個結(jié)果。請看下面的句子:

  1)By bribing a nurse I was able to see some files.(通過賄賂護士我才有可能看到一些卷宗。)

  2)They made a living by selling newspapers.(他們通過賣報謀生。)

  3)He tried to solve his problem by cheating me.(他通過騙我來解決自己的問題。)

  4)We learn to swim by swimming.(我們在游泳中學會游泳。)

  2. They thought that eating deer would make them run as fast as the deer.

  本句中that同樣是引導一個賓語從句。在賓語從句中,動名詞短語eating deer做主語。請看下面的句子:

  1) Chatting on the internet would make him forget everything.(在網(wǎng)上聊天會使他忘記一切。)

  2) Putting on air wouldn't do you any good.(擺架子不會對你有什么好處。)

  3) Making friends with them is no easy job.(跟他們交朋友不是一件容易的事。)

  make sb. do sth.意思是“使某人做某事”。make 后面的復合賓語中動詞不定式符號to要省去,但是用被動語態(tài)時一定要用to,請看下面的句子:

  1) The boss made them work from morning till night.(老板使他們從早到晚地干活。)

  2) He made me sit here all the time.(他讓我一直坐在這兒。)

  3) She was made to finish the book in two days (by her father)。(父親讓她兩天把書看完。)

  4) I was made to return the money as soon as possible (by my friend)。 (朋友讓我盡快還錢。)

  3. Some savage tribes believed that eating enemies that had shown bravery in battle would make them brave.

  本句中的第一個that 引導的又是一個賓語從句,而后一個that 引導的是定語從句,修飾enemies.請看下面的句子:

  1) He is a man that you can rely on.(他是一個你可以依靠的人。)

  2) She gave me some books that I am really interested in.(她給了我一些我很感興趣的書。)

  3) I would never forget the two years that I spent in that village.(我永遠也不會忘記我在那個村子里度過的兩年時光。)

  本句中them brave 是make 的復合賓語,請看下面的句子:

  1) Don't wait for him. He will make us late.(別等他了,他會使我們遲到的。)

  2) He was afraid that the story would make things worse.(他擔心那個故事會使事情更糟。)

  3) I didn't know that the news had been made public.(我不知道這個消息已經(jīng)公開了。)

  4. It was once thought …

  Eggs were thought to make the voice pretty.

  Tomatoes were believed to have magical powers

  They were called love apples and were supposed to make people who ate them fall in love.


  1) 孩子們受到很好的照顧。(The children are well taken care of.)

  2) 這個問題最近被談論得很多。(This question has been much talked about recently.)

  3) 體育代表團在機場受到了熱烈歡迎。(The sports delegation was given a warm welcome at the airport.)

  4) 那里講什么語言?(What language is spoken there?)

  5) 這本書是為兒童寫的。(This book is written form children.)

  6) 他被認為是這個工作的最佳人選。(He is thought to be the best candidate for the job.)

  suppose 是一個常用詞,請注意掌握。

  1) I suppose it was reasonable for him to want his money back.(我看他想要回他的錢是合理的。)

  2) I suppose the answer is that he was not so hardworking.(我想答案在于他不夠刻苦。)

  3) The situation was even worse than was supposed.(形勢比料想的更糟糕。)

  4) Who do you suppose is the right person for the job?(你認為誰是這個工作的合適人選?)

  5) I am not supposed to talk to you about this.(我不能和你談這個。)

  6) He was supposed to leave for Shanghai last night.(他應該昨夜動身去上海。)

  7) Suppose / Supposing something should go wrong, what would you do?(如果有了什么差錯,你怎么辦?)

  5. How surprised the people who thought tomatoes poisonous would be if they could know that millions of pounds of tomatoes were supplied to soldiers overseas during WWII.

  “how surprised the people would be”是主句,這是一個感嘆句;who 引導的定語從句修飾people;if 引導的是條件狀語從句。

  感嘆句通常用what 或how 引起。what 用來修飾一個名詞,how 修飾一個形容詞,副詞或動詞。請看下面的句子:

  1) What a kind-hearted man he is!(他是一個多么好心的人啊!)

  2) What good news it is!(多好的消息啊!)

  3) What a beautiful city!(多美的城市啊!)

  4) How lovely the children are!(多可愛的孩子啊!)

  5) How well she writes.(她寫得多好啊!)

  6) How I hated all this.(我多恨這一切啊!)

  6. One such idea is that fish is the best brain food.

  本句中that 引導的是一個表語從句。請看下面的句子:

  1) My suggestion is that we should leave right now.(我的建議是我們現(xiàn)在就離開。)

  2) What is troubling me is that I don't have much experience in teaching.(使我苦惱的是我在教學方面的經(jīng)驗不多。)

  3) My idea is that we offer them more help.(我的意思是我們給他們提供更多的幫助。)

  4) The fact is that we don't have enough hands.(事實是我們?nèi)耸植粔颉?

  7. Washing food down with water as a substitute for chewing is not a good idea.

  substitute for 是一個常用詞組,意思是“代替,代用品”;substitute也可以做動詞用,意思是“替代”。請看例句:

  1) Don't you think it a good idea to use plastic as a substitute for wood?(你覺得用塑料做木材的代用品是個好主意嗎?)

  2) Daydreaming cannot substitute for hard work.(白日夢不能取代辛勤的努力。)

  3) A middle-aged woman substituted for the English teacher during her absence.(英語老師不在時,由一位中年婦女代替。)

  8. Many people think of bread as a carbohydrate food.

  think of … as是一個習慣用法,意思是“把…看作是…”,“認為…是…”。請看下面的句子:

  1) People think of him as a hero.(人們把他看作英雄。)

  2) He thinks of himself as the most important member of the family.(他認為自己是最重要的家庭成員。)

  3) The Yellow River is thought of as the cradle of the Chinese nation.(黃河被看作是中華民族的搖籃。)

  與think of …as 意思相近的習慣用法還有regard …as;consider…as;look upon…as;view…as;see …as 等等。




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