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摘要 2014年自考英語一課堂筆記之unit7(4),由環(huán)球網(wǎng)校自考頻道為您提供!

  推薦輔導班型:2014年自考保過班全新上線 不過免費重修|2014年自考英語簽約保過套餐熱招


  1) Whatever happens, please let me know.

  2) Whoever telephones, tell him I'm out.

  3) However hard I tried, I couldn't succeed.

  4) Wherever you go, I will follow you.

  5) Whichever book you like, you can have it.

  7. It is that feeling of belonging, of love and security that comes from living together, helping and sharing.

  本句中的it代指課文前一句中的a sense of what a family is. feeling of belonging 意思為“歸屬感”。

  security 是一個名詞,意思是“安全”。

  that comes from living together, helping and sharing 是定語從句,修飾that feeling of belonging, of love and security.

  8. However, with the change from an agricultural to an industrial society, many nuclear families moved away from the family home in order to find work.


  1) This, however, is not your fault. (但這不是你的錯。)

  2) I'd like to go with you, however, my hands are full. (我很想和你一起去,可是我忙不過來。)


  1)With the change of the economic foundation, the superstructure has to be transformed too.(隨著經(jīng)濟基礎的改變,上層建筑也必須改造。)

  2)With the development of science and technology, the society is changing rapidly.(隨著科學技術的發(fā)展,社會在迅速地改變。)


  1)Who will go with you? (誰和你一起去?)

  2)The teacher is very strict with us. (老師對我們很嚴格。)

  3)At the news we all jumped with joy. (聽了這個消息,我們都高興得跳了起來。With表示原因。)

  4)He wanted to kill two birds with one stone. (他想一舉兩得。With意為“用,以”,譯法可靈活。)

  5)China is a country with a large population. (中國是一個有眾多人口的國家。With表示“有,帶有”)

  6)He finished this work with great difficulty. (他好不容易才完成了這項工作。With引起短語作方式狀語。)

  7)He was sitting in a chair with his hands folded.


  8)What's wrong with you? (你怎么了?with意為“就…來說”)

  9)With your knowledge and experience, you are sure to find a good job. (以(憑)你的知識和經(jīng)驗,你肯定會找到一份好工作。)

  10)With all his shortcomings, he was a nice person. (盡管他有缺點,他還是個不錯的人。)

  句子中的in order to find work做目的狀語,除了用in order to 以外,還可以用so as to,也可以把in order,so as省去,只用不定式。請看例句:

  1)He decided to study harder (so as ) to catch up with the others. (他決定加緊學習好趕上別人。)

  2)He ran out in a hurry (in order) to catch the last bus. (為了趕上末班車,他匆匆向外跑去。)

  9. Therefore we can say that the nuclear family becomes more important than the extended family as the society industrializes.

  句子中的therefore是一個副詞,通常用來表示后面將要表述的內容是前面已經(jīng)表述的內容的結果,也可以用來引導一個結論。類似的表達還有:so,consequently,as a result 等等。請看例句:

  1)It rained, therefore the football match was put off. (天下雨,所以足球比賽延期了。)

  2)He is too careless, as a result he failed the exam. (他太粗心,所以考試沒及格。)

  3)He was ill for about a month, consequently he lagged behind his classmates.(他病了一個月,因此落在了同學后面。)

  as the society industrializes隨著社會的工業(yè)化。as是一個連詞,表示“當…時”。請看例句:

  1)As time goes on, you'll like this place better. (隨著時間的推移,你會更喜歡這個地方。)

  2)As he talked on he got more and more excited. (他談著的時候,越來越興奮。)


  1)The nuclear family is becoming smaller as parents want fewer children.

  2)As social scientists study these two new family forms, they will be able to tell us more about the future of the nuclear family in the post-industrial age.

  10. social scientists now talk of two new family forms…


  1)What are you talking about? (你們在談什么?)

  2)They are talking of visiting Mr. Zhang. (他們正談論去看張先生的事。)

  3) What do you mean when you talk about culture? (你談論文化時指的是什么?)

  Text B The Changing American Family


  1. all over

  We have friends all over the world.

  I have been looking all over for him.

  2. provide for

  Father had to work very hard to provide food and clothes for the family.

  They are trying to provide some guidance for the newcomers.

  3. be expected to

  Parents are expected to provide for their children.

  You are expected to be here before eight.

  4. take care of

  The nurse took care of the old lady when her daughter was away.

  The cat and the dog were taken good care of.

  5. on the other hand

  I don't think this proposal is workable. On one hand we don't have so much money, on the other hand time is too limited.

  6. be considered to be

  He is considered to be the best candidate for the job.

  Father is considered to be a humorous and responsible person.

  7. in addition (to)

  In addition, there are some magazines on the table.

  In addition to bread, we had some milk and eggs for breakfast.

  8. make decision

  You have to make an immediate decision about the project.

  It is difficult for me to make a decision right now.

  9. help with

  He hoped that his brother would help him with his math.

  At weekends I often help my mother with the housework.

  10. in contrast

  In contrast with the low grade I got, Paul got a full mark on the biology test.

  Their club, in contrast, reached a membership of 2000 last year.

  11. give up

  You will amount to nothing if you always give up easily.

  The doctor persuaded my father to give up smoking.

  12. get ready for

  He got up early in the morning in order to get ready for the exam.

  I haven't got ready for the interview yet.

  13. be busy doing

  Mother is busy cooking in the kitchen.

  The teacher is busy distributing the test papers.

  14. in conclusion

  She will say a few words about the arrangement in conclusion.

  In conclusion, the old people are happy in most of the Asian countries.

  15. instead of

  Instead of getting the bike repaired he bought a new one.

  Who is going to the meeting instead of you?




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