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2020年公共英語三級口語練習:Part B部分??荚掝}(10)

更新時間:2020-06-04 16:20:24 來源:環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 瀏覽41收藏16

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相關推薦:2020年公共英語三級口語練習:Part B部分??荚掝}匯總

I feel sorry for you. 我真同情你。

We'll fake it. 差不多就得了 *fake敷衍

We'll make it up as we go along.

All done! /I've finished it all.

It's been a long day. 今天忙了一天

It's time to go home.

We've worked hard today.

It was a very busy day.

Today was a rough day at work.

I can't make an exception for you.

It's dark outside already.

It has become dark outside already.

It's already dark out.

I'm so tired. Let's finish up.就干到這兒吧

Good idea. Let's go home.

Let's call it a day! 今天就到這里吧。

I've just finished work.

I just got off work.

I've just finished working.

Today's payday.

Oh, yeah? I forgot all about it.

Let's have a drink. /Let's go for drink.

Let's go out for a drink!

Thanks for your hard work.

I hope you don't mind my leaving now.

Could you excuse me, please?不介意吧

Will you excuse me, please?

Sorry for interrupting.

I'm sorry to interrupt.

I'm sorry to interrupt you.

Excuse me for interrupting.

Forgive me for interrupting.

May I interrupt you? /Excuse me.

Mr. Smith is on line one.

Hello. May I help you?

Yes, I have an appointment with Mr. Aoki. 是的,我已經(jīng)和青木先生約好了

What floor is ABC on? --The tenth floor.

Where are the elevators?

Around the corner over there.


What's John like? 約翰是個什么樣的人?

I get along well with him.

I don't get along well with her.

I respect him. /I highly respect him.

I look up to him.

I despise him. 我瞧不起他

I look down on him.

I want to get along with everyone.

I hope I will get along with everyone.

Are you getting along with her?

She ignored me. 她不搭理我。

She gave me the cold shoulder.

She didn't pay any attention to me at all.

I don't know what he's really thinking.

I'm not sure what he is thinking about.

I don't really know what is on his mind.

I have no reason to be envied.

There is no reason to be jealous of me.

There is no reason to envy me.

They're helping our boss again.

I don't like brownnosers. 阿諛逢迎的人

I don't like flatterers.說恭維話的人

I'm neglecting my family. 我是個不顧家的人 *這是種相當嚴厲的說法。

I put my work before my family.

I should treat my family better.

Which side are you? 你站在哪一方?

Which side are you on?

Who are you rooting for?

Which side do you support?

I'm on your side.

I will support you. 我支持你。

I agree with you.

He's very hard on me.蠻橫,野蠻,不客氣

He treats me unkindly.

He's mean to me. 他對我很刻薄。

He's very strict. 他很嚴厲。

He always treats me like an enemy.

He acts like I'm an enemy.

He treats me as if I'm his enemy.

He was rude to say that.

He treated me badly.

I was badly treated by him.

I received bad treatment from him.

He treated me unkindly.

I'm obligated to him. 我欠他的情

I'm under obligation to him.

I owe him.

I have an obligation to him.

I'm deeply indebted to him.我非常感激他

I've received kindness from him.

I owe him a lot for everything he has done for me.

We're on a first name basis.我們很熟,互相直呼其名 /We're on first name terms.

環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編提醒:考生如果怕自己錯過考試報名時間和考試時間的話,可以 免費預約短信提醒,屆時會以短信的方式提醒大家報名和考試時間。


He's quick on the uptake. 他的理解力很強

He's a fast learner.

He has a quick mind.

He catches on quickly.

He'll never let you down. 失望

He finished the job already.

He's efficient. 他真能干。

He does things well and he gets them done quickly.

He gets things done efficiently.

He handles things quickly.

He handles matters promptly.

He's a good guy.

He's a good man.

He's a good person.

He looks old for his age. *adj+for,比…

He's only 46.

He looks older than he is.

He looks young for his age.

You look younger than me.

We're the same age.

You look younger than I do.

That's the way he is. 他就是那種人

That's the kind of guy he is.

Who is he like? 他長得像誰?

What's Joe like? 喬這個人怎么樣?

He has a lot of common sense. 常識

He's wise for his age. 他雖年輕,卻很博學

He's only ten and he made this.

He's wise considering his age.

He's wise for a man of his age.

He knows a lot of people. 他交際很廣

He's well-known.

He's very popular.

He has a large circle of acquaintances.

He runs a lot of business. 他有很多生意

Yeah, he's a go-getter. 有才干的人

He's a man of action.

He's a man of ability.

You're so sympathetic.同情、體諒人的

He's faithful. 忠誠的,守信用的

He has a strong sense of duty.

He has a deep voice.

He has a low voice.

His voice is very deep.

He has put on weight. 他發(fā)福了

He has gained weight.

He has lost weight.

He's overweight.

He's a fatso. 他是個胖豬。

He's fat.

He's skinny. 他骨瘦如柴。

Sir, I don't think you should fire John.

You have a lot of nerve.你真有膽量敢這么說

You're bold. 大膽的/不客氣的

You're very brave. 勇敢

He didn't say anything.

He's a very modest man. 謙虛、慎重

He's very polite.

He doesn't like to brag. 他不喜歡吹牛

He isn't boastful. 自負

He has a good/bad temper.

He's in a good/bad mood. *表示“現(xiàn)在正好情緒不錯(不好)”,和上句語氣不一樣

There's something strange about her.

There is something fishy about her.

There is something odd about her.

She's been edgy lately. 情緒急躁

Yeah, she's not herself.嗯,有點兒不太對勁

She's not acting like herself.

She's not acting normally.

She cut her hair very short.

She's so weird. 她真讓人捉摸不透。

She's bizarre.

She's very strange.

Tammy eats like a bird. 塔米飯量很小

She's on a diet. 她正減肥呢。

Tammy eats very little.

Tammy doesn't eat very much.

Tammy eats like a horse. 塔米特別能吃

She has a nice figure. 身材很好

She has a good figure.

His best days are gone. 他已過壯年

He's past his prime.

My father's getting on in years.上年紀

My father's becoming an old man.

My father's getting older.

What does he look like? 他長得什么樣?

They're making a big fuss.大聲吵鬧、喧嘩

They're making a big deal about it.

Does he smoke?

Yes, he's a chain smoker. 抽個沒完

He's a heavy smoker.

He smokes non-stop.

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