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更新時間:2018-09-11 11:31:57 來源:環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 瀏覽57收藏17

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摘要 不是境況造就人,而是人造就境況。努力的人運氣都不會差,成考過后,拿下學(xué)位證,更多一份保證,2018年下半年成人英語三級提分試卷-完成對話(9)如下:




1. Speaker A:Beach Motel. May I help you?

Speaker B :_________.

A. Thank you. I'd like to make a long distance call to New York.

B. Yes. We need a double room for this weekend.

C. Sorry, I don't think you can help us. Thank you anyway.

D. All right. My name is David Jones and my room number is 301.


【解析】說話者A說"Beach Motel.May I help you?"意思是“這里是海灘汽車旅館,有什么需要我?guī)椭膯?”,從這句話可以判斷A是一個汽車旅館的接待員,選項B"Yes.Weneed a double rom for this weekend."(是的,我們本周末需要一個雙人間)符合這一對話情景。選項A是要往New York打電話,這顯然不是汽車旅館主要提供的服務(wù)項目。選項C和D回答都和問話沒有關(guān)系。

2. Speaker A:Hello,Jane. How lucky to run into you! Can you and Tom come to dinner tomor-row evening?

Speaker B:_________. I don't think we're going out.

A. I suppose I can't

B. I'm afraid not

C. It's my pleasure

D. I think so

答案:D 【解析】說話者A偶遇說話者B—Jane和Tom,并邀請二人明晚一起共進晚餐。說話者B的答語后半部分說他們明天晚上不會外出,意即同意赴約。A項、B項均表示不同意,C項是針對致謝用的答語,表示“不用謝”,只有D項是表示同意的答語。因此。D項正確。

3. Speaker A: I'd like to buy the refrigerator, but I'm one hundred dollars short.

Speaker B: __________if you promise to give it back before this weekend.

A. I'll borrow you the money

B. I'll lend you the money

C. I'd lend you the money

D. I will have lent you the money



4. Speaker A: Could you give me a ride to the conference center? My presentation is in about half an hour.

Speaker B: __________Have you checked with Bob? He seems to be on his way there about this time.

A. I'm sorry. Perhaps next time.

B. I'm glad to. But it's too late.

C. I'm afraid I am going to the opposite direction.

D. Excuse me, but I'm going to the conference center.



5. Speaker A: Are you feeling better now?

Speaker B :__________.

A. Well, not too better yet, thank you

B. Well, not too good yet. Better than I was thought

C. Well, it doesn't matter. I am all right now

D. Well, never mind, I'm much better now


【解析】A中的not too better yet不符合英文的表達習慣;C、D答非所問。B表示“雖不太好,但比以前好多了”,是最佳選擇。

6. Waiter: Welcome, sir. May I help you?

Customer: _________

A. Thank you. I'll have fried tofu and stir-fried cauliflower.

B. Yes, please. I'd like a hamburger and a chocolate shake.

C. Sorry. I don't need your help, thank you.

D. If you want to help me, I'll be glad to accept it.


【解析】顧客到了餐館,侍者問客人要吃什么。客人點了hamburger and a chocolate shake,符合當時的場合及語境。

7. Johnny: Dear Tommy, why don't you come on holiday with us?

Tommy : __________

A. That's very kind of you ! I'd love to

B. How dare you invite me? I won't go

C. Yeah, thanks anyway

D. Whether I'll go or not is not your business, ok?



8. Anna : Hi, Keith. How's it going?

Keith: __________. I lost my wallet, and it had all my ID and credit cards in it.

A. Not too bad

B. Not too good

C. Not very well

D. Not at all


【解析】Not too bad是“還可以,不錯”的意思;Not too good恰好與Not too bad相反,表示“不怎么樣”的意思;Not very well是對詢問身體好壞的否定回答;Not at all是回答他人致謝的用法,表示“不客氣”的意思。

9. Speaker A: You'd better take the umbrella with you. It looks like it's going to rain.

Speaker B: Thank you__________

A. for minding me

B. for reminding me

C. for remembering me

D. for caring about me


【解析】本題會話情景為致謝,要求考生能夠辨別四個單詞/短語的詞義差別。A項中mind意為“留意,留心”,B項中remind意為“提醒”,C項中remember意為“記住”。D項中care about意為“關(guān)心”。會話情景表明,說話者A建議說話者B帶上雨傘,因為天看起來要下雨了。據(jù)此推斷,說話者B應(yīng)是對其提醒表示感謝。所以B為正確答案。

10. Speaker A:I'd love to come to your barbecue on Saturday but my cousin is arriving from Cali-fornia that day.

Speaker B: That's no problem. The more the merrier. I'm glad__________

A. I can hold such a barbecue for you

B. your cousin will be arriving from California then

C. we finally have a chance to get together

D. that you're too busy to my barbecue



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