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成人英語三級報名、考試、查分時間 免費短信提醒


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Part I  Reading Comprehension
Passage 1 
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage: 

Advertisement can be thought of “as the means of making known in order to buy or sell goods or services”. Advertisement aims to increase people’s awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform and to persuade. The media are all used to spread the message. The press offers a fairly cheap method, and magazines are used to reach special sections of the market. The cinema and commercial radio are useful for local market. Television, although more expensive, can be very effective. Public notices are fairly cheap and more permanent in their power of attraction. Other ways of increasing consumer interest are through exhibitions and trade fairs as well as direct mail advertisement.

There can be no doubt that the growth in advertisement is one of the most striking features of the western world in this century. Many businesses such as those handling frozen foods, liquor, tobacco and medicines have been built up largely by advertisement.

We might ask whether the cost of advertisement is paid for by the producer or by the customer. Since advertisement forms part of the cost of production, which has to be covered by the selling price, it is clear that it is the customer who pays for advertisement. However, if large scale advertisement leads to increased demand, production costs are reduced, and the customer pays less.

It is difficult to measure exactly the influence of advertisement on sales. When the market is growing, advertisement helps to increase demand. When the market is shrinking, advertisement may prevent a bigger fall in sales than would occur without its support. What is clear is that businesses would not pay large sums for advertisement if they were not convinced of its value to them.

1. Advertisement is often used to _____.
 A. deceive customers  B. increase production C. arouse suspicion D. push the sale
答案:D 細節(jié)題。答案在第一段第一句話:“Advertisement can be thought of as the means of making known in order to buy or sell goods or services”。因此“廣告常常被用來當作促銷商品的手段?!盌最符合題意。

2. The word“media”(in the first paragraph)includes _____.
 A. the press  B. television  C. radio  D. all of the above
答案:D 細節(jié)題。media :媒體。因為在其后的句子中作者緊接著列舉了press,magazines,the cinema and commercial radio,television,exhibitions等詞。因此可以斷定media應當包括the press,television,and radio。所以D是正確答案。

3. Advertisement is mainly paid for by _____.
 A. the customer  B. the producer  C. increased sales  D. reduced prices
答案:A 細節(jié)題。答案在第三段:“it is clear that it is customer who pays for advertisement.”因此廣告的費用主要是由顧客來付。

4. Advertisement can increase demand _____.
A. all the time B. in any circumstances C. in a growing market D. in a shrinking market
答案:C 細節(jié)題。答案在第四段:“When the market is growing, advertisement helps to increase demand.”因此,如果市場擴大了,廣告有助于增加需求。

5. From the last sentence of this passage we conclude that _____.
 A. businesses usually do not pay much for advertisement
 B. businessmen know well that advertisement could bring them more profits
 C. advertisement could hardly convince people of the value of the goods
 D. advertisement usually cost businesses large amounts of money
答案:B 邏輯推理題。文章最后一句話的意思是:“很明顯,如果商家對產(chǎn)品的利潤沒有把握的話,是不會花很多錢投資廣告的?!睋Q句話說:商家非常清楚廣告會給他帶來更大的利潤。因此B是正確答案。

Passage 2 
How men first learned to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken, or written in letters we call words.

The power of words, then, lies in their combinations ― the things they bring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.

Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts, but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and feelings. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary (文字的) style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and rude.

6. The origin of language _____.
 A. is reflected in sounds and letters
 B. is handed down from generation to generation
 C. dates back to the prehistoric period
 D. is a problem not yet solved
答案:D 細節(jié)題。答案在第一段:“the origin of language is a mystery.”因此,語言的起源仍然是個迷,還沒有得到解決。

7. According to the passage, words are _____.
A. visual letters                         B. represented by sounds
C. represented either by sounds or letters       D. signs called letters
答案:C 細節(jié)題。第一段談到:“人類起初用某種聲音進行交流, 后來又有了字母,字母結(jié)合起來可以代表聲音,也可以寫下來。因此,這些說出來的聲音也好,用字母寫出來的聲音也好,被稱為單詞。”所以B是正確答案:單詞即可以代表聲音,也可以代表字母。

8. The power of words lies in their _____.
 A. beauty  B. accuracy  C. combinations  D. charm
答案:C細節(jié)題。答案在第二段的第一句話:“the power of words, then lies in their combination”語言的魅力在于他們的組合。

9. The secret of a writer’s success is the use of words that _____.
 A. recall to us the glad and sad events of our past
 B. are arranged in a creative way
 C. are as beautiful as music
 D. agree with certain literary style
答案:A 細節(jié)題。在第三段的第一句話:“Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerful to our minds and feelings.”因此作家的偉大在于他們擅長使用豐富的詞匯,能使我們回想起過去的喜怒哀樂。B-D文章均沒提到

10. The author of the passage advises us _____.
 A. to use words carefully and accurately  B. not to use silly and rude words
 C. to become a slave of words                  D. to use emotional words
答案:A細節(jié)題。答案在文章的最后一句:“We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and rude.”因此,文章建議我們用詞要謹慎、準確。
Passage 3 
Most people have had a dog or wanted one as their companion at some time in their lives. If you are thinking of buying a dog, however, you should first decide what sort of companion you need and whether the dog is likely to be happy in the surroundings you can provide. Specialists’ advice is useful to help you choose the most suitable kind of dog.

But in part the decision depends on common sense. Different dogs were originally developed to perform specific tasks. So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, you should choose the one that has the right size and characteristics. You must also be ready to devote a great deal of time to training the dog when it is young and give it the exercise it needs throughout its life, unless you live in the countryside and can let it run freely. Dogs are demanding pets. Cats love the house and so are satisfactory with their place where there is secure, but a dog is loyal to its master and consequently wants him to show proof of his affection .

The best time to buy a baby dog is when it is between 6 and 8 weeks old so that it can transfer its love for its mother to its master. If baby dogs have not established a relationship with the human being until they are over three months old, their strong relationship will always be with dogs. They are likely to be too shy when they are brought out into the world to become good pets.

11. Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?
 A. You can always get help from the specialists.
 B. It is common sense that is the most important when choosing a dog.
 C. You should decide what kind of dog you want.
 D. Size and characteristics of the dogs should be considered too.
答案:B細節(jié)題。文章中提到了買狗的時候先要決定買什么樣的,狗的大小、特征也要考慮,而且老師的建議也非常重要,所以A,C,D都是正確的。關(guān)于“common sense”,是這樣說的:“In part the decision depends on common sense.”所以選擇狗的時候,common sense 并不是最重要的,而是部分因素。因此只有B不符合原文。

12. What is mentioned as a consideration in buying a dog?

 A. The color of the dog.
 B. The price of the dog.
 C. Whether the dog will fit the environment.
 D. Whether the dog will get along with the other pets in the house.
答案:C細節(jié)題。根據(jù)文章的內(nèi)容,買狗的時候并沒有提到要考慮狗的顏色、狗的價格,以及狗能否和家中的其他寵物很好的相處。但是提到了要考慮狗能否適應周圍的環(huán)境?!皐hether the dog is likely to be happy in the surroundings you can provide.”

13. Why does the writer say a dog is a more demanding pet than a cat?
 A. It must be trained so that it won’t bite.
 B. It demands more food and space.
 C. It needs more love and care.
 D. It must be looked after carefully.

14. Why is it advised to buy a baby dog under three months old?
 A. It’s easier to buy a baby dog under three months old.
 B. They are less likely to be shy with human beings.
 C. They are less likely to run away.
 D. It’s easier for them to form a relationship with their masters.
答案:D細節(jié)題。文章的最后:“If baby dogs have not established a relationship with the human being until they are over three month old, their strong relationship will always be with dogs.”所以要買三個月以下的狗,容易和它的主人建立感情。

15. The word “affection” (line 11) means _____.
 A. love  B. effect  C. tie  D. relationship
答案:A 詞匯題。affection:喜愛,慈愛。

Passage 4 
Movies are the most popular form of entertainment for millions of Americans. They go to the movies to escape their normal everyday existence and to experience a life more exciting than their own. They may choose to see a particular film because they like the actors or because they have heard the film has a good story. But the main reason why people go to the movies is to escape. Sitting in a dark theater, watching the images on the screen, they enter another world that is real to them. They become involved in the lives of the characters in the movie, and for two hours, they forget all about their own problems. They are in a dream world where things often appear to be more romantic(浪漫的)and beautiful than in real life.

The biggest “dream factories” are in Hollywood, the capital of the film industry. Each year, Hollywood studios make hundreds of movies that are shown all over the world. American movies are popular because they tell stories and they are well-made. They provide the public with heroes who do things the average person would like to do but often can’t. People have to cope with many problems and much trouble in real life, so they feel encouraged when they see the “good guys” win in the movies.

16. The Americans go to the movies mainly because they want _____.
 A. to enjoy a good story            B. to experience an exciting life
 C. to see the actors and actresses      D. to escape their daily life
答案:D細節(jié)題。文章第一段的第二句話說:“They go to the movies to escape their normal everyday existence and to experience a life more exciting than their own.”后面又談到“But the main reason why people go to the movies is to escape.”所以美國人去看電影的重要原因是逃避現(xiàn)實生活。A,B,C 只是原因之一,而不是主要原因。

17. Which of the following is people’s normal response to the movies they watch?
 A. They feel that everything on the screen is familiar to them.
 B. They try to turn their dreams into reality.
C. They become so involved that they forget their own problems.
 D. They are touched by the life stories of the stories of the actors and actresses.

18. It is obvious that real life is _____.
 A. less romantic than that in the movies      B. more romantic than that in the movies
 C. as romantic as that in the movies            D. filled with romantic stories
答案:A細節(jié)題。第一段的最后一句話:“They are in a dream world where things often appear to be more romantic and beautiful than in real life.”說明電影中的生活比現(xiàn)實生活浪漫。

19. The American movies are popular because _____.
 A. they are well-made and the stories are interesting
 B. the characters in the movies are free to do whatever they like
 C. the heroes have to cope with many problems and frustrations
 D. good guys in the movies always win in the end
答案:A細節(jié)題。答案在第二段:“American movies are popular because they tell stories and they are well-made.”因此A是正確答案。

20. People enjoy seeing the movies because they _____.
 A. are tired of their everyday lives
 B. feel inspired by the heroic deeds of the good guys
 C. want to see who win in the end
 D. have to cope with many problems in their lives
答案:B推理題。文章的最后說:“電影中有許多的英雄人物,他們做了許多普通人想做但又做不到的事情。而現(xiàn)實生活中我們必須處理許多問題,面對許多麻煩,因此當人們看到電影中的英雄獲勝的時候,會受到鼓舞。”所以人們喜歡看電影是因為他們會受到影片中人物的英雄事跡的鼓舞。A應當是人們看電影的原因之一,而不是enjoy seeing he movies。C,D都不符合文章的內(nèi)容。

PartⅡ Vocabulary and Structure
21. Mary regretted _____ to John’s birthday party last Sunday.
 A. not going  B. not to go  C. not having been going  D. not to be going

22. The famous novel is said _____ into Chinese.
 A. to have translated B. to be translate C. to have been translated D. to translate
答案:C。本句是動詞不定式的完成、被動式。當不定式的邏輯主語是不定式表示的動作的對象時(或是動作的承受者時),不定式一般要用被動式。不定式的完成式所表示的動作發(fā)生在謂語動作或狀態(tài)之前。如:He is not likely to have been told the result.這個結(jié)果可能還沒有告訴他。

23. Standing on the bank, the children watched the ship _____ with all kinds of goods.
 A. loading  B. being loaded  C. to be loaded  D. having loaded
答案:B。本句為現(xiàn)在分詞的被動做watch 的賓語補足語。因為賓語和賓補是動賓關(guān)系,而且表示動作正在進行,所以用現(xiàn)在分詞的被動式;watch 也可以跟無to不定式做賓補,表示動作已經(jīng)結(jié)束。Do you hear someone calling you? 你聽見有人叫你嗎?(現(xiàn)在分詞做賓補,表示動作正在進行。)Yes, I did. I heard him call me several times.是的,我聽見他叫了我?guī)状瘟恕#ú欢ㄊ阶鲑e補,表示動作已經(jīng)結(jié)束)。

24. I _____ writing the article by the time you get back.
 A. shall finish  B. must have finished  C. have finished  D. shall have finished
答案:D。本句為將來完成時。表示在將來的某一時刻或?qū)淼哪骋粫r刻之前已完成,這一動作可以繼續(xù)下去。When you come again in July we shall have moved into a new house.七月份你們再來的時候,我們就搬進新房子里去了。I shall have done it by the end of this week.我要在周末做完它。本句的意思是“我要在你回來之前寫完這篇文章”。

25. Mary never tells anyone what she does for a _____.
 A. job  B. work  C. profession  D. living
答案:D。living :生計。make (earn) a living 謀生,生計。

26. I’m sorry I couldn’t get in touch with him before he left, I _____ him earlier.
 A. had a telephone  B. have phoned  C. should have phoned  D. should be phoned
答案:C。should(ought to)+have+過去分詞:表示對過去動作的責備、批評。You should have gone over your lessons.你們應把功課復習好。You shouldn’t have watched TV last night.你們昨天晚上不應該看電視。

27. With the old man _____ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.
 A. leading  B. led  C. lead  D. to be led
答案:A。介詞with可以跟復合賓語。表示伴隨的情況和結(jié)果。stand with one’s hands in one’s pockets.兩手插在口袋里站著。The king came in, with all his servants following after him.國王回來了,后面跟著全體仆役。There had been a riot with twenty injured.曾經(jīng)發(fā)生了一場有20人受傷的暴亂。

28. _____ anything about the accident, he went to work as well.
 A. Not know  B. Know not  C. Knowing not  D. Not knowing

29. Nowhere else in the world _____ more attractive scenery than in Switzerland.
 A. you can find  B. is found  C. can you find  D. has been found
答案:C。否定詞nowhere放在句首,句子倒裝:否定詞+助動詞(be動詞)+主語。常放在句首的否定詞有:nowhere (沒有地方),never(從不),hardly, scarcely(幾乎不),little(幾乎沒有)等。Barely does he have enough money to live on.他幾乎沒有足夠的錢為生。Little did I think that I would lose the game.我根本沒有想到我會輸?shù)暨@場比賽。

30. The voters told the politician that he could _____ on their support in the next general elections.
 A. expect  B. decide  C. count  D. doubt
答案:C。count on(upon):依靠,指望。You can count on me for everything in the future .你將來的一切可以全靠我。You can’t count on the weather being fine. 你不能指望天晴。本句的意思“選民們對這位政客說他在明年的大選中依靠他們”。其余的選項意思都不正確。

31. An old friend from abroad, _____ I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me from the airport.
 A. that  B. whom  C. who  D. which
答案:B。whom,關(guān)系代詞,在定語從句中做with 的賓語,指人。

32. Peter wishes that he _____ law instead of literature when he was in college.
 A. could study  B. studied  C. had studied  D. would study
答案:C。wish 后面的賓語從句要使用虛擬語氣,虛擬語氣中時態(tài)類似在非真實條件從句中時態(tài)的應用――時態(tài)后移。與現(xiàn)在的事實相反(用過去時),I wish I were you .但愿我是你多好??!與過去的事實相反的愿望(用過去完成時),I wish he hadn’t made the big mistake.他要是不犯那個大錯誤,該有多好!與將來的愿望相反即愿望難以實現(xiàn)(用過去將來時),I wish I could be of more use in the future.我希望我將來有點用處。

33. When she heard the bad news, she _____ completely.
 A. broke away  B. broke up  C. broke down  D. broke out
答案:C。break down: 禁不住痛哭,(身體、精神)垮了。When she heard the news she broke down and cried. 當她聽到這個消息是,她失聲痛哭。本句的意思是“當聽到她兒子死亡的消息時她放聲痛哭。”因此只有C最符合題意。break out:爆發(fā),突然發(fā)生。The economic crisis broke out first in the United States.經(jīng)濟危機首先爆發(fā)在美國。break away斷絕關(guān)系。He broke away from all his old friends. 他與所有的老朋友斷絕了來往。break up:打破,打碎。I broke up the chocolate bar and gave each child a small piece.我把長條形巧克力弄碎,給每個孩子一小塊。

34. He _____ a large fortune from his business.
 A. made  B. won  C. expected  D. gained
答案:A。make a fortune:發(fā)財。固定搭配。He made a fortune out of smuggling.他靠走私發(fā)了一大筆財。

35. He never wrote to his father _____ he was in need of money.
 A. except  B. except when  C. except for  D. except that
答案:B。except 和except for 都是介詞,后面接短語。而except that和except when后面接賓語從句。that在從句中只起連接作用。而when在從句中做狀語。如:She knew nothing about his journey except that he was likely to be away for three months.關(guān)于他們的旅行她不清楚,只知道他大概要離開三個月。(that 在賓語從句中只起連接作用)He was a man of fine character in all points except that he was rather timid.他在各方面都很好,除了有點膽小。而本句要選擇except when,因為when 在從句中做狀語。

36. He looked behind him to _____ he was not being followed.
 A. believe  B. find  C. make sure  D. look
答案:C。make sure:確信,保證。本句的意思是“他向后看了看,確信沒有人跟蹤他。”

37. The car was repaired but not quite to my _____.
 A. joy  B. pleasure  C. attraction  D. satisfaction
答案:D。to one’s satisfaction(名詞):使某人滿意的是…;to one’s surprise:使某人吃驚的是;to one’s amazement:使某人高興的是。

38. Are you _____ spending more money on the space program?
 A. in favor of  B. by favor of  C. in favor to  D. out of favor
答案;A。in favor of贊同,支持。He refused a job in government in favor of a university appointment. 他拒絕了政府部門的工作而選擇了大學的職位。只有A 最符合題意。by(the) favor of(信封上用語)煩請…面交,out of favor(with sb):失寵于(某人),不受某人的歡迎。沒有in favor to的搭配。

39. Fortunately, the demonstration _____ to be quite peaceful.
 A. turned in  B. turned out  C. showed off  D. showed up
答案:B。turn out:原來是,最后證明是。The weather turned out to be fine.結(jié)果天氣很好。turn in:交換,交上。You must turn in your uniform before you leave. 你離開前必須把制服交還。show off:炫耀,賣弄。show off one’s knowledge 炫耀知識。show up:變的突出,顯得醒目。White turns up well against a blue background.白色經(jīng)藍色的背景一襯托更為醒目。

40. _____ was unimportant.
 A. Whether he enjoyed our dinner or not      B. No matter how he enjoyed our dinner
 C. If he enjoyed our dinner                  D. What he enjoyed our dinner

41. Selfish people often take _____ of other people’s kindness.
 A. advantage  B. care  C. use  D. profit
答案:A。take advantage of:利用。本句的意思是“自私的人都利用他的善良”,所以A最符合題意。take care of:照顧。其余兩個詞都沒有這樣的搭配。

42. His business is growing so fast that he must _____ more workers.
 A. take up  B. take on  C. take over  D. take out
答案:B。take on:有“開始雇傭”的意思。如:Doctor Watson isn’t taking on any new patients.沃森醫(yī)生不再接收新病人了。本句的意思是“他的生意發(fā)展的如此的快,他必須雇傭更多的工人?!币虼薆 最符合題意。take up:占去(地方、時間、經(jīng)歷、注意力等)This table takes up too much space.這張桌子太占地方了。take over:接收,接管。The new department head took over yesterday.新的部主任昨天接任。take out:拿出,取出。He took his pen out and signed on the spot.他掏出筆,當場簽了字。

43. It is desirable that he _____.
A. gives up trying  B. give up trying  C. would give up trying
D. is going to give up trying
答案:B。句型It is desirable (suggested,necessary,requested,ordered,proposed,important)+that+主語+should(可省略)+V(動詞原形)。因此本句選B。如:It is strange that he(should)go himself.真奇怪,他怎么自己獨自去呢?

44. Young _____ he is, he knows what is the right thing to do.
 A. that  B. as  C. although  D. however
答案:B。as引導的讓步狀語從句要倒裝。可以有以下幾種情況:adj+as+主語+系動詞be:Young as he is, he knows a lot of things.雖然他年齡不大,可知道的事情很多。n(不帶冠詞)+as+主語+系動詞be:King as he is, he is unhappy.雖然他是個國王,可是他并不快樂。adv+as+主語+動詞:Much as I like it, I won’t buy it雖然我很喜歡它,但是我還是不買它。V+as+主語+助動詞:Try as she does, she will never pass it.無論她怎樣努力,她也不會通過的。

45. This is one of the best books _____ on the subject.
 A. that have ever been written              B. which have ever been written
 C. that has ever been written              D. whatever have been written

46. We were not surprised at _____, for he had worked so hard.
 A. what has he achieved  B. that what he had achieved  
C. what he had achieved    D. that he had achieved

47. My room is a mess. It needs _____.
 A. to be tidying up  B. tidying up  C. to tidy up  D. tidied up
答案:B。句型:主語(物)+need(want,request)+doing(to be done),后面用動名詞的主動形式來表示被動含義或不定式的被動形式來表示。The house needs cleaning.(to be cleaned):這房子需要打掃了。The radio needs repairing(to be repaired).這臺收音機需要修理了。

48. A great celebration is going to be held _____ the distinguished writer.
 A. in spite of  B. in honor of  C. in favor of  D. in the name of
答案B。in honor of:為了紀念…。本句的意思是“為了紀念這位杰出的作家,準備舉行一個慶祝會。”因此只有B最符合題意。in spite of …盡管…in favor of:贊成…。in the name of用…名義,代表…

49. All the members in the jury agreed that the man was _____ of theft.
 A. criminal  B. charged  C. guilty  D. faulty
答案:C。be guilty of:有罪的,有過失的。be found guilty of murder被判犯有謀殺罪。因此C最符合題意。Charge:(動詞)控告,指責charge sb with murder指控某人犯謀殺罪。criminal(名詞)罪犯,faulty:有錯誤的,有缺點的。

50. Having finished the letter, he ____ it carefully and sealed the envelop with a kiss.
 A. folded  B. bent  C. turned  D. equipped
答案:A。fold:折疊,對折。fold a blanket(letter):折毯子(信)本句的意思是“他寫完信,小心地疊起來,用舌頭舔了一下封上口?!币虼薃最符合題意。Bent:彎曲的;turn:旋轉(zhuǎn)。equip:裝備。

51. The police were given an order that the stolen documents must be recovered at all ___
 A. accounts  B. conditions  C. payments  D. costs
答案:D。at all costs:不惜任何代價,無論如何。account 一般常用:on all accounts:無論如何;conditions 和payments都不和at搭配。

52. This new instrument is far superior _____ the old one we bought three years ago.
 A. than  B. to  C. over  D. of
答案:B。be superior to…,地位高于…品質(zhì)優(yōu)于…This engine is superior in every respect to that one .這臺發(fā)動機在很多方面比那臺好。

53. Not until I reminded him for the third time _____ working and looked up.
 A. that he stopped  B. does he stopped  C. did he stop  D. that he stopped
答案:C。not until放在句首,句子倒裝。Not until he finished his homework did Li Ming watch TV.李明做完作業(yè)后才看電視。

54. I am very sorry for _____ for so long.
 A. keep you waiting B. having kept you waiting C. waiting for you D. keep you wait
答案:B。介詞后面要跟動名詞做賓語,當動名詞的動作在謂語動詞所表示的動作之前發(fā)生時,要用動名詞的完成式。Thank you for having helped me so much.感謝你給了我這么多的幫助。

55. No sooner had they got off the train _____ it started moving.
 A. when  B. than  C. then  D. after
答案:B。no sooner…..than…:一…就…;hardly…when…:一…就…;scarcely…when…:一…就…。No sooner had I lain down than the telephone rang.我剛躺下,電話鈴就響了。Scarcely had the baby cried when the nurse rushed to carry him.嬰兒一哭保姆就趕快去抱他。本句的意思是:“他們剛把貨物蓋好,就開始下雨了?!?
56. The teacher has his students _____ a composition every other week.
 A. to write  B. written  C. writing  D. write
答D。have sb do sth, 讓某人做某事。。have此處為使役動詞,后面接賓補的時候,省去to

57. When and where the new hospital will be built _____ a mystery.
 A. to remain  B. remains  C. remain  D. is remaining
答案:B。動名詞,不定式,從句做主語時,謂語動詞一般用單數(shù)。To see is to believe.百聞不如一見。Swimming is a good way to keep health.游泳是個健身的好辦法。Who is her father is not known.誰是她的父親尚不得知。本句為主語從句做主語, 因此用單數(shù)動詞。

58. The middle-aged man was seen _____ out of the house on the afternoon of the murder.
 A. came  B. come  C. to come  D. have come
答案:C。感官動詞feel,hear,see,watch等后面接賓補的時候,要用無to不定式。但如果句子是主語的補足語的話,要加上to。A thief was seen to steal something from the room.一個小偷被看見從屋子里偷了東西。

59. The premier and the visiting foreign minister had a talk in ___ friendly atmosphere.
 A. a most  B. most  C. very  D. the very
答案:A。atmosphere:(心理上的)周圍的情況, 環(huán)境,氣氛, 是可數(shù)名詞,一般要加不定冠詞。因此B,C,D都是錯誤的。an atmosphere of peace:和平的環(huán)境 create a tense atmosphere造成緊張的氣氛。本句的意思是“總理和來訪的外國總理在非常友好的氣氛中進行了交談。”

60. My next door neighbor Johnson seems to have _____ opinion on the show last night.
 A. rather the strong  B. rather strong  C. a rather strong  D. the rather strong
答案:C。和59的語法點相同。首先,opinion:意見,看法,主張,是可數(shù)名詞,一般要不定冠詞。His opinions are usually based on facts.他是意見通常是以事實為依據(jù)。I am not qualified to give an opinion on the matter.我沒有資格發(fā)表意見。再者,rather(adv.):相當,頗(用以強調(diào)),放在所修飾的形容詞之前。Everybody was rather tired after the game.比賽后大家都累了。A rather appetizing smell met him.一陣誘發(fā)食欲的香味朝他撲面而來。A,B,D都是錯誤

Part Ⅲ Identification
61. If you [happen] to [come across] Jack, please tell him [to come] and
                   A    B                      C
see me when he [will be free].
答案:D。應改為is free。when引導的時間狀語從句中要用一般現(xiàn)在時表示將來。如:If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go to the Summer Palace.如果明天不下雨,我們?nèi)ヮU和園。When he gets to the village, he will write to me.他到村里后就寫信給我。

62. The United States [is composed of ]fifty states, [two of those] are
            A                                      B
[separated from] [the others] by  land or water.
       C                      D       
答案:B。應改為:two of which。非限定性定語從句,which在從句中指fifty states。

63. The news [coming from] [different parts] of the world [are] often
          A             B               C    
[extremely discouraging] these days.  
答案:C。應改為is。當以news (新聞), means(方法),works (工廠)等一般被認為是形式是復數(shù),意思是單數(shù)的詞,做主語時謂語動詞一般用單數(shù)形式。Every means has been tried.每一種方式都試過了。Here is the news.現(xiàn)在報告新聞。

64. We [had lived] in this house for three years [while] my father
                  A                     B
decided [to have] us [move] to a new neighborhood.
                 C               D

65. I [don’t think] I can [understand] this book, the subject [it] deals
       A               B                     C
[with] is not familiar with me. 
答案:D:應改為to。be familiar to:熟悉…,后面常跟人做賓語。如:His name was familiar to many people.許多人熟悉他的名字。be familiar with:熟悉…后面常跟物做賓語。如:He is familiar with English.他通曉英語。

66. Nancy had [a great deal of] trouble [to Concentrate on] her work
                 A            B     
[because of] the noise [in] the next room. 
         C                      D 
答案:B。應改為:concentrating on。have trouble in doing sth…,做什么事情有麻煩。

67. The course would [have been offered] this term, but it [cancelled]
                  A                        B
because too few students [had registered] before registration [closed]. 
                      C                           D
答案:B。應改為:was cancelled,被動語態(tài)。

68. [Even though] she looks very [young], she is [twice older than] my
       A                     B             C   
[twenty-year-old] sister. 
答案:C。應改為:twice as old as。 

69.In the days when coal was so [widely] used, [no one] realized how
                             A          B  
soon and [how complete] oil would replace [it].  
             C                     D
答案:C。應改為:completely。soon和completely 修飾句中的動詞replace。how修飾兩個副詞,soon 和completely并列。

70.[Those of us] who work in chemical [laboratories] should have [their]
  A                             B                 C  
lungs [checked] quite regularly. 
答案:C。應改為our,代指前面的those of us。

Part IV  Cloze
??Tourism has become a very big 71 . For Spain, Italy and Greece it is the largest 72 of foreign exchange, and 73 for Britain, it is the fourth. Faced 74 this huge new income, no government can afford to look 75 on the business; questions of hotel bath rooms, beach umbrellas and ice-cream sales are now 76 by ministers of tourism with solemn expertise. Before the Second World War the tourist industry was widely 77 as being unmanly and stupid. But 78 has become a new industry, as trade business used 79 ; in Spain, Italy, Greece and much of Eastern Europe, new road 80 have opened up in the country, first to tourists, and 81 to industry and locals.

??82of tourism is a nationalized industry, a 83 part of national planning. In a place west of Marseilles, the French government is killing mosquitoes and 84 six big vacation places to 85 nearly a million tourists. In Eastern Europe, a whole new seaside 86 has sprung up 87 the last few years: the governments have greatly 88 when tourists from the West 89 from half a million four years 90 to nearly two million last year.

71. A. firm  B. business  C. company  D. affair
答案:B。business:交易,生意,商業(yè)。He is in the grocery business.他做雜貨生意。Most of the store’s business comes from women.該店主要做婦女的生意。所以tourism 應當說是一個大的商業(yè),生意。和題的意思最貼切。firm:公司。Company:公司。affair:事物,事件。international affairs國際事物;the present state of affairs目前形勢。

72. A. factor  B. resource  C. source  D. cause
答案:C。根據(jù)文章的內(nèi)容,這里指的是“外匯來源”。source:來源,根源。source of income 收入來源。sources of energy能源。而factor:因素。resource:資源。cause:原因。

73. A. even  B. yet  C. also  D. ever

74. A. in front of  B. of  C. with  D. for
答案:C。be faced with:面對,面臨。

75. A. up  B. at  C. for  D. down      
答案:D。look down on (upon)看不起,輕視?!癟he literary establishment generally looks down on artists.”文學界一般來說看不起畫家。

76. A. determined  B. discussed  C. argued  D. sold
答案:B。前一句說:沒有一個政府敢輕視這一行業(yè),所以旅游部長要和老師親自討論這些細小的問題:賓館的衛(wèi)生間,沙灘上的遮陽傘,冰激凌的銷售。因此discuss最符合題意。determined常用在:be determined to do sth….下定決心做….argue :辯論,提出理由。Sold:賣,出售。

77. A. regarded  B. said  C. talked  D. spread
答案:A。regard …as…,把…看作…。

78. A. agriculture  B. war  C. tourism  D. education
答案:C 根據(jù)上下文的意思,這里要填:tourism。

79. A. be done  B. done  C. to do  D. to doing
答案:C。used to do sth:表示過去常常做某事。be used to doing sth:習慣…..。其余的搭配都是錯誤的。

80. A. types B. styles  C. buildings  D. systems 
答案:D。road system :道路系統(tǒng)

81. A. than  B. later  C. then  D. latter
答案:C。因為前面出現(xiàn)first to…因此后面接then to…

82. A. Many  B. All  C. None  D. Much


83. A. key  B. minor  C. linking  D. questioning

答案:A。key:關(guān)鍵的。這里指旅游是國家計劃的重要組成部分。因此A 符合題意。minor 次要的,不重要的。linking:連接。questioning:提問。都不符合題意。

84. A. built  B. building  C. to be built  D. have built
答案:B。building和and前面的 killing并列。

85. A. attract  B. pull  C. hold  D. contain
答案:A。attract:吸引。建立大的旅游景點來吸引大批的游客。因此只有attract最符合題意。 pull:拉,拽。hold:容納,舉行。contain:包含。

86. A. civilization  B. culture  C. writing  D. book
答案:B culture:文化“一種全新的海濱文化出現(xiàn)了。”因此只有B的意思最合適。civilization:文明。 writing:筆跡。 Book:書。

87. A. over  B. for  C. after  D. beyond
答案:A。over :…期間。He’d had flu over Christmas .他在圣誕節(jié)期間曾患感冒。over the last few years:在過去的幾年里。因此只有A 是正確的。

88. A. suffered  B. lost  C. invested  D. benefited
答案:D。benefit :得益,受益。因此只有D 最符合題意。“由于旅游者的人數(shù)增加,政府大大的受益?!眘uffer :遭受,忍受(常接from)lose:丟失。invest:投資。意思都不正確。

89. A. added  B. divided  C. reduced  D. multiplied
答案:D。multiply:成倍增加。本句的意思是“旅游人數(shù)成倍增加?!币虼酥挥蠨最符合題意。 add:增加。(常用add to)divide:分開,分割。reduce:減少。

90. A. since  B. before  C. ago  D. after
答案:C。過去時中常用ago 表示時間狀語。

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