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摘要 學位英語又被稱為成人英語三級,是獲得學士學位必須要達成的條件之一,想要通過學位英語的考試,做題練筆必不可少,今天環(huán)球網(wǎng)校(環(huán)球青藤旗下品牌)的小編為各位考生們整理了2020年學位英語詞匯與語法結(jié)構(gòu)模擬練習題,快來一起做做看吧!




1. I'm afraid this painting is not by Picasso. It's only a copy and so it's _____.

A.priceless B.invaluable C.unworthy D. worthless

[答案] D. worthless.

[注釋] worthless 無價值的, 無用的。Priceless 無價的, 貴重的, 無法估價的:a priceless treasure 無價之寶。Invaluable 無法估價的, 非常寶貴的。Unworthy 不值得的, 不配的; 無價值的。

2. The final _____ of the play will take place on Monday.

A. action B. performance C. view D. sight

[答案] B. performance.

[注釋]performance (話劇的) 一場演出。

3. It was a long time before the cut on my hand _____ completely.

A. healed B. cured C. improved D. recovered

[答案] A. healed.

[注釋] heal

1) 使痊愈, 治愈:The salve will help to heal the wound. (這種藥膏能治愈你的傷。)

2) 痊愈 (多指外傷) :The cut on my leg has healed. (我腿上的傷口以痊愈。) 可見, 本題是heal的第二種用法。

cure治療, 治好;

1) The drug cured my fever. (這種藥使我退燒了。)

2)This medicine should cure you of your cold. (這種藥定會治好你的感冒。)

recover也可以表示“痊愈”, 意為“恢復(fù)正常”。例如:

1) I think she will recover. (我認為她會痊愈的。)

2) He almost fell ill, but quickly recovered. (他差點病到, 但很快就痊愈了。)

也可以用recovered做表語表示“痊愈, 恢復(fù)正常:Are you completely recovered from your illness? (你的病是不是完全好了?)

[注意] recover vi. 用作“痊愈”時, 句子主語通常是人。Improve 改善, 此詞無“治療”或“痊愈”之意。


4. To get my travelers' checks I had to have the bank _____ a special check for the total amount.

A. make up B. make out C. make for D. make up for

[答案] B. make out.

[注釋] make out 辨別

5. She said she was glad the difficulty had been _____.

A. cleared away B. cleared up C. broken away D. broken down

[答案] B. cleared up.

[注釋] clear up 解釋, 澄清; 解決:

1) I had some doubts, but now they are cleared up. (以前我有許多疑點, 但現(xiàn)在都解決了。)

2) The book has cleared up many difficulties for me. (這本書解決了我不少困難。)

clear away 清除

6. I used to be able to play well but I'm _____ now.

A. out of date B. out of touch C. out of practice D. out of place

[答案] C. out of practice.

[注釋] out of practice荒廢, 久不練習; out of date 過時, 老式; out of touch失去聯(lián)系; out of place不在適當?shù)奈恢?/p>

7. As soon as the children were _____, their mother got them out of bed and into the bathroom.

A. woke B. waken C. wake D. awake

[答案] D. awake.

[注釋]awake adj.醒著的 (作表語) .Awake, awaken, wake, waken都可以作及物和不及物動詞用, 但是awake多用作不及物動詞, 其中wake最常用。

8. Jim was so badly burnt that at first they began to _____ of his life.

A. despair B. designate C. disappoint D. despise

[答案] A. despair.

[注釋] despair of (=be in despair) 對。......失望:

1) Don't despair: things will get better soon.

2) He began to despair of success.

3) He despaired of being able to repair the TV set. (他對能否修好這臺電視機表示失望。)

designate指明, 指出, despise 輕視, 藐視。

9. The government's strong action demonstrated its _____ to crush the rebellion.

A. energy B. resistance C. courage D. determination

[答案] D. determination.

[注釋] determination意為“決心”, 后常接動詞不定式作定語。

10. New mineral resources may be discovered during the forthcoming Antarctic _____.

A. excursion B. execution C. extraction D. expedition

[答案] D. expedition.

[注釋]expedition 遠征, 探險; excursion 短途旅行, 游覽; execution 實施, 執(zhí)行; extraction 提取。


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