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成人英語三級(jí)報(bào)名、考試、查分時(shí)間 免費(fèi)短信提醒


獲取驗(yàn)證 立即預(yù)約




摘要 年輕的我們,有的是力量去奮斗!只要大家認(rèn)真復(fù)習(xí),相信大家都能順利通過考試的,成人學(xué)位英語考試高頻詞匯十二,趕快練起來吧。



1、apply vt./vi. 申請(qǐng),運(yùn)用,應(yīng)用

【辨析】apply for 和apply…to

apply for “申請(qǐng),請(qǐng)求”,如:I want to apply for the position.我想申請(qǐng)這個(gè)職位。

apply…to “把…應(yīng)用到…”,如:We should apply a theory to practice. 我們應(yīng)當(dāng)把理論


2、arise vi. 出現(xiàn),發(fā)生,起源于

【辨析】arise, rise, raise, arouse 和rouse

arise vi. 起源于(和from連用),出現(xiàn)

如:Accidents usually arise from carelessness. 車禍通常源于粗心。

rise vi. 上升

如:Black smoke rose from the chimney. 黑煙從煙筒中冒出。

raise vt. 舉起

如:He is too weak to raise the heavy box. 他身體虛弱,舉不起這個(gè)重盒子。

arouse vt. 引起,導(dǎo)致

如:His behavior aroused the interest of the neighbors. 他的行為引起了鄰居的興趣。

rouse vt. 喚醒

如:My mother will rouse me from my sleep every morning. 媽媽每天叫我起床。

『例』(1)The problem has C simply because you didn’t follow my instruction.(1992)

A. raised B. risen C. arisen D. aroused


(2)Problems will B if you do it this way.

A. rise B. arise C. raise D. arouse


(3)Voices were B as the argument between the two motorists(司機(jī)) became more bad-tempered.

A. spoken B. raised C. developed D. increased

『解析』句意:隨著兩個(gè)司機(jī)的爭(zhēng)吵愈演愈烈,雙方都提高了嗓門。raise (= lift up) one's voice 提高嗓門,


(4)Though A in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred to record the plain facts of

small-town life.

A. raised B. grown C. developed D. cultivated

『解析』句意:盡管在舊金山長(zhǎng)大, 但戴夫米切爾總是愿意把小鎮(zhèn)生活中平凡的事情記載下來。本句中

Though raised in San Francisco 是省略的讓步狀語從句。raise (= bring up) 撫養(yǎng);grow 種植;cultivate 耕


(5)The story of the homeless orphan(孤兒) has A sympathy from the public.

A. aroused B. attracted C. defended D. adopted


3、as adv. 同樣地,一樣地;prep. 作為;conj. 像…一樣

【辨析】as (so) far as 和as (so) long as

(1)as (so) far as 的意思是“就…而言(所知)”。

如:As far as I know, more than 10 million laid-off workers(下崗工人) have found their new jobs.


as (so) far as sth. is concerned 是其中一種具體用法,意為“就某事而言”。

如:As far as the tourism of China is concerned, there is a long way to go.


(2)as (so) long as 意為“只要”,引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句。

如:There is nothing that we can’t do so/as long as we keep on trying to do it.


『例』 C we need air and water, so we need criticism and self-criticism.

A. Even though B. So long as C. Just as D. Now that

『解析』句意:正如需要空氣和水,我們還需要批評(píng)和自我批評(píng)。even though“即使”;so long as“只要”;

just as“正如”;now that“既然”。

4、assist vt. 幫助,協(xié)助

【短語】assist sb. in doing sth. 幫助某人做某事

[助記] 詞根sist = stand(站立)

【辨析】assist, consist, insist 和persist

(1)assist 幫助(其原意為站在一旁,攙扶)。

(2)consist 由…組成,構(gòu)成;包括,包含(常與of 連用)

常用短語:consist of 由…組成,包括

如:Indonesia consist of more than 7000 islands. 印度尼西亞由7000 多個(gè)島嶼組成。

= Indonesia is made up of more than 7000 islands.

= Indonesia is composed of more than 7000 islands.

(3)insist 堅(jiān)持,堅(jiān)持認(rèn)為;堅(jiān)決要求;一定要。后面可接介詞on

常用短語:insist on 堅(jiān)決要求;也可直接連用that 引導(dǎo)的名詞從句。

如:He insisted on my going there with him.

He insisted that I should go there with him. 他堅(jiān)決要求我跟他一起去。

5、persist v. 堅(jiān)持,固執(zhí)

常用短語:persist in (doing) sth. 堅(jiān)持做某事

如:The kind nurse persisted in reading books to the boys in the hospital. 善良的護(hù)士堅(jiān)持不懈的


6、resist v. 反對(duì),抵制

『例』He D the temptation to buy a coat that he could not afford.

A.challenged B.obstructed C.contradicted D.resisted

『解析』句意:她不受誘惑,不去買她買不起的外衣。 resist 此處意指(= keep oneself back from)“忍住…”,

resist temptation 不受誘惑,afford 買得起。

7、assume v.(毫無根據(jù)地)認(rèn)為,臆斷

[助記] 詞根sume = take(帶走)

【辨析】assume, consume 和resume

(1)assume (毫無根據(jù)地)認(rèn)為,臆斷

如:I assume that you have gone. 我以為你已經(jīng)走了。

(2)consume vt. 消耗,消費(fèi),用掉

如:She consumes much of her time in studying. 她把很多時(shí)間用在學(xué)習(xí)上。

(3)resume vt. 恢復(fù),重新開始

如:Negotiations are expected to be resumed soon. 預(yù)期不久就能恢復(fù)談判。

『例』(1)In Shanghai, people C thousand tons of watermelon every summer.

A. swallow B. eat C. consume D. exhaust

『解析』句意:在上海,每年夏天人們消耗成千上萬噸的西瓜。swallow 吞咽;eat 吃;exhaust 筋疲力


(2)Since we are unable to finish the task in the morning. Let’s stop now and B working at 3 o’clock in

the afternoon.

A. assume B. resume C. consume D. repeat


8、assure vt. 保證,使確信

【辨析】assure, ensure 和insure

(1)assure“使(某人)確信”,一般用作:assure sb. of sth.或者assure sb. that…,后面不能直接跟

that 從句。

如:He assured me that it was true. 他讓我相信這件事是真的。

(2)ensure“保證”,后面可以接雙賓語,也可以接that 從句。

如:We can’t ensure you a good post. 我們不能保證給你個(gè)好的職位。


如:My house is insured against fire. 我的房子保了火險(xiǎn)。

9、attend v. 出席,照顧,注意,留意,專心于

【用法】表示參加,后面經(jīng)常加上meeting, lecture, conference, class, school, wedding, funeral 等詞。

【注意】attend to 可以表示處理、照料等。

【辨析】attend, extend, intend 和tend:

(1)tend:傾向,易于。常用短語:tend to do 易于…

如:He tends to catch cold in winter.他在冬天的時(shí)候很容易感冒。


如:When I was 18 years old, I attended college. 我十八歲的時(shí)候上了大學(xué)。


如:The river extends eastward. 這條小河向東延伸。


如:What do you intend to do next? 下一步你打算做什么?

10、attribute vt. 把…歸于

【搭配】attribute…to… 把…歸于…


【辨析】attribute, distribute 和contribute


如:Tom attributed his failure to bad luck. 湯姆把他的失敗歸因于壞的運(yùn)氣。


如:The Red Cross distributes the blanket to the victims of the flood-striken area.


(3)contribute:捐助,捐獻(xiàn)。常用短語:contribute to 導(dǎo)致,有助于

如:His carelessness contributed to the car crash(車禍). 他的粗心導(dǎo)致了車禍。

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