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摘要 生活只有兩種選擇:重新出發(fā),做自己生命的主角,抑或停留在原地,做別人的配角。2019年要想拿下學(xué)位證書,考生要多做一些成人英語三級練習(xí)題,掌握考試題型,下面我們繼續(xù)練習(xí)2019年學(xué)位英語考試備考習(xí)題及答案(八)。



Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)

Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

1. Tim: How was your trip to London?

Susan: ________!

A. Marvelous B. Very kind of you

C. Not necessarily D. Quite excited

2. Ed: Are you going to watch the football match tomorrow morning?

Maggie: ________.

A. Thank you B. See you then

C. Yes, of course D. No, go ahead

3. Mr. Williams: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the nearest post office?

Mike: _______.

A. Of course you can

B. You’re welcome

C. You must take it

D. Go straight and then turn left

4. Mike: Hello, may I speak to Jane?

Jane: ________ Who’s that, please?

A. Yes, she is B. You are right

C. Yes, you may D. Speaking

5. John: Guess what! I met an old school friend in the street just now.

Larry: ________ I’m sure both of you should be very glad.

A. Sounds a good idea. B. Don’t mention it.

C. All right. D. How nice!

6. Jane: Do you mind if I park here?

Brett: _________. Look at the sign here: “No Parking”.

A. Of course not B. I’d rather you didn’t

C. Help yourself D. That’s right

7. A man: _________. A car is coming.

A woman: How dangerous! Thank you very much for telling me.

A. Hurry up B. Look out

C. Take it easy D. Take your time

8. Joan: Don’t forget to pass on the message to my teacher.

Nancy: _________.

A. No, I won’t B. I don’t think so

C. Sorry, I wouldn’t D. Yes, I will

9. Elaine: I’ve made up mind to go abroad next year. ________?

Carol: Well, I haven’t decided it yet.

A. What about you

B. How do you like it

C. Something about you

D. Can you tell me yours

10. Mark: I didn’t go to the basketball match yesterday.

James: _________. It was really exciting.

A. Don’t worry B. Don’t hurry

C. What a pity D. How wonderful

11. Jack: Sorry, My mother isn’t in. Shall she give you a return call when she comes back?

Mike: _____. My number is 5752370.

A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. Thank you D. That’s it

12.Mary: Goodbye, Martin, remember me to your parents.

Martin: .

A. That’s all right B. Thanks, I will

C. Let me see D. That’s a good idea

13. Johnson: I'm sorry I broke your cup.

James: Oh, really? .

A. It's OK with me B. It doesn't matter

C. Don't be sorry D. I don't think so

14. Virginia: What do you think of your new job?

Rena: _________.

A. Don’t mention it B. Good idea.

C. Yes, it is D. I like it very much.

15. Lily: Could you please spare me a few minutes?

Jane: _______, but you’d better be brief.

A. I’m sorry B. Go ahead

C. Excuse me   D. I hope so

Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

Passage One

We often hear people talking about the generation gap. The name is new but the idea is old. The world keeps changing and it has always kept changing. During the second century after Christ, a wise man said, “Bury me on my face because in a little while everything will be turned upside down.”

There has always been a gap between generations, though more people talk about it now. The following shows what Old Mr. Ellis thinks ‘generation gap’ means: young people and their parents don’t understand each other.

“When I was a boy, I thought the world was a beautiful place. My life was very pleasant. But when I was older I learned about people who were treated badly, people who didn’t have enough to eat. I wanted to help them, and I married a girl who wanted to help them, too. We went to meetings and talked a lot, but it didn’t seem to make much difference.

“Our children grew up in a world at war. They didn’t know when the war would stop. They wanted their children to have nice clothes and toys. They didn’t want to think about the future. They thought nothing could be done about it.

“Now I have grandchildren and they have their own ideas. They are trying to make the world better. They are trying to help other people. They are making people listen to them. I’m proud of their generation.”

16. ‘Generation gap’ most probably means _________.

A. an old name with new meaning

B. the great changes between different periods

C. the fact that things will be turned upside down soon

D. old and young people don’t understand each other

17. The gap between generations _________.

A. has recently appeared

B. has existed for a long time

C. only exists in some special times

D. is something not much talked about today

18. What is Mr. Ellis’ attitude towards his grandchildren?

A. He doesn’t understand them very well.

B. He often criticize them.

C. He likes them very much.

D. He doesn’t care much about them.

19. Which of the following statements is true according to Mr. Ellis?

A. His children thought a lot about the future.

B. His children always listened to others.

C. His grandchildren try to make the world better.

D. His grandchildren want to have nice clothes and toys.

20. This passage is about _________.

A. the generation gap

B. Mr. Ellis’ life story

C. Mr. Ellis’ family

D. the differences among children

Passage One

Mr. Anders worked in a hospital. Three years ago, when he was sixty-eight, he retired. But a lot of people still come to ask him to look them over. He’s very busy in the daytime and he wants to have a good rest at night.

Half a year ago a young man moved into the room upstairs. At first he was quiet. The old man was satisfied with him. But now he has several friends. They often come to see him in the evening. They talk loudly, sing and dance. Mr. Anders is unhappy, but he seldom says anything about it.

It was the young man’s birthday yesterday. All his friends came at seven in the evening. They drank too much and made a lot of noise. The old man couldn’t fall asleep the whole night. In the morning, as soon as he got up, he went upstairs and knocked at the door. The young man opened it for him and asked him in.

“Did you hear me strike the ceiling last night, young man?” asked Mr. Anders. “It doesn’t matter, sir.” said the young man, “I don’t mind it. It was very noisy in my room, too.”

21. Mr. Anders is a .

A. teacher B. policeman

C. doctor D. gatekeeper

22. According to the passage, after Mr. Anders’ retirement, a lot of people come to ask him to .

A. live with them

B. check their health

C. they don’t pay him for it

D. his medical skill is good

23. Mr. Anders was first satisfied with the young man upstairs because ________.

A. he treated people friendly

B. he talked to others politely

C. he didn’t make much noise

D. he didn’t speak much

24. The word strike (in para. 4) in the story means .

A. knock lightly B. hit repeatedly

C. touch gently D. beat cheerfully

25. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The young man thought Mr. Anders came to say sorry to him

B. Mr. Anders wanted to drink with the young man.

C. Mr. Anders hoped the young man to move to another house.

D. The young man was afraid to meet Mr. Anders.

Passage Three

For anyone who come to Hawaii, the people and the land always offer an endless gift of love and kindness.

What are the beauties of Hawaii? Let’s start with four.

The beach, famous for its water temperature, air temperature and waves, naturally, is the first beauty. There are hundreds of miles of beaches on the twenty islands of Hawaii. Most of them are covered with fine white sand. They are thought to be among the finest beaches in the world.

Then, what do you think would be the second beautiful thing you would notice? They are volcanoes, of course. These volcanoes are not just a part of the islands; they made the islands in the first place. Because of them the islands are still growing. The most famous volcano on Hawaii is Mauna Loa. It is the world’s most active volcano. Because Mauna Loa has erupted so often, it has become the biggest (but not the tallest) mountain in the world.

What would be the third thing of beauty that the first visitor to Hawaii would notice? It probably wouldn’t be just one thing, but many things: all the wonderful fruit and flowers of the islands. Sugar cane and pineapples are Hawaii’s biggest exports. Sugar cane has been growing in Hawaii for a thousand years and now Hawaii produces over one million tons of sugar a year. As for pineapples, the islands produce more than any other place in the world, which has made Dole Company the biggest fruit-packing company in the world.

The fourth and most beautiful thing about Hawaii is the people who live there. From its earliest days, Hawaii has had a peaceful history. The Polynesians who came to the islands about a thousand years ago believed that a stranger should be welcomed. They offered strangers food and comfort, and thought of them as brothers. The Hawaiians never rush, and perhaps this is because they care more for human life than they care for the machine. There is an old Hawaiian law that a man can go to sleep in the middle of the road if he wants to. What makes the people of Hawaii so beautiful is their feeling about people. There are 64 different combinations of races on the islands, and they all live in peace. They believe “Above all nations is humanity.” That is the most beautiful thing of all.

26. According to the passage, Hawaii is made up of _________.

A. one island

B. twenty islands.

C. sixty-four islands.

D. hundreds of islands.

27. Why are the volcanoes so special to the islands?

A. They erupt often.

B. They are growing.

C. They actually made the islands.

D. They are not a part of the islands.

28. What has made Dole Company the biggest fruit-packing company in the world?

A. sugar

B. fruits

C. sugar cane

D. pineapples

29. According to the passage, why are the people in Hawaii the most beautiful thing?

A. Because they had a peaceful history.

B. Because there are 64 different races on the islands.

C. Because they care more for people than anything else.

D. Because they can sleep in the middle of the road if they want.

30. According to the passage, “above all nations is humanity” might mean _________.

A. nations all share the same humanity.

B. humanity has no national boundaries

C. nations in the world all have humanity

D. humanity is more important than nations

Passage Four

All over the world, and for many different reasons, there are millions of people who rarely or never eat meat. These people are called vegetarians. To people who eat meat, being a vegetarian may seem like a very strange thing, but most vegetarians are very happy with their choice of diet. They chose such diets for several different reasons.

First, vegetarians have an enormous health advantage. One of the major health problems in modern societies is not too little protein but too much food, especially in the form of animal fats. Medical evidence suggests that animal fats, including butter, contribute to the development of cholesterol in the human body. High amounts of cholesterol seem to be part of the cause of heart disease. Most vegetarians have low levels of cholesterol. High amounts of animal fats also seem to lead to certain kinds of cancer, and vegetarians are typically less vulnerable to these cancers than people who eat a lot of meat. Overall, studies comparing the health of vegetarians and meat-eaters show that the meat-eaters are twice as likely to die of heart disease as vegetarians are.

Better health is one reason that people choose to become vegetarians. Another reason is religion. Some religions forbid the eating of meat. The largest of these is the Hindu religion, which has about 600 million believers in the world. Although not all Hindus are vegetarian, many are, and there are many believers of other religions such Buddhism and even some Christian religions who also do not eat meat.

Many vegetarians do not eat meat simply because they do not like the taste of it. They have no religious or philosophical reasons; they just do not like meat. Another important reason that vegetarians give for not eating meat is the health advantages that were given above. Lastly, there are many people who do not eat meat because they just do not like the idea of killing animals for food. They believe that life, all life, is valuable, and that we do not have to destroy life to feed ourselves when there are other good sources of food.

31. According to the passage, people choose to be vegetarians for the following reasons EXCEPT _________.

A. they want to stay healthy

B. they are too kind to put the idea of killing animals

C. they live in areas where meat supply is not adequate

D. they should not eat meat due to their religious belief

32. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 2?

A. Vegetarians enjoy a more healthy life than the meat eaters.

B. Heart disease and cancer are caused by large amounts of protein.

C. There are twice as many meat-eaters as vegetarians who die of cancer.

D. There are less health problems in modern society due to advanced medical care.

33. Which is true about the vegetarians?

A. Vegetarians never eat meat for whatever reasons.

B. There are more vegetarians than meat-eaters in the world.

C. Vegetarians cannot eat meat because of their health problems.

D. Some vegetarians cannot get used to eating meat because of the taste.

34. What does “vulnerable” mean in Paragraph 2?

A. Having low level of cholesterol.

B. Having high level of cholesterol.

C. Having weak ability to resist diseases and harms.

D. Having strong ability to resist diseases and harms.

35. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A. being a vegetarian may be a very strange thing

B. vegetarians eat meat on some special occasions

C. all vegetarians have reasons for their not eating meat

D. most vegetarians believe that life without meat is happy

Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

36. It is Thomas Edison that _____ the electric lamp.

A. invented B. discovered

C. designed D. developed

37. _________ , the group of pop singers are visiting all parts of the country.

A. At present B. On time

C. In the future D. In the past

38. I felt very nervous as I went into his office, and he did not _________ from his desk when I entered.

A. look out B. look down

C. look around D. look up

39. As I felt so much better, my doctor ________ me to take a holiday by the sea

A. suggested B. advised

C. recommended D. considered

40. I love thinking of new designs. It keeps my mind clear and active and fills my retired life with ________.

A. sorrow B. anxiety

C. joy D. anger

41. —He looks so young!

—I agree with you. He may look 30, but he is _________45.

A. actually B. basically

C. accordingly D. entirely

42. All the mothers __________at the party were happy with the children’s performances.

A. thankful B. present

C. interested D. important

43. The bookseller cannot get enough books to _______ the needs of their customers.

A. meet B. please

C. fill D. contain

44. Parents have _______ their concern about violence in some children’s shows.

A. complained B. expected

C. expressed D. accepted

45. William is clever though he’s never been in college. So you should not _________him

A. look forward to B. look down upon

C. pay attention to D. think highly of

46. The watch chain given by his girl friend as his birthday present is so _____ that he likes it very much.

A. nicely B. lovely

C. finely D. beautifully

47. We decided to leave the waitress a big _____ because her service was excellent.

A. note B. tip

C. gift D. money

48. What do you think would be the _____ of this diamond necklace, if I were to sell it?

A. value B. price

C. worth D. cost

49. I have to go home and _____ some more money; I didn’t know these things would come to so much.

A. bring B. take

C. carry D. fetch

50. Unfortunately her father never had the _____ to hear her play the violin.

A. times B. chances

C. possibility D. opportunity

51. Those black-and-white pictures taken in the1960’s always _____ me of my happy childhood in the countryside.

A. remembers B. reminds

C. recalls D. refreshes

52. The telephone numbers of Mrs. Green’s home and of the cinema are similar, so people often make a ________ and call her when they want the cinema.

A. gesture B. mistake

C. position D. glimpse

53. In order to write a good composition, we should first make a careful _____ of words.

A. collection B. selection

C. election D. production

54. Washington was _____ the first president of the United States after the War of Independence ended.

A. elected B. picked

C. selected D. chosen

55. The cost of the products _______ to 56,000 Yuan.

A. amounts B. numbers

C. reaches D. adds

56. I’ll keep your company if you ______ there,.

A. will go B. went

C. shall go D. go

57. _______ down the television ─ our baby is sleeping in the next room.

A. Turn B. Turning C. Turned D. To turn

58. I have kept that photo __________ I can see it every day, as it reminds me of my university days in U.S.A.

A. where B. when

C. whether D. which

59. The policeman told John that his bike ____ and he could take it home right away.

A. would be found B. was found

C. had been found D. were found

60. He will be watching her anxiously _______ she swims the long distance.

A. while B. where

C. during D. meanwhile

61. He had no sooner returned to the countryside _________ he bought a house and went to live there.

A. when B. as soon as

C. shortly after D. than

62. A _______ policeman answered his questions politely and patiently.

A. smiled B. smiling

C. smile D. smiles

63. She is ________ a kind person that they all speak highly of her.

A. so B. as

C. such D. like

64. It was so noisy near the airport. _________, he moved away because it was more than he could bear.

A. At the beginning B. From then on

C. In the end D. By the way

65. He acted ______ he had never been here before.

A. as if B. even if

C. while D. although

66. Sally is not at home. She_____ back in two hours.

A. be B. is

C. has D. will be

67. The room is so clean. He must __________ the cleaning before he left.

A. do B. have done

C. did D. be done

68. Mrs. White moved to this city in 2000. She ________ here for ten years.

A. will live B. is living

C. has been living D. lives

69. ---Will you come on Saturday or Sunday?

---I’m afraid ______ is possible. I’ll be busy the whole weekend.

A. either B. neither

C. both D. each

70. Many people have been driven away from their homes by the noise. I’m one of _____ people left.

A. a few B. the few

C. a little D. the little

71. The children have told their parents _________ they want to do during the summer vacation.

A. if B. that

C. why D. what

72. This movie often makes her ________ of her own childhood.

A. to think B. think

C. thinking D. thinks

73. Today Chinese becomes very popular and ______ by more and more people around the world.

A. was spoken B. speaks

C. is spoken D. spoke

74. Look at the sign. Parking ______ here.

A. doesn’t allow B. didn’t allow

C. wasn’t allowed D. isn’t allowed

75. The doctor suggested that the medicines _____ here by plane.

A. be sent B. are sent

C. had been sent D. were sent

Part IV Cloze Test (10 points)

Directions: There are 10 numbered blanks in the following passage. For each blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

My father waved me good bye and the bus set off. The person sitting next to me was a government engineer going to Peshawar to inspect the roads. He said that traveling by bus was an excellent way to test the roads. We 76 many villages on the way and stopped once or twice to buy cold drinks, because it was very hot and dusty. The countryside was brown and dry and there were long stretches with no people or villages 77 sight. We had to stop once at some road works, too, which made my traveling companion very 78 .

Most of us were dozing in the afternoon heat when we were 79 by a sudden noise, which sounded like a 80 from a gun. As the bus swerved and then stopped at the side of the road, I remembered all the 81 I had heard about bands of robbers who 82 attack travelers on deserted roads like this. Many of the other passengers looked as bewildered and frightened as I must have looked.

My 83 , however, reassured me: “Nothing to worry about. Only a 84 tyre. But we shall have to wait 85 he changes the wheel.” My cousin Anwar met me at the bus station. “Well, there you are,” he said. “I was beginning to wonder what had happened to you.”

76. A. passed B. traveled C. visited D inspected

77. A. out of B in C. off D at

78. A. happy B. sad C. disappointed D surprised

79. A. woken B. frightened C. shocked D alarmed

80. A. shot B. sound C. bomb D noise

81. A. lessons B. talks C. opinions D. stories

82. A. would rather B. accustomed to C. would like to D. used to

83. A. friend B. neighbor C. cousin D. father

84. A exploded B broken C. burst D worn

85. A. while B. before C. until D. unless

Part V Writing (15 points)

Directions: You are to write in 100-120 words about the title “Cell phones in High school”. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:

1. 越來越多的高中學(xué)生擁有手機

2. 你怎么看待這種現(xiàn)象

3. 有什么建議


Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)

1. A 2. C 3. D 4.D 5. D 6.B 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. C

11. B 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. B

Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)

16. D 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. A 21.C 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. A

26. B 27. A 28. D 29.C 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. C

Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

36. A 37. A 38. D 39. B 40. C 41. A 42. B 43. A 44. C 45. B

46. B 47. B 48. A 49. D 50. B 51. B 52. B 53. B 54. A 55. C

56. D 57. A 58. A 59. C 60. A 61. D 62. B 63. C 64. A 65. A

66.D 67. B 68. C 69. B 70. B 71. D 72.B 73. C 74. D 75. A

Part IV Cloze Test (10 points)

76. A 77. B 78. C 79. A 80. A 81. D 82. D 83. B 84. C 85. A

Part V Writing (15 points)


With the economical development of the society, an increasing number of high school students own their own cell phones now.

There is no doubt that it makes it easier for them to communicate with their teachers or classmates. But I don’t think it’s a good idea for high school students to use cell phones in classroom. Since for some students, they are not able to tell right from wrong. They might spend too much time sending messages, listening music or surfing on the internet using the phones. With no doubt, they would spend less time studying accordingly.

So it’s not wise for parents to buy their children cell phones unless they can make sure they will be used properly. (119 words)

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