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摘要 BEC商務英語高級考試中口語往往是同學們最薄弱的環(huán)節(jié),環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編為同學們整理了“BEC商務英語高級考試口語輔導(6)”的文章,希望能幫助同學們提高口語水平,也同時幫助同學們積累話題和句型。

2021年BEC商務英語共有兩次考試, 免費預約短信提醒服務可以幫助各位考生更及時更準確的掌握2021年11月BEC商務英語考試報名、考試時間等信息,以防您錯過!


Formal Verbal Communication in Business II

正式商業(yè)交流 – 商業(yè)演示

Part I Objectives

☆ Four Main Parts of a Presentation 商業(yè)演示的四個部分

☆ Delivery Skills 表達技巧

☆ Save you out of embarrassment, at a Presentation 擺脫商業(yè)演示中的尷尬場面

☆ Language References 語言參考

Part II The How-Tos

☆ Four parts of a presentation

Formal presentations are usually divided into four main parts.

· The introduction

· The overview

· The body

· The ending

The introduction

At the very least, the introduction should introduce the subject of your presentation.

“Today I’m going to tell you about the recent improvements that have been made to the XL series of engines.”

Depending on the situation, it will also do one or more of the following:

· Give the audience a reason to listen

“These improvements give greater fuel efficiency and also lower production costs.”

· Provide background information.

“As you probably know, our market share has been falling in recent years.”

· Narrow the topic.

“In particular, I will show you how these improvements make our engines better than our competitors.”

The overview

The overview provides a preview of your presentation for the audience. It is easily done by explaining the structure of your presentation.

“First, I’m going to describe the new features of the engine.”

“Second, I’ll show you some performance data of the engine’s fuel efficiency.”

“After that, I’ll explain how the new features will allow us to reduce production costs.”

“Finally, I’ll show a comparison with our competitors’ models.”

The overview is very important. It helps the audience to organize the way they listen. It is similar to the contents page of a book.

As long as the presentation is well-organized, the overview is the easiest part of the presentation to prepare.

The body

This is the main content of the presentation. How it is organized will depend on the type of presentation. It should be organized logically to match the overall purpose of the presentation.

The ending

The ending usually does two things.

It reviews the information and ideas that were presented in the body of the presentation. This is called the summary.

“As you can see, these improvements increase fuel efficiency and allow us to lower our production costs.”

It restates the main purpose of the presentation which was stated in the introduction. This is called the conclusion or concluding statement.

“I am sure these improvements will allow us to win back our market share.”


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