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  不丹:幸福勝過(guò)財(cái)富 1)Bhutan-Where Happiness 2)Outranks Wealth

What is happines

  really? In conventional development theory, it equals money and prosperity, as measured by 3)GNP (Gross National Product). But Bhutan, the famously remote and beautiful Buddhist kingdom in the Himalaya has been trying out a different concept. 4)Espoused by the country’s king, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, its government has been using a standard called GNH, or Gross National Happiness. It has 5)underpinned the country’s approach to change and development.

  After centuries of self-imposed isolation, in 1961, Bhutan opened its doors to the world. The Bhutanese quickly learnt that in the pursuit of economic prosperity, many countries had lost their cultural identitie as well as their spirituality, and 6)compromised their environments. From a Buddhist perspective the burst of consumer-driven, economic growth, and consequently the explosion of affluence in industrialized nation had resulted in widespread spiritual poverty. It was a clear message to the Bhutanese that economic growth alone did not bring contentment.

  However, the government also knew that change was inevitable. So Bhutan had to come up with a different approach to development―something that would monitor and regulate the nature and pace of change without compromising the essence of its citizens’ well-being. Thu GNH was born. GNH, according to the Center of Bhutan Studies in the capital, Thimphu, is not against change. It 7)propounds development by balancing economic development, preservation of the environment, and religious-cultural heritage. The underlying message is that the country should not sacrifice elements important for people’s happiness to gain material development. In short, GNH 8)takes into account not just the flow of money, but also access to healthcare, free time with family, conservation of natural resource and other non-economic factors.



  雖然如此,不丹政府也清楚改變是不可避免的。因此不丹必須尋求一種不同的發(fā)展途徑―― 一種能夠監(jiān)控及規(guī)范“變化”的本質(zhì)和速度,而又不會(huì)犧牲其國(guó)民基本幸福的方式。GNH因此應(yīng)運(yùn)而生。據(jù)位于不丹首都廷布的不丹研究中心稱,GNH與改變并不相斥,它提出發(fā)展必須在經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展、保護(hù)環(huán)境及保存宗教文化遺產(chǎn)之間取得平衡。其中隱含的信息是,國(guó)家不應(yīng)以犧牲那些對(duì)人們的幸福至關(guān)重要的東西來(lái)獲取物質(zhì)方面的發(fā)展。簡(jiǎn)而言之,GNH不但考慮資金流向,而且還顧及衛(wèi)生保健、家人共處的休閑時(shí)間、保護(hù)自然資源以及其他非經(jīng)濟(jì)因素。

  In 1998, Bhutan’s Prime Minister, Jigmi Thinley, identified the “Four Pillars” of GNH, which today form the overall guiding principle for development in Bhutan. The first is sustainable and equitable socio-economic development. This stresses the improvement of physical, intellectual, social, and economic health through services such as health, education, trade and commerce, road and bridge construction, employment, urban development, and housing. As a result, education and health were provided free of cost to all Bhutanese even though the country was still poor. The second pillar is conservation of the environment. Only 16% of Bhutan’s land is 9)arable, so there is pressure to 10)fell trees and sell timber. But the law requires that the proportion of tree cover must not be less than 65%. At present about 72% of Bhutan is forest. The hydropower projects―main drivers of the country’s economy―are mostly “run-of-the-river” schemes which 11)pose far less impact on the environment, and far less human displacement, than would huge dams. The third pillar is preservation and promotion of culture. The Bhutanese government views this as a crucial strategy to preserve the country’s sovereignty. It has implemented policies that conserve and promote Bhutanese religion, language and literature, art and architecture, performing art national dres traditional 12)etiquette, and sports and recreation. For instance, the government requires all Bhutanese to wear traditional dress to office temple and official 13)functions. And the last pillar is good governance. The Bhutanese believe that good governance is vital for the happiness of the people.


  While this novel approach to development is still very much a work in progres importantly, it is today serving as a 14)catalyst for broader discussions worldwide on happiness―15)stoking ideas about whether governments and peoples should accept happiness as a legitimate and measurable pursuit. Across the world an increasing number of bureaucrat economist corporate leader and social scientists are discussing the subject.

  “Happines as we learn in Buddhism, can only come from within the self, through the understanding of one’s own mind. So GNH is the responsibility of the state to create the right environment where the citizen can seek and find that happines ” said Kinley Dorji, editor-in-chief of Kuensel, Bhutan’s national newspaper.

  That said, GNH does not ignore economic development, according to the Center for Bhutan Studies. On the contrary, economic development planning is critical, but as only one means by which happiness should be achieved. Renata Dessallien, the Resident Coordinator for UN agencies in Bhutan, recently stated, “GNH 16)encapsulates both the quantity and quality of development or ‘progress’. 17)GDP is a quantitative measure only, measuring as it does both ‘goods and bads’. ” For example, Ms. Dessallien argued, “when a sick man receives medication and health care, the GDP increases whether the man recovers or not. But GNH is not only interesting because of its combination of the quantitative and the qualitative, it also conjures up deep philosophical questions on the essence of happiness. And it allows for a relative definition of happines

  according to each person’s perspective.”

  According to her, GNH could provide a practical alternative to the present global development 18)paradigm, which seems continually to confuse means with ends. Indeed, Bhutan has begun work to determine the statistical indicators and 19)indices to measure GNH. Nine 20)provisional GNH indicators have been identified: standard of living; health of population; education; vitality and diversity of ecosystem; cultural vitality and diversity; use and balance of time; good governance; community vitality; and emotional well-being. According to the head of the Center of Bhutan Studie

  Karma Ura, these indicators would be made meaningful in order to drive, guide, and evaluate the policie decision and performance of the government.

  Recently at the GNH international seminar held in 21)Nova Scotia, Canada, two American scientists asked if Bhutan was feeling the weight of the responsibility for GNH. Mr. Thinley―now home and culture minister―said that while Bhutan was under pressure to make GNH work domestically, it did not promise GNH as a solution or formula for everyone. “That will be your responsibility,” he said. “You will have to make GNH work your own way.”











  Caffeine is probably the most widely used drug in the world. Humans have been consuming caffeine for hundreds of years, primarily in the form of coffee, tea, and cocoa. Habitual coffee and tea drinkers had long been observed to have a lower incidence of non-melanoma(黑色素瘤) skin cancers, although no one knew why. A recent study found that caffeine affects skin cells damaged by ultraviolet radiation, a main cause of skin cancer. Caffeine interferes with a protein that cancerous cells need to survive, leaving the damaged cells to die before they become cancerous. Drinking caffeinated coffee has also been associated with a decreased incidence of endometrial(予宮內(nèi)膜的) cancer - that is, cancer of the cells lining the uterus - The strongest effect appears to be in overweight women, who are at greatest risk for the disease. Researchers believe blood sugar, fat cells, and estrogen(雌性激素) may play a role. Although the mechanism remains unknown, people who drink more than two cups of coffee or tea a day reportedly have about half the risk of developing chronic liver disease as those who drink less than one cup of coffee daily; caffeinated coffee has also been associated with lowered risk of cirrhosis(肝硬化) and liver cancer.

  While many of caffeine's undesirable effects, such as elevated heart rate and blood pressure, are brief, some short-term benefits, including pain relief, increased alertness, and increased physical endurance, have also been attributed to caffeine. As a component of numerous over-the-counter diet pills and pain relievers, caffeine increases their effectiveness and helps the body absorb them more quickly. By constricting(收縮) blood vessels in the brain, it can alleviate headaches - even migraines(偏頭痛) ? and can help counter the drowsiness(眩暈)caused by antihistamines(抗組胺藥).

  Caffeine does not alter the need for sleep, but it does offer a temporary solution to fatigue for people who need to stay alert. Research has shown that sleep-deprived individuals who consumed caffeine had improved memory and reasoning abilities, at least in the short term. Studies of runners and cyclists have shown that caffeine can improve their stamina - hence its addition to energy-boosting sports drinks.

  People who consume a lot of caffeine regularly may develop temporary withdrawal symptoms, headache being the most common, if they quit or cut back on it abruptly. Fortunately, these symptoms last only a day or two in most cases. Individuals who are more sensitive to the stimulatory side effects of caffeine may want to avoid it, but most doctors agree that the equivalent of three cups of coffee a day does not harm healthy people. There is no medical basis to give up daily caffeine and many reasons to include a moderate amount in one's diet.

  36. Drinking coffee or tea may help

  A. lower the incidence of being overweight.

  B. lower the incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer.

  C. increase the incidence of endometrial cancer.

  D. increase the incidence of liver cancer.


  37. Caffeine is used to

  A. reduce high blood pressure.

  B. relieve headaches.

  C. cure liver cancer.

  D. treat skin cancer.


  38. Some athletes use caffeine to

  A. improve their speed.

  B. increase their endurance.

  C. maintain their alertness.

  D. relax their muscles.


  39. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms

  A. can become an ongoing problem.

  B. may last as long as a week.

  C. are weight loss and mental disorder.

  D. are usually short-lived.


  40. Drinking three cups of coffee a day

  A. may not be recommended by most doctors.

  B. is harmful to healthy people.

  C. will probably not cause problems.

  D. may benefit sensitive people.






Some People Do Not Taste Salt Like Others

  Low-salt foods may be harder for some people to like than others, according to a study by a Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences food scientist. The research indicates that genetic factors influence some of the difference in the levels of salt we like to eat.

  Those conclusions are important because recent, well-publicized efforts to reduce the salt content in food have left many people struggling to accept fare that simply does not taste as good to them as it does to others, pointed out John Hayes, assistant professor of food science, who was lead investigator on the study.

  Diets high in salt can increase the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. That is why public health experts and food companies are working together on ways to help consumers lower salt intake through foods that are enjoyable to eat. This study increases understanding of salt preference and consumption.

  The research involved 87 carefully screened participants who sampled salty foods such as soup and chips, on multiple occasions, spread out over weeks. Test subjects were 45 men and 42 women, reportedly healthy, ranging in age from 20 to 40 years. The sample was composed of individuals who were not actively modifying their dietary intake and did not smoke cigarettes. They rated the intensity of taste on a commonly used scientific scale, ranging from barely detectable to strongest sensation of any kind.

  "Most of us like the taste of salt. However, some individuals eat more salt, both because they like the taste of saltiness more, and also because it is needed to block other unpleasant tastes in food.” said Hayes. "Supertasters, people who experience tastes more intensely, consume more salt than do nontasters. Snack foods have saltiness as their primary flavor, and at least for these foods, more is better, so the supertasters seem to like them more.”

  However, supertasters also need higher levels of salt to block unpleasant bitter tastes in foods such as cheese, Hayes noted. "For example, cheese is a wonderful blend of dairy flavors from fermented milk, but also bitter tastes from ripening that are blocked by salt," he said. "A supertaster finds low-salt cheese unpleasant because the bitterness is too pronounced."

  Hayes cited research done more than 75 years ago by a chemist named Fox and a geneticist named Blakeslee, showing that individuals differ in their ability to taste certain chemicals. As a result, Hayes explained, we know that a wide range in taste acuity exists, and this variation is as normal as variations in eye and hair color.

  "Some people, called supertasters, describe bitter compounds as being extremely bitter, while others, called nontasters, find these same bitter compounds to be tasteless or only weakly bitter." he said. "Response to bitter compounds is one of many ways to identify biological differences in food preference because supertasting is not limited to bitterness.”

  41. John Hayes points out in a recent study that

  A. it is healthy to eat food without salt.

  B. many people reject low-salt food completely.

  C. food with less salt tastes better.

  D. many people accept low-salt tasteless food reluctantly.


  42. The fourth paragraph describes briefly

  A. the purpose of the study.

  B. the analysis of the research results.

  C. the research methodology.

  D. the conclusion of the study.


  43. The article argues that supertasters

  A. like snack foods as saltiness is their primary flavor.

  B. like the taste of saltiness to block sweet tastes in food.

  C. consume less salt because they don't like intensive tastes.

  D. like to share salty cheese with nontasters.


  44. In paragraph 6, the word "pronounced" is closest in meaning to

  A. weary.

  B. strong.

  C. weak.

  D. strange.


  45. The last two paragraphs illustrate that taste acuity is

  A. developed over time after birth.

  B. related to one's eye and hair color.

  C. still unknown to scientists.

  D. genetically determined.




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