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what time would be convenient for you?你看什么時間比較方便?

I'd like to suggest a toast to ourcooperation.我想建議為我們的合作干一杯。

Here is to our next project!為我們下一個項目干杯!

would you please tell me when you are free?請問你什么時候有空?

gald to have the opportunity of vistingyour ompany and I hope to conclude some business with you。很高興能有機會拜訪貴公司,希望能與你們做成交易。

what I care about is the quality of thegoods.我關心的是貨物的質(zhì)量。

please have a look at those samples.請給我看一下那些樣品。

I'd like to know any business connectionsabroad.我想多了解一些你們公司。

I would be happy to supply samples and aprice list for you.我很樂意提供樣品和價格單給你。

can I have your price list?你能給我價格單嗎?

will you give us an indication of prices?你可以給我報一個指示性的價格嗎?

I am in charge of export business.我負責出口生意。

I'm thinking of ordering some of yourgoods.我正考慮向你們訂貨。

what about the prices?那價格方面怎么樣?

Let's call it a deal.好,成交!

our product is the best seller.我們的產(chǎn)品最暢銷。

our product is really competitive in theword market.我們的產(chǎn)品在國際市場上很有競爭力。

our products have been sold in a number ofareas abroad.我們的產(chǎn)品行銷海外許多地區(qū)。

It's our principle in business to honor thecontract and keep our promise."重合同,守信用"是我們經(jīng)營的原則。

I wish you success in your businesstransaction.祝你生意興隆。

I want to out your product.我想了解一下你們的產(chǎn)品。

this is our latest devlopment.這是我們的新產(chǎn)品。

we have a wide selection of colors anddesigns.我們有很多式樣和顏色可供選擇。

the quality must be instrict conformitywith that of sample.質(zhì)量必須與樣品一樣。


I think we can strike a bargain with you ifyour pries are competitive.我認為如果價格有競爭力,我們就可以達成交易。

Is that your quoted prices?這是你方的價格嗎?

It would be very difficult to come downwith the price.我們很難再降價了。

our prices are the most reasonable.我們的價格是最合理的。

can you cut down the price for me?你們可以降低價格嗎?

we can offer you discount terms.我們可以向你提供折扣。

Do you quote CIG or FOB?你們報的是到岸價還是離岸價?

I can assure you our price is veryfavourable.我可以保證我們的價格是優(yōu)惠的。

Please give us your best price.請給我們報最低價。

All the prices are on the FOB shanghaibasis.所有的價格都是上海港船上交貨價。

Your prices are much too high for us toaccept.你的價格太高,我們不能接受。

I can't allow the price you ask for.我不能同意你們要求的價格。

we can't cover our production cost at thisprice.這個價格我們不能保本。

Are the price on the list firm offers?報價單上的價格是實價嗎?

This is the lowest possible price.這是最低價了。

thank you for your inquiry.感謝貴方詢價。

How about the prices?價格如何?

When quoting ,please state terms of paymentand time of delivery.貴方報價時,請說明付款條件和交貨時間。

Our price is realistic and based onreasonable profit.我們的價格是很實際的,是根據(jù)合理的利潤提出的。

If an order is placed, we'll pay the costof the sample.如果交易成功,樣品費由我們付。


Our price is realistic and based onreasonable profit.我們的價格是很實際的,是根據(jù)合理的利潤提出的。

If an order is placed, we'll pay the costof the sample.如果交易成功,樣品費由我們付。

I'm glad that our negotiation has come to asuccessful conclusion.我很高興我們的談判獲得圓滿成功。

When shall we come to sign the contract?我們什么時候簽訂合同?

Do you think it'stime to sign the ontract?我想該簽合同了吧?

Before the formal contract is drawn up we'dlike to restate the main points of the agreement.在正式簽約之前,我們要重申一下協(xié)議的重點。

As some points concerning the contrac havenot yet been settled negotiation has to be continued before the contract issigned.由于合同某些問題尚未解決,所以在合同簽署前仍需繼續(xù)協(xié)商。

There are a few points which I'd like toring up concerning the contract.關于合同我想提出幾點看法。

The seller should try to carry out thecontract in time if not the buyer has the righe to cancel the contact.賣方應努力按規(guī)定履行合同,否則買方有權(quán)撤消合同。

No party who has signed the contract hasthe rught to break if.簽署合同的任何一方都無權(quán)撕毀合同。

Once a contract is signed,it has legaleffect.合同一旦簽署即具有法律效力。

We can get the contract finalized now.現(xiàn)在我們可以簽訂合同了。

Have you any questions in regards to thecontract?關于合同你還有什么問題要問嗎?


When can we expect your confirmation of theorder?你什么時候能確定訂單?

We want to order this article from you.我們想訂這種做。

What's the minimum quantity of an order foryour goods?你們訂貨的最低量是多少?

May I see your list?我可以看一下你的貨單嗎?

We postponed an order.我們要推遲訂貨

Generally speaking,we can supply all kindsof goods.一般來說,我們可以提供所有種類的貨。

We have received your catalogue and pricelist, and now we order the following goods st the prices named.已收到你方目錄和價格表,現(xiàn)按所示價格購下列貨物。

We find both quslity and prices of yourproducts satisfactory and enclose our trial order for prompt supply.我們對你方產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量和價格均感滿意,現(xiàn)寄去試訂單,請供應現(xiàn)貨。

We are pleased to receive your order andconfirm acceptance of it.很高興接到你方訂單,并確認予以接受。

As the goods you ordered afe now instock,we will ship them without fail as early as possible.因為貴方訂貨的商品尚有存貨,本公司將一定盡快發(fā)運。

I wonder if you could supply us with yourlatest products for regular orders.我想知道你們是否能為我們的定期訂單供應你們的最新產(chǎn)品。

Our prices depend on the quantity of yourorder.我們的價格取決于你們訂單的數(shù)量。

We could reduce our price by 5% if youpalce a substantial reder with us.如果你們訂貨量大的話,我們可以減價5%。

We must insist on immediate delivery,otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel the order.我們堅決要求立即發(fā)貨,否則我方將被迫取消訂單。

We would prefer to confirm our order withyour firm as soon as possinle.我們想盡快向你們公司落實訂單。

There is a change we have to make in theorder.訂單中有一處需要修改。


We require that transshipment be allowed.我們要求允許轉(zhuǎn)船。

When can you make shipment carefully?你們什么時候裝船?

We'll get the goods dispatched within thestipulated time.我們將按規(guī)定的時間發(fā)貨。

When can you make the balace shipment?你們何時可以發(fā)余下的貨呢?

I wonder if you could ship the order assoon as possible?不知道能否盡快裝運訂貨?

Let's disscuss about the mode oftransportation.我們討論一下運輸方式吧。

What mode of transportation do you suggestwe use?你建議我們用什么運輸方式呢?

What sort of delivery periods did you havein mind?你所打算的是哪一種發(fā)貨期?

Please ensure that we'll get tight shippingdocuments before the arrival of the goods.請確保在貨物到達前我方可拿到正確的裝船單據(jù)。

When can we collect the goods?我們什么時候可以提貨?

We can't advance the time of delivery.我們無法將交貨時間提前。

I'm very sorry for delay in delivery.十分抱歉,交貨拖延了。

How long does it take you to make delivery?你們需要多長時間發(fā)貨?


Our terms of payment are by irrevocable L/Cpauable by sight draft against presentaion of shipping documents.我們的支付方式是不可撤消的信用證支付,憑裝運單據(jù)見票。

Can you tell it on an installment basis?你們這里可以分期付款嗎?

Do you accept payment by installments?你同意分期付款嗎?

How would you like paymentbe made?你們采取什么付款方式?

We expect payment in advance on firstorders.我們希望第一次訂貨要求預付貨款。

What are your terms of payment?你們的付款條件是什么?

We can't accept D/P or D/A. we insist onpayment by L/C.我們不接收付款交單或承兌交單,我們只收信用證。

Do you accept D/P payment terms.你們接受付款交單這種方式嗎?

What is the period of validity of this L/C?這張信用證的有效期是多久?


The shipment i stuck in customs.出貨在海關受阻。

If you fail to make the shipment soon,we'll cancel the order.如果你們不能近期發(fā)貨,我們將取消訂單。

I'd like to complain of the damaged goods.我方由于貨物被損向你方投訴。

We're sorry to say that we are dissatisfiedwith the state of the goods.很遺憾,我們對商品狀況不滿。

Upon examination,we found the goods are notup to the standard of the sample.經(jīng)檢驗,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)貨物達不到樣品的標準。

The goods sent are inferior compared to theoriginal sample.所發(fā)送的貨比原樣品差。

How many are you short?你們?nèi)绷硕嗌?

Could you pleased send them back to us atour expense?你能將受損的貨品送還我們嗎?運費由我方承擔。

Who'll bear the freight?運費由誰來承擔?

We have a complaint about quality.我們要起訴質(zhì)量問題。

We have to file a ckaim on you.我們不得不向貴方提出賠償。

The goods you sent are not up to thestandard.你們發(fā)運來的貨物不符合標準。

I don't think the responsibility shouldrest with us.我認為責任不在我方。

We can only take on so much.我們只能承受這么多。


Paying tax is the duty of every citzen.納稅是每個公民的義務。

Howmany types are taxes divided into?稅收可分為多少稅種?

Income tax can be divided into personalincone tax and corporation income tax.所得稅可分為個人所得稅和公司所得稅。

The tax rate China is not very high.中國的稅收率不是很高。

What's the personal income tax rate?個人所得稅是多少?

Tax evasion is also a crime.偷稅漏稅也是一種犯罪。

To avoid writing a receipt is a tax dodge.不開invoice是一種偷稅行為。

Those who evade tax will be punished by thelaw.偷稅漏稅者將受到法律制裁。

Shall savings interest be taxed?存款利息要納稅嗎?


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