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摘要 小編給大家?guī)硇赂拍铍p語:最強大腦:只需5步即可擁有超凡的記憶力,希望對大家有所幫助。

Ed Cooke, CEO and co-founder of Memrise, has an unusual background for an entrepreneur。 Forget business school or years as a consultant, Cooke spent most of his 20s competing in memory championships, winning competitions by performing heroic mental feats like memorizing the order of 16 decks of playing cards in under an hour。

Memrise的創(chuàng)始人兼首席執(zhí)行官埃德-庫克(Ed Cooke)是一個有著不尋常背景的企業(yè)家。除去在商業(yè)學校上學和當咨詢師的年月,庫克幾乎花了20年參加記憶力錦標賽,以展現英勇的腦力特技在競賽中贏得勝利,比如在一個小時之內記住16副撲克牌的順序。

This experience might be well often the beaten path for most business leaders, but it‘s actually perfect preparation for Cooke’s current role。 Memrise, if you‘re not already familiar with it, is an amazing tool to help people learn anything from science facts to a foreign language more quickly using fun associations to make new words or ideas stick (I’ve used it personally and absolutely endorse it for memorizing new vocabulary especially)。


The company‘s approach is science backed -- Cooke’s co-founder is neuroscientist Greg Detre -- and draws on the latest research into learning and memory as well as Cooke‘s unusual expertise。 The company is even currently running a test to discover which memorization techniques work the best of all。 So when Cooke got in touch recently offering to share tips with Inc.com readers, I told him to send them on over。 In his own words, here’s what Cooke suggests if you want to sharpen your own memory:

公司所采用的方法是有科學依據的——庫克的共同創(chuàng)始人是神經系統(tǒng)科學家格雷格-霍格(Greg Detre)——并且將最新的研究還有庫克不尋常的老師建議加入到了學習和記憶中去。公司現在正在運行一個測試來檢測哪一個記憶方法最為有效。因此當庫克得知要與Inc.com上的讀者分享記憶貼士的時候,我告訴他將分享都發(fā)送過來。用他的話來說,如果你想迅速提高記憶力,以下就是庫克的建議:

1、Location is key


Quite a common experience is for context to mess with memory in quite a severe way。 For instance, you‘re in the kitchen, and you think “I must get my raincoat from the bedroom” and you head upstairs。 Once there, you can’t remember what you came for。 You return downstairs, and immediately remember。 You head upstairs, and again can‘t remember what you were looking for。 I’m a memory champion, and I‘ve been known to do three loops of such nonsense。 The trick is to imagine what you’re looking for in the location you‘re headed to。 That way the new context will contain the memory of what you were looking for。


2、Train your brain


To keep the memory sharp, the same thing‘s required that will keep the mind sharp generally: lots of stimulation, keeping mentally active, learning new things。 Whether it’s doing the daily cross-word, conversing on difficult subjects, learning a language, or simply doing an interesting manual task, keeping active is at the heart of mental health, and the sine qua non of keeping on top of memory as you age。


3、Play mind games


Every kind of memory is different, so there‘s no general test for memory。 But there are many specific games that can be played。 For instance: Have someone write out a list of 20 words, give yourself a minute and then try to reproduce them in order。 14 is a great result。 Have someone do the same for a list of 20 numbers。 Do the same thing with a collection of 10 flowers and their names。 Or faces and their names。 Each exercise will specifically test your memory (at the moment) for these things。 The more you practice any such task, the better you’ll get at it。

每種記憶都不同,所以其實并沒有什么通用的記憶力測試。但是又很多具體的游戲可以玩一玩。比如:寫一個有20個詞語的清單, 給自己一分鐘,然后嘗試著將他們按照原順序再現出來。能寫對14個就是非常好的結果了。讓每一個人也同樣做一個有20個數字的清單?;蚴占?0種花和花名?;蚴怯洃浫四樅退麄兊拿?。每一個訓練都會專門檢測你對(有時候)這些事物的記憶力。這種游戲你最玩得多,那你收獲的也越多。

4、Repeat, repeat, repeat!


If you need to remember something, repeat it, test yourself on it, review it regularly。 One great habit is that of “recollection”。 At the end of the day, reflect on all the things you did。 That single repetition will be enough for memories not to slip through the gaps, and can give a general boost to your mental clarity。


5、Tell a story


We‘re creatures of narrative, and our memories are especially pleased by anything that takes the form of a story。 Turn shopping lists, intentions, even single facts into narratives big and small and you’ll remember them much better。 As a rule of thumb, we remember anything we pay attention to。 How to pay attention? The answer is always to find what is interesting in what you want to remember。 If it‘s a story, experience its meaning and enjoy it。 If it’s a conversation, try to immerse yourself in its meaning。 If it‘s a fact, try to work out what would be interesting about it。

我們是敘事型生物,如果事物是以故事的形式來展現的,那么我們的記憶也會十分清晰。將購物清單,愿望,甚至是單獨的事件編成一個故事,你就能將它們清晰地記下來。一般來說,我們會記住我們所關注的事物。怎樣關注呢?答案就是要找到你想記住的事物中最有趣的部分是什么。 如果是一個故事,那就體會其中的意義,享受其中。如果是一個對話,嘗試去理解其中的意思。如果是一個客觀事實,試著找出其中最有趣的是什么。

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