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更新時(shí)間:2018-06-29 09:17:52 來(lái)源:環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 瀏覽195收藏78

成人英語(yǔ)三級(jí)報(bào)名、考試、查分時(shí)間 免費(fèi)短信提醒


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摘要 2018年下半年報(bào)名雖未開始,但已經(jīng)有考生進(jìn)入了備考關(guān)鍵期,以下環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編整理了20篇《2018年下半年成人英語(yǔ)三級(jí)備考模擬試卷》,第四卷已更新,開始模擬吧?!靖噘Y料考生可至資料下載頁(yè)免費(fèi)下載】。




1. Speaker A:Beach Motel. May I help you?

Speaker B :_________.

A. Thank you. I'd like to make a long distance call to New York.

B. Yes. We need a double room for this weekend.

C. Sorry, I don't think you can help us. Thank you anyway.

D. All right. My name is David Jones and my room number is 301.


【解析】說話者A說"Beach Motel.May I help you?"意思是“這里是海灘汽車旅館,有什么需要我?guī)椭膯?”,從這句話可以判斷A是一個(gè)汽車旅館的接待員,選項(xiàng)B"Yes.Weneed a double rom for this weekend."(是的,我們本周末需要一個(gè)雙人間)符合這一對(duì)話情景。選項(xiàng)A是要往New York打電話,這顯然不是汽車旅館主要提供的服務(wù)項(xiàng)目。選項(xiàng)C和D回答都和問話沒有關(guān)系。

2. Speaker A:Hello,Jane. How lucky to run into you! Can you and Tom come to dinner tomor-row evening?

Speaker B:_________. I don't think we're going out.

A. I suppose I can't

B. I'm afraid not

C. It's my pleasure

D. I think so

答案:D 【解析】說話者A偶遇說話者B—Jane和Tom,并邀請(qǐng)二人明晚一起共進(jìn)晚餐。說話者B的答語(yǔ)后半部分說他們明天晚上不會(huì)外出,意即同意赴約。A項(xiàng)、B項(xiàng)均表示不同意,C項(xiàng)是針對(duì)致謝用的答語(yǔ),表示“不用謝”,只有D項(xiàng)是表示同意的答語(yǔ)。因此。D項(xiàng)正確。

3. Speaker A: I'd like to buy the refrigerator, but I'm one hundred dollars short.

Speaker B: __________if you promise to give it back before this weekend.

A. I'll borrow you the money

B. I'll lend you the money

C. I'd lend you the money

D. I will have lent you the money



4. Speaker A: Could you give me a ride to the conference center? My presentation is in about half an hour.

Speaker B: __________Have you checked with Bob? He seems to be on his way there about this time.

A. I'm sorry. Perhaps next time.

B. I'm glad to. But it's too late.

C. I'm afraid I am going to the opposite direction.

D. Excuse me, but I'm going to the conference center.



5. Speaker A: Are you feeling better now?

Speaker B :__________.

A. Well, not too better yet, thank you

B. Well, not too good yet. Better than I was thought

C. Well, it doesn't matter. I am all right now

D. Well, never mind, I'm much better now


【解析】A中的not too better yet不符合英文的表達(dá)習(xí)慣;C、D答非所問。B表示“雖不太好,但比以前好多了”,是最佳選擇。

6. Waiter: Welcome, sir. May I help you?

Customer: _________

A. Thank you. I'll have fried tofu and stir-fried cauliflower.

B. Yes, please. I'd like a hamburger and a chocolate shake.

C. Sorry. I don't need your help, thank you.

D. If you want to help me, I'll be glad to accept it.


【解析】顧客到了餐館,侍者問客人要吃什么??腿它c(diǎn)了hamburger and a chocolate shake,符合當(dāng)時(shí)的場(chǎng)合及語(yǔ)境。

7. Johnny: Dear Tommy, why don't you come on holiday with us?

Tommy : __________

A. That's very kind of you ! I'd love to

B. How dare you invite me? I won't go

C. Yeah, thanks anyway

D. Whether I'll go or not is not your business, ok?



8. Anna : Hi, Keith. How'sit going?

Keith: __________. I lost my wallet, and it had all my ID and credit cards in it.

A. Not too bad

B. Not too good

C. Not very well

D. Not at all


【解析】Not too bad是“還可以,不錯(cuò)”的意思;Not too good恰好與Not too bad相反,表示“不怎么樣”的意思;Not very well是對(duì)詢問身體好壞的否定回答;Not at all是回答他人致謝的用法,表示“不客氣”的意思。

9. Speaker A: You'd better take the umbrella with you. It looks like it's going to rain.

Speaker B: Thank you__________

A. for minding me

B. for reminding me

C. for remembering me

D. for caring about me


【解析】本題會(huì)話情景為致謝,要求考生能夠辨別四個(gè)單詞/短語(yǔ)的詞義差別。A項(xiàng)中mind意為“留意,留心”,B項(xiàng)中remind意為“提醒”,C項(xiàng)中remember意為“記住”。D項(xiàng)中care about意為“關(guān)心”。會(huì)話情景表明,說話者A建議說話者B帶上雨傘,因?yàn)樘炜雌饋?lái)要下雨了。據(jù)此推斷,說話者B應(yīng)是對(duì)其提醒表示感謝。所以B為正確答案。

10. Speaker A:I'd love to come to your barbecue on Saturday but my cousin is arriving from Cali-fornia that day.

Speaker B: That's no problem. The more the merrier. I'm glad__________

A. I can hold such a barbecue for you

B. your cousin will be arriving from California then

C. we finally have a chance to get together

D. that you're too busy to my barbecue




In 1939 two brothers, Mac and Dick McDonald, started a drive-in restaurant in San Bernadino, California. They carefully chose a busy corner for their location. They had run their own businesses for years, first a theater, then a barbecue restaurant, then another drive-in. But in their new operation, they offered a new, shortened menu: French fries, hamburgers, and sodas. To this minimal selection they added one new concept: quick service, no waiters or waitresses, and no tips.

Their hamburgers sold for fifteen cents. Cheese was another four cents. Their French fries and hamburgers had a remarkable uniformity, for the brothers had developed a strict routine for the preparation of their food, and they insisted on their cook's sticking to their routine. Their new drive-in became incredibly popular, particularly for lunch. People drove up by the hundreds during the busy noontime. The self-service restaurant was so popular that the brothers had allowed ten copies of their restaurant to be opened. They were content with this modest success until they met Ray Kroc.

Kroc was a salesman who met the McDonald brothers in 1954,when he was selling milk shake-mixing machines. He quickly saw the unique appeal of the brother's fast food restaurants and bought the right to franchise other copies of their restaurants. The agreement struck included the right to duplicate the menu, the equipment, even their red and white buildings with the golden arches.

Today McDonald's is literally a household name. Its names for its sandwiches have come to mean hamburger in the decades since the day Ray Kroc watched people rush up to order fifteen-cent hamburgers. In 1976, Mcdonald's had over $1 billion in total sales. Its first twenty-two years is one of the most incredible success stories in modern American business history.

11.This passage is mainly about ________.

A. the business careers of Mac and Dick McDonald.

B. how McDonald's became a billion-dollar business.

C. Ray Kroc's business abilities.

D. the development of fast-food services.



12. Mac and Dick McDonald had experience in managing all of the following businesses except ________.

A. a barbecue restaurant

B. a drive-in

C. an ice-cream parlor

D. a theater


解析:答案C。第一段第三句寫道:"They had run their own businesses for years, first a theatre, then a barbecue restaurant, then another drive-in."惟獨(dú)沒提到ice-cream parlor,所以正確答案是C項(xiàng)。

13. We can conclude from this passage that ________.

A. Mac and Dick McDonald never became wealthy because they sold their idea to Kroc

B. Ray Kroc was a good businessman

C. the location the McDonalds chose was the only source of the great popularity of their drive-in

D. forty years ago there were numerous fast-food restaurants



14.As used in this passage, the word "minimal" means _______.

A. attractive

B. menial

C. basic

D. novel



15.As used this passage, the word unique" means ________.

A. aesthetic

B. financial

C. ethnic

D. unparalleled


解析:答案D。第三段第二行寫道:Kroc很快看出了兄弟倆快餐廳的獨(dú)特魅力(unique appeal)。unique的意思是:絕無(wú)僅有,獨(dú)一無(wú)二。所以正確答案是unparalleled,意即“無(wú)比的,無(wú)雙的,沒人能與之相匹的”。

I first became aware of the unemployment problem in 1928. At that time I had just come back from Burman, where unemployment was only a word, and I had gone to Burma when I was still a boy and the post-war boom was not quite over. When I first saw unemployed men at close quarters, the thing that horrified and amazed me was to find that many of them were ashamed of being unemployed. I was very ignorant, but not so ignorant as to imagine that when the loss of foreign markets pushes two million men out of work, those two million are to blame. But at that time nobody cared to admit that unemployment was inevitable, because this meant admitting that it would probably continue. The middle classes were still talking about "lazy idle loafers on the dole(接受救濟(jì)的二流子)" and saying that "these men could all find work if they wanted to," and naturally these opinions affected the working class themselves. I remember the shock of astonishment it gave me, when I first met with tramps and beggars, to find that a fair proportion, perhaps a quarter, of these beings whom I had been taught to regard as cynical parasites(寄生蟲), were decent young miners and cotton workers gazing at their destiny with the same sort of dumb amazement as an animal in trap. They simply could not understand what was happening to them. They had been brought up to work, but it seemed as if they were never going to have the chance of working again. In their circumstance it was inevitable, at first, that they should be filled with a feeling of personal degradation. That was the attitude towards unemployment in those days: it was a disaster which happened to you as an individual and for which you were to blame.

16.The author did not learn of the unemployment problem until 1928 because ________.

A. he had spent his childhood in Burma

B. people in Burma hardly talked about unemployment

C. the English economy collapsed after he had gone abroad

D. England had been enjoying economic prosperity while he was in Burma



17.Many of the unemployed felt ashamed of their condition because ________.

A. they imagined they were to blame for being out of work

B. nobody wanted to admit that unemployment was inevitable

C. they had to admit that unemployment would probably continue

D. they felt the middle classes were right to say they could find work if they wanted to



18.About a quarter of the tramps and beggars the author met were ________.

A. cynical parasites

B. once quite good at mining and making cotton

C. like animals in trap

D. young workers bewildered by what had happened to them


解析:答案D。本題的解題依據(jù)主要是:I remember the shock of astonishment it gave me, when I first met with tramps and beggars, to find that…, were decent young miners and cotton workers gazing at their destiny with the same sort of dumb amazement as an animal in a trap一句。顯然作者所遇到的流浪漢和乞丐本是一些體面的礦工和棉紡工人,他們對(duì)自己處境的驚訝不異于落入陷阱的野獸,也即處于困惑絕望的境地,選擇D項(xiàng)符合這一原文內(nèi)容,為正確答案。

19. The reason why their unemployment so confused the young miners and cotton workers is that _______.

A. they had been brought up on the assumption that they had work to do

B. they had not previously realized how degrading it would feel to be out of work

C. they were definitely not going to be able to work again

D. they did not expect to be the objects of middle-class criticism


解析:答案A.本題根據(jù)原文中They had been brought up to work, but it seemed as if they were never going to have the chance of working again這一句。據(jù)此容易看出A項(xiàng)為正確答案。

20.In the passage as a whole, the author's attitude to unemployment is _________.

A. that it was a disaster for which the individuals were to blame

B. the shock that it should have so degrading an effect on decent people

C. the astonishment that the unemployed cannot understand what had happened to them

D. the amazement that the loss of overseas trade can have such severe effects on the mining and cotton industries.


解析:答案B。作者顯然并不認(rèn)為失業(yè)問題應(yīng)由個(gè)人承擔(dān)責(zé)任,因此A項(xiàng)不對(duì);從原文來(lái)看,不但失業(yè)者不能理解所發(fā)生的一切,就是中產(chǎn)階級(jí)也在大談“接受救濟(jì)的二流子”的理論,顯然,不能正確理解失業(yè)問題的不止是失業(yè)者,而是一個(gè)普遍的現(xiàn)象,所以作者沒有必要為失業(yè)者的無(wú)知而感到震驚,C項(xiàng)不對(duì);在文中作者顯示他已認(rèn)識(shí)到海外市場(chǎng)的喪失是失業(yè)的真正根源,這已不能給他以amazement,所以D項(xiàng)也不對(duì);作者真正感到驚駭?shù)氖潜静辉撚蓚€(gè)人負(fù)責(zé)的失業(yè)問題卻被人們盲目地全部歸咎于失業(yè)的工人本身,而這種不公正的評(píng)價(jià)又使得失業(yè)者本身產(chǎn)生了負(fù)疚的恥辱感,以至于產(chǎn)生了so degrading an effect,顯然B項(xiàng)是答案。

The place of the child in society has varied for thousands of years and has been affected by different cultures and religions. In ancient times unwanted children were occasionally abandoned, put to death, exploited, or offered for religious sacrifices, and in any event a large percentage of them didn't survive their physically hazardous existence to achieve maturity.

In Western civilization within the last few hundred years, there have been many changes in attitude toward the young. In agricultural Europe, and late with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the children of the poor worked long hours for little or no pay, and there was no public concern for their safety or welfare. Punishment could be cruel and severe, and sometimes religious passions were expressed violently with a view toward saving the child’s soul.

By the eighteenth century the harsh, deterministic, doctrinal(教條的)methods began to show some change. Society slowly accorded children a role of importance. Books were written expressly for them and gradually laws were passed for their protection.

In the past few decades parents have become more attentive to the needs of their children. Better health care is available and education is no longer reserved for a limited few. With so many now able to go to college, many educators feel that we have too many students and too few competent scholars. Some say the pendulum(鐘擺)in child rearing has swung so far toward permissiveness that many children are growing up alienated(離間)from society and with no respect for law or parental authority.

The tendency today is for teachers and parents to emphasize individual responsibility and to stress that educational goals for students should be tailored to their chosen vocations rather than provide a generalized higher education.

21.What does the article say about children?

A. they have always been the hope of mankind.

B. In certain periods of history no one cared about them.

C. In the mid-eighteenth century western attitudes toward children began to change.

D. There were laws barring child labor during the industrial revolution.



22. What does the article say about children in ancient times?

A. They were often cruelly beaten.

B. At times they were used as sacrificial offerings.

C. People who didn’t want children usually murdered them.

D. Though they were abused of neglected by their parents, children survived to adulthood with little difficulty.



23. What changes have occurred in the past few decades with regard to the child's place in society?

A. Child raising has become more permissive.

B. Public health care has improved so much that children now need no particular health care.

C. Children are becoming more intelligent.

D. Children are becoming more respectful toward their parents.


解析:答案A。第四段第二句只是說Better health care is available,故B項(xiàng)不對(duì)。C項(xiàng)和D項(xiàng)文章未提到。從第四段最后一句可知A項(xiàng)為正確答案。

24. What is the present trend in child discipline and education?

A. Giving as many young people as possible a popular generalized college education.

B. Creating more regimentation of the individual.

C. Teaching children to conform to rigorous rules.

D. Emphasizing individual responsibility.



25.Which of the pollowing is implied but not directly stated in the passage?

A. Methods used to treat children in the past were worse than those at present.

B. There are laws passed for protection of children.

C. Parents pay more attention to the needs of their children.

D. Many books have been written for children.



"I do not wish to be hypocritical(虛偽), but the plain fact is-and we all know it to be true-that whenever we see a story in a newspaper concerning something we know about, it is more often wrong than right.” John Gordon.

Seeing an inaccuracy in a newspaper report, one's often tempted to condemn that newspaper and its staff out of hand. How can mistakes occur when it is obvious that a paper must have elaborate checking systems to ensure the accuracy of its reports?

To investigate the causes of factual mistakes, rather than twists of angle or opinion, a distinction must be made between "scheduled news" and "unscheduled news". With scheduled news-an election, a football match, a trial-a news editor can arrange in advance for one of the paper's reporters to be on the spot; in some cases, the reporter will be aided by special handouts(新聞通報(bào))for the press. But unscheduled news-a train or air crash, a suicide, a bank robbery, for example-is a different matter. How can a reporter with a deadline 30 minutes away estimate accurately the number of injured in a train crash that occurred at midnight in the heart of the country? Can anyone be depended upon to produce a precise assessment of the size of a crowd rushing wildly through city streets?

The newsgathering machinery of newspapers is fairly complicated. A large newspaper usually has staff reporters in all the main cities of the country and also part-time correspondents(記者)who might be either freelance(自由職業(yè)的)journalists or on the staff of a provincial paper;they help to extend the net in order to catch the news before it's cold. Other important sources of news are the news agencies which are of great assistance in foreign matters, for a paper cannot, for obvious reasons, keep thousands of reporters all over the world just in case a story breaks in front of one of their noses.

26.According to John Gordon, ______.

A. readers are often too critical about the quality of papers

B. mistakes often occur in newspapers

C. reporters often lack a sense of responsibility

D. newspaper reports are not attractive enough


解析:答案B。見第一段中:...it is more often wrong than right意為:錯(cuò)誤的報(bào)道比真實(shí)的報(bào)道還多,即報(bào)紙中常常出現(xiàn)錯(cuò)誤。

27. The writer believe that factual mistakes in newspapers are probably due to the fact that ________.

A. it is impossible for the reporter to be 100 accurate in reporting sudden events

B. some reporters do not pay enough attention to background information

C. background information given in advance can sometimes be misleading

D. news editor are not careful enough in checking the details of reports


解析:答案A。見第三段后半部分:How can a reporter with a deadline 30 minutes away estimate accurately the number of injured in a train crash that occured at midnight in the heart of the country?可見,當(dāng)出現(xiàn)一些突發(fā)事件時(shí),由于時(shí)間倉(cāng)促很難準(zhǔn)確地予以報(bào)道。由此可推斷,報(bào)紙中的失實(shí)之處在所難免。

28.It is a usual practice for newspapers to get foreign news from ________.

A. freelance journalists

B. staff of a provincial paper

C. reporters sent abroad

D. news agencies


解析:答案D。見第四段最后一句:Other important sources of news are the news agencies…,顯然D項(xiàng)為正確答案。

29.The writer thinks that inaccuracy in the press______.

A. is inevitable

B. is intolerable

C. is to be eliminated

D. is often ignored by readers



30.The writer cites the example of producing a precise assessment of the size of a crowd in order to _______.

A. urge an improvement in checking systems

B. warn the crowd of hidden dangers in the street

C. justify the mistakes in newspapers

D. make known the hard work of reporters




31.Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders _____ will happen to her private life.





[譯文] 雖然安娜對(duì)自己的成功感到很高興,但她想知道她的私人生活將發(fā)生什么。


32.Wouldn't you rather your child _____ to bed early?



C.would go


[譯文] 為什么你不愿讓你的孩子早點(diǎn)上床休息呢?

答案為B.would rather 的用法。would rather 后的從句應(yīng)用一般過去時(shí)。

33.Some diseases are _____ by certain water animals.





[譯文] 有些疾病是通過水生動(dòng)物傳播的。

答案為D.本題考點(diǎn):詞義的辨析。A.transplant移植 B.transform改變;使變態(tài);改造,改革 C.transport 運(yùn)輸 D.transmit信息、信號(hào)或疾病的.傳遞、傳播。

34.This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen _____ Comfortably.

A.is worn



D.are worn

[譯文] 這種有經(jīng)驗(yàn)的工人制作的眼鏡帶起來(lái)很舒服。

答案為B.本題涉及wear等動(dòng)詞的習(xí)慣用法。英語(yǔ)中有不少動(dòng)詞與"well"等副詞連用,其主動(dòng)形式表示被動(dòng)意義。如:The essay reads smoothly.這篇文章讀起來(lái)很流暢.。The cloth washes easily這布料好洗.。

35.The sale usua1ly takes place outside the house, with the audience on benches, chairs or boxes.

A.having seated



D.having been seated

[譯文] 甩賣活動(dòng)通常在戶外舉行,那時(shí)人們都坐在長(zhǎng)凳上,椅子上或箱子上。


36.Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it _____ in Cuba.

A.being cultivated

B.been cultivated

C.having cultivated


[譯文] 源于新大陸的玉米,直到哥倫布在古巴發(fā)現(xiàn)它的種植后,才傳到歐洲。

答案為A.本題考點(diǎn):分詞的用法。find后的賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)可以用過去分詞,也可以是現(xiàn)在分詞。在本句中玉米被種植,所以A項(xiàng)being cultivated過去分詞的進(jìn)行體.符合要求。

37.The hopes, goals, fears and desires _____ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.





[譯文] 男人與女人之間,富人與窮人之間,他們的希望、目標(biāo)、恐懼與渴望有很大的區(qū)別。

答案為D.本題考點(diǎn):動(dòng)詞詞義辨析。A.alter更改,改變 B.shift 轉(zhuǎn)換,轉(zhuǎn)移,移動(dòng)C.transfer 轉(zhuǎn)移;傳遞,傳輸D.vary變化,不同,相當(dāng)于be different.

38.I don't mind _____ the decision as long as it is not too late.

A.you to delay making

C.your delaying to make

B.your delaying making

D.you delay to make

[譯文] 只要不要拖延得太晚,你推遲作出決定,我不介意。


39.Niagara Falls is a great tourist _____, drawing millions of visitors every year.





[譯文] 尼亞加拉瀑布是一個(gè)大的旅游景點(diǎn)對(duì)游客有巨大吸引力的地方.,每年要吸引上百萬(wàn)的人。

答案為B.本題考點(diǎn):名詞詞義辨析。A.attention 注意;B.attraction 吸引人的事物或人;C.appointment 約會(huì);D.arrangement安排。

40.Mrs. Smith was so _____ about everything that no servants could please her.





[答案] D

[譯文] Smith夫人對(duì)于所有事情都很挑剔,所以沒有一個(gè)仆人能讓她高興。

[解析] Be particular about sth.表示“對(duì)……挑剔,吹毛求疵”。

41. This is what you should bear in mind: Don't _____ a salary increase before you actually get it.

A.hang on

B.draw on

C.wait on

D.count on

[答案] D

[譯文] 這是你應(yīng)該記住的:在得到漲工資以前不要指望它。

[解析] 本題考察四個(gè)帶有on的動(dòng)詞詞組。Hang on意思較多,有“糾纏,緊緊握住某物;堅(jiān)持不放棄;堅(jiān)持不懈;打電話時(shí)不掛斷;稍待等待一會(huì)兒時(shí)間”;draw on穿上,戴上靴子, 手套等.;吸收,利用;憑,靠;動(dòng)用;向……支取;逗引某人.開口說話;招來(lái),招致;接近,靠近;wait on滿足……的需要;服侍;count on表示“依賴,依靠”,符合上下文。

42. The ship's generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated _____ instead of mechanically.





[答案] C

[譯文] 船的發(fā)電機(jī)壞了,所以需要手動(dòng)操作水泵而不能機(jī)械操作。

[解析] 這也更加要求我們要“溫故而知新”。因?yàn)閕nstead of后面是mechanically機(jī)械地.,所以我們只要找到它的反義詞就行了,答案C.manually手動(dòng)符合題義。

43. The little girl was so frightened that she just wouldn't _____ her grip on my arm.





[答案] A

[譯文] 這個(gè)小女孩非常害怕,她一直抓著我的胳膊不放。

[解析] 本題有兩個(gè)選項(xiàng)容易混淆:A.loosen 和C.relieve.Relieve的意思是“減緩導(dǎo)致…的減輕或緩和;免于痛苦,脫離痛苦,焦慮或者苦惱;救濟(jì),為……提供幫助或援助”,不能和grip搭配;而loosen one's grip表示“放開手”。

44. He never arrives on time and my _____ is that he feels the meetings are useless.





[答案] C

[譯文] 他從沒有準(zhǔn)時(shí)到會(huì),所以我的判斷是他認(rèn)為會(huì)議沒有用。

[解析] 本題的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)都有"ence"的后綴把一個(gè)動(dòng)詞變?yōu)槊~,所以我們只要背了它們的動(dòng)詞詞根的意思,這四個(gè)詞的意思就容易找出來(lái)了。Preference表示“喜歡,喜好”;conference的意思是“會(huì)議,大會(huì)”;reference表示“參考,指出”;而inference表示“推斷,推論”,符合題義。

45. Mrs. Smith was so _____ about everything that no servants could please her.





[答案] D

[譯文] Smith夫人對(duì)于所有事情都很挑剔,所以沒有一個(gè)仆人能讓她高興。

[解析] Be particular about sth.表示“對(duì)……挑剔,吹毛求疵”。因?yàn)榇缶V中雖然列出了4200個(gè)詞,但在考試中能考的就1800個(gè)左右,而這些詞在前一些年出現(xiàn)的考點(diǎn)大部分都有所體現(xiàn),只是這次把這四個(gè)詞放在一起來(lái)考察我們,而下次把另外的四個(gè)詞放在一起。

46.He never arrives on time and my _____ is that he feels the meetings are useless.





[答案] C

[譯文] 他從沒有準(zhǔn)時(shí)到會(huì),所以我的判斷是他認(rèn)為會(huì)議沒有用。

[解析] 本題的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)都有"ence"的后綴把一個(gè)動(dòng)詞變?yōu)槊~,所以我們只要背了它們的動(dòng)詞詞根的意思,這四個(gè)詞的意思就容易找出來(lái)了。Preference表示“喜歡,喜好”;conference的意思是“會(huì)議,大會(huì)”;reference表示“參考,指出”;而inference表示“推斷,推論”,符合題義。

47.The little girl was so frightened that she just wouldn't _____ her grip on my arm.





[答案] A

[譯文] 這個(gè)小女孩非常害怕,她一直抓著我的胳膊不放。

[解析] 本題有兩個(gè)選項(xiàng)容易混淆:A.loosen和C.relieve.Relieve的意思是“減緩導(dǎo)致……的減輕或緩和;免于痛苦,脫離痛苦,焦慮或者苦惱;救濟(jì),為……提供幫助或援助”,不能和grip搭配;而loosen one's grip表示“放開手”。

48.The ship's generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated _____ instead of mechanically.





[答案] C

[譯文] 船的發(fā)電機(jī)壞了,所以需要手動(dòng)操作水泵而不能機(jī)械操作。

[解析] 這也更加要求我們要“溫故而知新”。因?yàn)閕nstead of后面是mechanically機(jī)械地.,所以我們只要找到它的反義詞就行了,答案C.manually手動(dòng)符合題義。

49.This is what you should bear in mind: Don't _____ a salary increase before you actually get it.

A.hang on

B.draw on

C.wait on

D.count on

[答案] D

[譯文] 這是你應(yīng)該記住的:在得到漲工資以前不要指望它。

[解析] 本題考察四個(gè)帶有on的動(dòng)詞詞組。Hang on意思較多,有“糾纏,緊緊握住某物;堅(jiān)持不放棄;堅(jiān)持不懈;打電話時(shí)不掛斷;稍待等待一會(huì)兒時(shí)間”;draw on穿上, 戴上靴子, 手套等.;吸收, 利用; 憑, 靠;動(dòng)用;向……支取;逗引某人.開口說話;招來(lái), 招致;接近,靠近;wait on滿足……的需要;服侍;count on表示“依賴,依靠”,符合上下文。

50.Don‘t be late. No one would like _____.

A.to be kept waiting

B.being kept waiting

C.to be kept to wait

D.being kept to wait

答案:A. to be kept waiting 不要遲到。沒有人會(huì)喜歡被久等


51.we all have strengths and weaknesses.A good manager concentrates on bringing out of each employee’s best side and combining those strengths so they complement each other.

Since no one Person can have all the skills needed to successfully operate any organization,we need to build your team in a way that makes use of these skills.That is no mall matter.

You must begin by knowing your team members.When you know people,you learn what motivates them and what de-motivates them.You learn how they interact with certain people and under certain conditions·You pay attention to their working style,how they get things done. Only with this kind of information can you get the most out of all people and merge their talents to get the most out of the team.





52.You are to write in no less than 120 words about the title“The Most Important Quality for a Person to Be Successful in the World Today”.You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:




The Most Important Quality for a Person to Be Successful in the World Today

I think the most important quality for a person to be successful in the world today is being tolerant. Here I do not define success economically. I define success socially.To succeed in the future, we will need to be tolerant of different background,opinions, and lifestyles.

Our modern society has become increasingly open. People from different cities, provinces or even different countries come to work in one workplace. So we must learn to live and work with these people and to be tolerant of the cultures, beliefs and lifestyles which are different from ours if we want to live and work with them peacefully.

In the present world, many a war was waged just because of different opinions or beliefs.We should not do things like that. We should not stop speaking to people or start a quarrel just because we have different opinions and beliefs. We must learn to be tolerant of one another and respect different opinions. We should find a common ground --an idea we can both agree on. Once we have agreed on one subject, it will be easier for us to settle differences in other subjects.

Learning to be tolerant is very important for everyone if he or she wants to be successful socially in our modern world.

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