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摘要 你想成為幸福的人嗎?首先你要學(xué)會(huì)吃得起苦。成人高考專升本考試雖然并不難,但是也需要考生多多練習(xí),下面小編準(zhǔn)備了2018成人高考專升本《英語》練習(xí)及答案(13)。



1. I am convinced that the more a job challenges, ______.

A. the well will it bring out one’s true self

B. the best it will bring out one’s true self

C. one’s true self will it bring out

D. the more it will bring out one’s true self

2. It was to the saving-boat ______ he owed his life.

A. what

B. which

C. that

D. why

3. The father, rather than the brothers, ______ responsible.

A. are

B. have

C. is

D. has

4. The scientist is found ______ in taking down the data shown on the instrument.

A. focused

B. involving

C. interesting

D. absorbed

5. There is only one ______ to that mountainous village.

A. accessory

B. admission允許進(jìn)入,承認(rèn)

C. access

D. acceptance

6. It’s possible to ______ good knowledge of English by careful study.

A. acquire“獲得,學(xué)到”

B. require

C. request

D. demand

7. This is a textbook ______ to the needs of Chinese students.

A. adopted

B. adapted

C. applied

D. adjusted

8. The committee refused to ______ the new measures.

A. get

B. adapt

C. adopt

D. hold

9. The rise in the price of necessities will ______ us all.

A. affect

B. interfere

C. effect

D. drive

10. The twins are so much ______ that I can’t tell which is which.

A. likely

B. unlike

C. resemble

D. alike

11. The job is so important for her that she couldn’t ______ to displease her boss.

A. apply

B. afford

C. obtain

D. advance

12. The boy wanted to repair the watch by himself and took it ______.

A. open

B. out

C. apart

D. part

13. A company has started a project to ______ cloning technology to human.

A. apply

B. appoint

C. accompany

D. prepare

14. Free ______ of shampoo are distributed from door to door.

A. samples

B. examples

C. products

D. stocks

15. Let’s go shopping, ______?

A. will we

B. shall we

C. don’t we

D. do we

16. Under no circumstances ______ my opponent.

A. will I give way to

B. I will give way to

C. did I give way to

D. were I to have given way to

17. I didn’t know his address, otherwise I ______ him.

A. called on

B. had called on

C. would have called on

D. was calling on

18. He handled the instrument with care for fear that it ______.

A. is damaged

B. was damaged

C. would be damaged

D. should be damaged

19. A pack of playing cards ______ everywhere.

A. was scattered

B. were scattered

C. scatter

D. have scattered

20. The driver, rather than the passengers, ______ responsible for the accident.

A. are

B. is

C. been

D. have been

21. It is imperative that every child ______ the same educational opportunities.

A. would have

B. has

C. have

D. had

22. Knowing what to do and how to do ______ one confidence.

A. gives

B. is given

C. have given

D. give

23. He is not ______ he was a few years ago.

A. that

B. as

C. what

D. when

24. I am in favor of Bush ______ he insists on voting for Gore.

A. meanwhile

B. as

C. since

D. while

25. ______ is announced in the newspaper, our country has launched another man-made satellite.

A. Like

B. As

C. That

D. Because

26. The young man saved the little boy from drowning ______ the cost of his own life.

A. at

B. of

C. to

D. by

27. It was a long way to Chicago, so we drove the car ______.

A. on turn

B. by turn

C. in turn

D. after turn

28. _______ letter has accumulated on the desk during my vacation.

A. A good many

B. Many

C. A many good

D. Many a

29. _______ one end of the rope to his bed, he threw the other end out of the window.

A. Tying

B. Having tied

C. To tie

D. Having been tied

30. ______ a fine day, we decided to go to the beach.

A. Having been

B. Being

C. What

D. It being

31. It’s no use ______ children to keep quiet. They can’t help ______ noise.

A. to ask, to make

B. asking, make

C. to ask, make

D. asking, making

32. When he was in prison he was not allowed to ______.with his family.

A. commit

B. communicate

C. commission

D. command

33. Which door does this key ______ to?

A. set

B. become

C. fit

D. belong

34. We have to produce more food to ______ the demand of the ever-growing population.

A. suit

B. fix

C. meet

D. respond

35. That field ______ a good crop of potatoes last year.

A. planted

B. grew

C. raised

D. yielded

36. One of my ________ sayings is “there is no smoke without fire.”

A. favorite

B. alike

C. favorable

D. likely

37. I am ______ of the same old breakfast every morning.

A. worn out

B. tired

C. ill

D. exhausted

38. How can you avoid mistakes when you’re in such a ______.

A. speed

B. worry

C. hastening

D. hurry

39. There is no ______ in insisting on the impossible.

A. mind

B. meaning

C. sense

D. help

40. We ______ to get what we want, anyway.

A. operated

B. managed

C. controlled

D. handled【答案解析請翻頁】


1. 答案: D。

“the more…the more…”意為“越…越…”。

2. 答案: C。

“It is/was…that”為一強(qiáng)調(diào)結(jié)構(gòu)。本句的意思是:多虧了救生船,他才得以生還。

3. 答案: C。

本句的主語是“the father”,“rather than the brother”只是一個(gè)插入結(jié)構(gòu),故而謂語動(dòng)詞用單數(shù)形式。

4. 答案: D。

be absorbed in意為“全神貫注于,專心于”;focus…on意為“集中于”;be involved in意為“涉及,卷入”;interesting意為“有趣的”。

5. 答案: C。

access to意為“…的通道或入門”;accessory意為“附件,零件”;admission意為“允許進(jìn)入,承認(rèn)”;acceptance意為“接受,承諾”。

6. 答案: A。


7. 答案: B。


8. 答案: C。


9. 答案: A。


10. 答案: D。


11. 答案: B。


12. 答案: C。


13.答案: A。


14. 答案: A。


15. 答案: B。

這是表祈使語氣的反意疑問句,用“shall we”結(jié)尾。

16. 答案: A。

under no circumstances意為“決不”,置于句首時(shí)主謂需倒裝。

17. 答案: C。


18. 答案: D。

for fear that意為“惟恐,以免”,后接謂語動(dòng)詞形式為should加動(dòng)詞原形的虛擬句式。

19. 答案: A。

“a pack of playing cards”是一個(gè)整體概念,謂語動(dòng)詞用單數(shù)形式。本句的意思是:一副紙牌被扔得到處都是。

20. 答案: B。

本句的主語是“the driver”,“rather than the passengers”只是一個(gè)插入成分,故而謂語動(dòng)詞應(yīng)為單數(shù)形式。

21. 答案:C。


22. 答案: A。


23. 答案: C。


24. 答案: D。


25. 答案: B。


26. 答案: A。

“at the cost of”意為“以…為代價(jià)”。

27. 答案: C。

in turn意為“依次地,輪流地”;by turns意為“輪流地,交替地”,turn需用復(fù)數(shù)形式;on turn與after turn不是固定短語。

28. 答案: D。

由many a連接的主語,通常根據(jù)就近原則,動(dòng)詞與最靠近它的成分保持?jǐn)?shù)的一致。

29. 答案: B。


30. 答案: D。


31. 答案: D。

it is no use doing sth.意為“做某事是沒有作用的”;can’t help doing sth.意為“情不自禁做某事”。

32. 答案: B。communicate with his family與家人通信聯(lián)系。

commit 可作“把…委托(或提交)給”,及物,常和to連用。commission 作“委任、委托”,及物,后接人等。command是“指揮;控制”。

33. 答案: D。

belong to (which door):屬于(哪一扇門),即可開(哪一扇門上的鎖);set 和 to 連用時(shí)后接動(dòng)名詞,作“著手,從事”;become 可作“適合,同…相稱”解,及物,后接人等;fit 可作“適合;配合”,不及物,有時(shí)可跟介詞into。

34. 答案: C。

meet the demand滿足需求;suit 作“適中;…的意”,后接人等;fix 可作“確定,決定”,后接價(jià)格、日期等;respond 是“回答;響應(yīng)”,不及物,常跟介詞to。

35. 答案: D。

yield a good crop of potatoes:土豆豐產(chǎn);plant作為“栽種”,以人為主語,后跟樹木等;grow作“種植”,以人為主語,后跟作物、花草等;raise為“飼養(yǎng)”。

36. 答案: A。

my favorite sayings:我最喜歡的格言;alike 為“相同的”,只用作表語;favorable 作“有利的”,注意和favorite(特別喜歡的)區(qū)別;likely為“可能的”。

37. 答案: B。

tired of the same old breakfast對老是一樣的早餐感到了厭煩;ill, worn out(筋疲力盡的),exhausted(筋疲力盡的)均不可能和of構(gòu)成這個(gè)意義上的短語。

38. 答案: D。

in such a hurry如此匆忙地;speed, worry, hastening均不能和in構(gòu)成這個(gè)意義上的短語。

39. 答案: C。

there is no sense in insisting堅(jiān)持…無意義;mind, meaning, help 不能用于這一句型。

40. 答案: B。

managed to get想辦法獲得;operate可作“操作,開動(dòng)”,后跟機(jī)器等;handle可作“處理,管理”后接問題、事務(wù)等

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