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第二部分   英語知識(shí)運(yùn)用

第一節(jié)  單項(xiàng)填空


21 . The party ________. You are a little late.
[A] just began      [B] just has began    [C] has just begun     [D] begun just now

22. - That would mean _________ a lot of labour.
- Really? I don't mean ________ any labour.
[A] to waste; wasting                      [B] wasting; to waste
[C] to waste; to waste                     [D] wasting; wasting

23. _________ interesting book it is !
[A] What        [B] What a         [C] What an         [D] How an

24. They lay almost flat and _________ through the tube like underground passage.
[A] climbed        [B] crawled          [C] slid              [D] glided

25. She always wears beautiful _________.
[A] clothes         [B] cloth             [G] dress             [D] clothing

26. The editor told the reporter to write a _________ report.
[A] two-thousand-words                   [B] two-thousands-words
[C] two-thousand-word                     [D] two thousand words

27. The house is ________ fire.
[A] in           [B] on             [C] at              [D] with

28. Would you please be ________ to do me a favor?
[A] so kind as      [B] too kind as       [C] as kind as        [D] not so as to

29. If only I ________ speak English better!
[A] can           [B] could           [C] should           [D] must

30. -I'm afraid there's a mistake in the bill. You've charged me for three bottles, not two
[A] Forget it!                             [B] I hope you can do something about it
[C] Never mind, it doesn't really matter.    [D] I'm extremely sorry about that.

31. This recorder costs _________ money than that one.
[A] little           [B] less              [C] fewer             [D] few

32. He didn't tell _________ truth. He told _________ lie.
[A] /;/           [B] the; the         [C] a; a             [D] the; a

33. -You would have caught the train; you went there a little later.
-_________, I ________ the bus.
[A] Yes, had missed                      [B] Yes, missed
[C] No, don't miss                       [D] No, wouldn't miss

34. -Have you been to Shanghai?
[A] Not already     [B] Not ever          [C] Not never         [D] Not yet

35. -We ' re going to London for holiday next week. Would you mind taking care of my garder
while we ' re away?
-Not at all. _________.
[A] Sorry, I have no time                 [B] I'd rather not
[C] With pleasure                        [D] No, I wouldn't

第二節(jié) 完形填空

閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給各題的四個(gè)選項(xiàng) (A.B.C和D )中選出能填入相應(yīng)空白處的最佳選項(xiàng) ,并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。

The northern parts of the United States get very cold in the winter. It   (36)   a great deal and the temperature often goes   (37)   zero degree in January,    38   and March. But the northeastern and northcentral regions of   (39)   have been financial and industrial   (40)  , and they are heavily polluted.

In recent years, people in these   (41)   have begun to take vacations   (42)   these cold winter months. They go to southern parts of the country   (43)   it is warmer. Many go to Florida where the weather is   (44)  . Others go to the western states of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas where they (45)   dry desert climates It has become   (46   nowadays, for older people to move south to these places   47   they retire Typically these people   (48)   their houses in their home communities and move south to begin a new life(49)   senior citizens.

Their children likely have homes   (50)   and many of them move south   (51)   communities where they were   (52)   . The southern and southwestern parts of the country are now growing   (53)   any other parts. Business and industry   (54)   many offices and factories in the   (55)   . California is already the most popular state in the country.

36. [A] rains          [B] winds           [G] clouds           [D] snows
37. [A] below         [B] above           [G] nearer           [D] over
38. [A] April         [B] May            [C] February         [D] June
39. [A] the town       [B] the country       [C] the city           [D] the state
40. [A] centres         [B] factories          [C] workshops         [D] plants
41. [A] countries       [B] regions          [C] cities             [D] towns
42. [A] among        [B] toward          [C] during           [D] before
43. [A] where         [B] when           [C] which           [D] that
44. [A] typical         [B] usual            [C] tropical           [D] practical
45. [A] get rid of      [B] look for         [C] search for        [D] find
46. [A] strange        [B] traditional        [C] common          [D] rare
47. [A] when         [B] where           [C] unless           [D] though
48. [A] buy           [B] sell             [C] rent             [D] rebuild
49. [A] for           [B] as             [G] to              [D] toward
50. [A] of their        [B] for their own      [C] for theirs          [D] for their own's
51. [A] nearest        [B] among          [G] away from        [D] far to
52. [A] born          [B] raised           [C] lost              [D] found
53. [A] less than       [B] as fast as         [C] as slow as         [D] faster than
54. [A] have opened    [B] closed           [C] rebuilt            [D] setup
55. [A] north          [B] west            [C] east             [D] south



第三部分  閱讀理解

閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng) (A.B,C和D)中選出最佳選項(xiàng) ,并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑 。


"How are you?" is a nice question. It's a friendly way that people in the United States greet each other. But "How are you?" is also a very unusual question. It's a question that often doesn't have an answer. The person who asks How are you? expects to hear the answer ' Fine , even if the person's friend isn't fine. The reason is that "How are you?" isn't really a question, and "Fine" isn't really an answer. They are simply other ways of saying ' Hello and ' Hi .

People also don't say exactly what they are thinking when they finish conversations with other people.

For example, many conversations over the phone end when one person says I ve got to go now . Often,the person who wants to hang up gives an excuse: Someone s at the door.   I ve got to put the groceries(食品、雜貨) away." "Something is burning on the stove (爐子)." The excuse might be real, or it might not. Perhaps the person who wants to hang up simply doesn ' t want to talk any more, but it isn ' t very polite to say that. The excuse is more polite, and it doesn't hurt the other person's feeling.

Whether they are greeting each other or ending a conversation, people often don t say exactly what they are thinking. It is an important way that people try to be nice to each other, and it s all part of the game of languages.

56. People are expected to answer the question "How are you?" with ________
[A] "How are you?"
[B] "Fine."
[C] "Hello."
[D] "I don't feel well today."

57. "How are you?" is an unusual question because it is _________.
[A] hard to answer
[B] used more often than any other question
[C] more friendly than any other question
[D] not treated as a question

58. An impolite way to end a telephone conversation is to say _________
[A] " I ' ve got to put the groceries away. "
[B] "Someone's at the door."
[C] "I want to hang up. "
[D] "Something is burning on the stove. "

59. When a person says, "I 've got to go now" . " Someone ' s at the door" , he
[A] may not be telling the truth
[B] is leaving for another place
[C] hurts the other person ' s feelings
[D] is going to call back later

60. Part of the game of languages is _________
[A] never disagree with others
[B] always say what you are thinking
[C] never say what you are thinking
[D] try to be nice and polite to each other


This book is designed for advanced learners of English as a second language who need practice in improving their reading speed and understanding in order to use freely in colleges and universities where lessons are taught in English and where, perhaps, they must compete with students whose native language is English. It has been our experiment that even "advanced" learners of English are likely to be slow readers. Therefore, the emphasis(SL-) of the book is in increasing reading speed, not on vocabulary development.

61 . This book can help readers _______.
[A] with their grammar
[B] read fast
[C] improve their spoken English
[D] write good English

62. The book is fit for ________.
[A] advanced learners of English
[B] English beginners
[C] second language leaners
[D] English native speakers

63.According to passage which of the following statements is true?
[A] Advanced learners like to read slowly
[B] Advanced learners of English is someone who has already learned the basic facts of English
[C] Advanced leaners are slow readers.
[D] An advanced learner has learned two foreign languages.




On the evening of June 21, 1992, a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful
hall of the Bell Tower Hotel in Xi ' an with his bicycle. The hotel workers received him and telephoned the manager, for they had never seen a bicycle in the hotel hall before though they lived in "the kingdom of bicycles".

Robert Friedlander, an American, arrived in Xi'an on his bicycle trip across Asia which started last December in New Delhi, India.

When he was 11, he read the book Marco Polo and made up his mind to visit the Silk Road. Now,
after 44 years, he was on the Silk Road in Xi ' an. His early dreams were corning true.
Robert Friedlander's next destinations were Lanzhou, Dunhuang, Urumqi, etc. He will complete
his trip in Pakistan.

64. The best headline for the newspaper article would be _________.
[A]A Beautiful Hotel in Xi'an
[B] An American Achieving his Aims
[C] Marco Polo and the Silk Road
[D] The Kingdom of Bicycle

65. The hotel workers told the manager about Friedlander coming to the hotel because
[A] he asked to see the manager
[B] he entered the hall with a bike
[C] the manager had to know about all foreign guests
[D] the manager knew about his trip and was expecting him

66. Friedlander is visiting the three countries in the following order _________.
[A] China, India, and Pakistan
[B] China, Pakistan, and India
[C] India, China, and Pakistan
[D] Pakistan, China, and India

67. What made Friedlander want to come to China?
[A] His childhood dreams about bicycles.
[B] His interest in Chinese silk.
[C] The famous sights in Xi ' an.
[D] The stories about Marco Polo.


American society does not treat nap(-FBI) friendly. In fact, says David Dinges, a sleep specialist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. "There's even a prohibition against admitting we need sleep". Nobody wants to be caught napping or found asleep at work. To quote a proverb: " Some sleep five hours, nature requires seven, laziness nine and wickedness eleven.

Wrong. The way not to fall asleep at work is to take naps when you need them. We have to totally change our attitude toward napping", says Dr. William Dement of Stanford University, the godfather of sleep research.

Last year a national commission led by Dement identified an "American sleep debt" which one
member said was as important as the national debt. The commission was concerned about the dangers of sleepness: people causing industrial accidents or falling asleep while driving. This may be why we have a new sleep policy in the White House. According to recent reports, president Clinton is trying to take a half hour snooze (-JB-SS) every afternoon.

About 60 percent of American adults nap when given the opportunity. We seem to have "a
midafternoon quiet phase" also called "a secondary sleep gate". Sleeping 15 minutes to two hours in the early afternoon can reduce stress and make us refreshed. Clearly, we were born to nap. We superstars of snooze don t nap to replace lost shut-eye or to prepare for a night shift. Rather,we 'snack on sleep, whenever, wherever and at whatever time we feel like it. I myself have napped in buses, cars, planes and on boats; on floors and beds; and in libraries, offices and museums.

68. It is coininonly accepted in American society that too much sleep is
[ A ] unreasonable
[Bj criminal
[C] harmful
[D] costly

69. The research done by the Dement commission shows that Americans
[A] don ' t like to take naps
[B] are terribly worried about their national debt
[C] think sleeping less is good for them
[D] have caused many industrial and traffic accidents

70. The purpose of this article is to ________.
[ A ] warn us of the wickedness of napping
[ B ] explain the danger of sleepiness
[ G ] discuss the side effects of napping
[ D ] convince the reader of the necessity of napping

71. The "American sleep debt" (Line I, Para. 3 )is the result of___
[A] the traditional misconception about sleep
[B] the new sleep policy of the Clinton Administration
[ C ] the rapid development of American industry
[D] the Americans' worry about the danger of sleepness




Linda was a few minutes late. Wilson had left the office when she got there. His secretary told her that he would be back in a few minutes. She had to sit down and wait for a few minutes in the outer office.

"I'll never get this job," she told herself. For a moment she wanted to run out of the building. Just then, Wilson came through the door and hurried into his office. A few seconds later his secretary took Linda in and introduced her.

Linda apologized for being late. Wilson did not seem to notice. They chatted casually for a few
seconds and then got down to business. He took out her letter of application.

"You've never worked in radio or television before, have you?" he asked. Linda answered that she was afraid she hadn't. Now she was even more sure that she would not get the job. Wilson asked her a few more questions.

To her surprise he seemed impressed with her other qualifications. She was even more surprised
when he asked if she could start soon. "I wonder if you'd mind starting next month?" he asked with a smile. It seemed she had got the job after all!

72. What do you think Linda was doing?
[A] Linda was visiting one of her friends.
[B] Linda was waiting for her friend.
[C] Linda was having an interview.
[D] Linda was chatting with the secretary.

73. Linda thought she couldn't get the job not only because she was late for the appointment but
also because ________.
[A] she was nervous
[B] Mr.Wilson didn't like her
[C] Mr.Wilson was inattentive
[D] she had no relative working experiences

74.Which of the following is wrong according to the passage?
[A] Linda was quite sure that whe would get the job at last.
[B] Linda was quite surprised that whe finally got the job.
[C] Linda once wanted to run off from the building and didn't want to have the interview.
[D] Linda was a few minutes late for the interview.

75.Where could Linda later?
[A] In a department store.
[B] In a radio or television
[C] In an office
[D] In a supermarket

第四部分  寫作

第一節(jié)  短文改錯(cuò)

此題要求改正所給短文中的錯(cuò)誤。對(duì)標(biāo)有題號(hào)的每一行作出判斷 :如無錯(cuò)誤 ,在該行右邊橫線上畫一個(gè)勾( );如有錯(cuò)誤(每行只有一個(gè)錯(cuò)誤),則按下列情況改正 。

多一個(gè)詞 :把多余的詞用斜線 (\)劃掉 ,在該行右邊橫線上寫出該詞 ,并也用斜線劃掉。
缺一個(gè)詞 :在缺詞處加一個(gè)漏字符號(hào)(A  ),在該行右邊橫線上寫出該加的詞。
錯(cuò)一個(gè)詞 :在錯(cuò) 的詞下劃一橫線 ,在該行右邊橫線上寫出改正后的詞。
注意 :原行沒有錯(cuò)的不要改。

People all over the world write to Big Ben.
They even send birthday ' s presents. One          76.___________
present was a bottle of oil-to help keeping        77.___________
Big Ben running. Big Ben is a clock in London.
Big Ben is the great clock highly up in            78.___________
a tower, the building in London where laws are
made there. People like to see Big Ben ' s         79.___________
friendly face(The clock has four) . They like      80.___________
to hear the chimes(-.P-)each 15 minutes. They      81.___________
like to hear the big bell beating the hour.        82.___________
Radio sends the noise of t-e big clock to          83.___________
the rest of the world. The BBC begins to send      84.___________
chimes in 1923. Ever since, Big Ben had been a     85.___________
radio star.

第二節(jié)  書面表達(dá)

下面是一粒豆子的生長(zhǎng)過程示意圖。請(qǐng)根據(jù)圖示英文寫一篇說明文 。





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