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摘要 為了方便廣大考生備考,環(huán)球網(wǎng)校特地整理了教材上的素材,供大家練習(xí)/選讀,希望對大家復(fù)習(xí)有所幫助。


  The Making of a Success Story

  1 IKEA is the world's largest furniture retailer, and man behind it is Ingvar Kamprad, one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs . Born in Sweden in 1926 , Kamprad was a natural businessman. As a child , he enjoyed selling things and made small profits from selling matches ,seeds ,and pencils in his community .When Kamprad was 17, his father gave him some money as a reward for his good grades .Naturally he used it to start up a business-IKEA.

  2 IKEA's name comes from Kamprad's initials (I.K.)and the place where he grew up (`E` and `A`). Today IKEA is known for its modern , minimalist furniture , but it was not a furniture company in the beginning .Rather, IKEA sold all kind of miscellaneous goods ,Kamprad's ware included anything that he could sell for profits at discounted prices ,including watches ,pens and stockings .

  3 IKEA first began to sell furniture through a mail-order catalogue in 1947. The furniture was all designed and made by manufacturers near Kamprad's home. Initial sales were very encouraging , so Kamprad expanded the product line . Furniture was such a successful aspect of the business that IKEA became solely a furniture company in 1951.

  4 In 1953 IKEA opend its first showroom in Almhult ,Sweden. IKEA is known today for its spacious stores with furniture in attractive settings ,but in the early 1950s ,people ordered from catalogues ,Thus response to the first showroom was overwhelming:people loved being able to see and try the furniture before buying it . This led to increased sales and the company continued to thrive .By 1955, IKEA was designing all its own furniture .

  5 In 1956 Kamprad saw a man disassembling a table to make it easier to transport . Kamprad was inspired .The man had given him a great idea :flat packaging . Flat packaging would mean lower shipping costs for IKEA and lower prices for customers .IKEA tried it and sales soared . The problem was that people had to assemble furniture themselves ,but over time ,evem this grew into an advantage for IKEA . Nowadays ,IKEA is often seen as having connotations of self-sufficiency .This image has done wonders for the company ,leading to better sales and continued expansion.

  6 Today there are over 200 stores in 32 countries .Amazingly ,Ingvar Kamprad has managed to keep IKEA a privately-help company .In 2004 he was named the world's richest man , He currently lives in Switzerland and is retied from the day-to-day operations of IKEA. IKEA itself , though ,just keeps on growing.

  1.Paragraph 2 ____.

  2.Paragraph 3 ____.

  3.Paragraph 4 ____.

  4.Paragraph 5 ____.

  A.Ingvar Kamprad ? a born businessman

  B.Success brought by the introduction of showrooms

  C.The origin of IKEA

  D.Specialization in selling furniture

  E.Flat packaging ? a feature of IKEA

  F.World-wide expansion of IKEA

  5. Even when he was only a child, ____.

  6. ____, and years later became a big company specialized in manufacturing and selling of furniture.

  7. Customers liked the idea of IKEA’s showrooms because ____.

  8. As flat packaging saves money for both IKEA and the customers, ____.

  A.IKEA began as a small store selling all kinds of cheap things.

  B.it is highly welcomed by both

  C.Ingvar Kamprad showed interest in and talent for doing business.

  D.he lives happily in retirement

  E.here they can see and try the furniture they are going to buy.

  F.Ingvar successfully manages the company all by himself


  1.C第二^介紹了 IKEA這個店名的來源以及它剛開始的時候是一家什么樣的小雜貨店。

  2.D第三段講了 IKEA通過郵購方式銷售自己設(shè)計、自己制造的家具,業(yè)績喜人,從而擴(kuò)大生 產(chǎn)線,專事家具產(chǎn)銷。

  3.B 1^3年IKEA弓丨°入展示廳的做法得到很好的反響,銷售大大增加。

  4.E Kamprad從別人拆卸家具中得到啟發(fā),于是試行銷售平板包裝的家具,既利己又利人,并 使獨(dú)立自行成為IKEA的一個特色。

  5.C時間狀語從句告訴我們這里要講的是Ingvar小時候的事情,文章的第一段就說了他從小 就會做買賣。

  6.A這句話的后半句說IKEA幾年以后才變成一家專營家具的公司,前半句很可能講它的前 身是什么。




  宜家(IKEA)是世界上最大的家具零售商。它的幕后經(jīng)營者是Ingvar Kampmd,可謂世界上 最成功的企業(yè)家之一。Kampmd 1926年生于瑞典,天生就有做商人的資質(zhì)。還是個孩子時,他就 喜好賣東西,并在社區(qū)中通過售賣火柴、種子和鉛筆賺了些小錢。Kampmd 17歲時,他父親給了 他一些錢作為考試成績優(yōu)秀的獎勵。當(dāng)然了,他用這筆錢做了生意,成立了宜家。

  宜家這個名字取自Kampmd全名的首字母(I.K.)和他成長地名稱的縮寫(“E” “A”)。如 今宜家以其現(xiàn)代、風(fēng)格簡約的家具而聞名,然而發(fā)家時它卻不是一個家具公司。那時,它出售的 商品五花八門。Kampmd銷售任何可以打折低價出售并盈利的物件,包括手表、鋼筆和長襪。 宜家最初在1947年通過郵寄產(chǎn)品目錄來出售家具。這些家具都是由Kampmd家附近的生產(chǎn)商

  設(shè)計和制造的。起初的銷售額非常喜人,所以Kamprad擴(kuò)大了生產(chǎn)線。因?yàn)榧揖咪N售成為宜家非 常重要的一個生意份額,宜家于1951年成為了專營家具公司。

  1953年,宜家在瑞典的Almhult開立了第一家展示廳。今天宜家因其店面的大空間和家具的 引人擺設(shè)而聞名,但在20世紀(jì)50年代初的時候,人們只是通過產(chǎn)品目錄訂購。所以宜家的首間 展廳備受矚目,因?yàn)槿藗兪謽芬饽軌蛟谫徺I之前親眼看到并試用這些家具。這樣的銷售模式促 進(jìn)了銷售額的增長,使得公司繼續(xù)茁壯成長。截至1955.年,宜家已開始獨(dú)立地設(shè)計其所有的家 具。

  1956年,Kamprad看到有一個人通過拆解桌子來方便裝運(yùn),從而受到啟發(fā)。這個人讓他靈光 一閃,想出了平板包裝的點(diǎn)子。平板包裝對宜家意味著更低的貨運(yùn)費(fèi)以及對客戶而言更低的售價。 宜家如此示范,銷售額因此一路飆升。雖然顧客自己拼裝家具有些麻煩,但是時間一長,這樣的 親手操作倒成了宜家的強(qiáng)項(xiàng)?,F(xiàn)今,宜家被視為有獨(dú)立自行的風(fēng)格。這樣的形象為公司在銷售額 和經(jīng)營規(guī)模上帶來了奇跡般的效果。

  今天宜家在32個國家開有超過200家分店。令人驚嘆的是,Ingvar Kamprad設(shè)法將宜家保持 為一家私有企業(yè)。2004年,他被冠名為世界上最富有的人。他如今住在瑞士,已脫離了宜家的日 常經(jīng)營。而宜家將繼續(xù)成長。



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