來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2020-03-05 13:27:50 頻道: 新概念

Nearly everyone agrees the online education is going to be huge, but ask what exactly that means in practice and how that will impact students, and the bickering begins. Except about one thing. As Pulitzer Prize winner Tina Rosenberg recently wrote in the New York Times, “online education is highly controversial. But the flipped classroom is a strategy that nearly everyone agrees on.”


What is it? A model where “students watch teachers’ lectures at home and do what we’d otherwise call ‘homework’ in class,” Rosenberg explains, before going on to report that though research is still in its early stages, “many people are holding it up as a potential model of how to use technology to humanize the classroom.”


Among them is Sumner Murphy, the 22-year-old founder of London-based startup Mobento. Oh, and the investors who gaved him 1.1 million this summer to pursue his vision of education technology for a flipped classroom future in one of Britain’s biggest ever seed funding rounds.


What exactly is Mobento offering? A public library of curated educational videos and the ability to search within them for specific phrases. The service is free to the public, while schools can pay for accounts which allow them to create and assign courses and get metrics charting students’ progress.


But the actual tech, Sumner feels, is only part of a larger vision for a radical shift in education. “The educational system, whether it’s in the U.S. or Europe, definitely needs some revamping because it hasn’t really changed much in the last 100 years,” he said in an interview, adding that “video is a really great way of getting students to be engaged and to be interested in what they’re studying at school.”


It’s also more personalized to students’ individual ability levels. “If you’re sitting in a classroom and your teacher gives you a lecture, it’s a one-off deal. If you don’t understand it, you’re going to be left behind, and if you’re a really smart student, you’re going to be bored in class,” Murphy says. By moving lectures to video — and thereby adding the benefits of pause, fast forward and rewind — students can learn at their own pace.

在線教育還可以適應(yīng)學生個性化的能力增長需要。“當你坐在教室里,聽著老師上課,這是一種一次性的教育模式。如果你不理解教學內(nèi)容,你的學習進度就拖后了。如果你是一個特別聰明的學生,你會覺得課堂知識十分乏味,” 納墨菲說。通過將課程轉(zhuǎn)化為視頻——這樣一來還加上了可以暫停、快進、后退等等便利——學生可以以自己的節(jié)奏來學習。”

Such a radical shift in teaching style comes with changes that Murphy seems quite comfortable with but which may raise eyebrows in others. Take the idea that, with Mobento’s search function, students can skip straight to the exact content they need. Could that be seen as exacerbating our tech-enabled inability to focus or deprive students of mind-expanding context or serendipitous learning? Murphy shrugs off the suggestion, calling the ability to quickly find only the exact content you need a “win-win.”


Still, given the magnitude of interest in the flipped classroom idea as measured by pounds invested in Mobento, it’s clearly an idea worth watching not just for those interested in educational reform, but also those interested in the business of education.

