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成人英語三級報名、考試、查分時間 免費短信提醒


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摘要 學習上的事情,別人只能為您提供好資料,學習的效果如何,還是要看自己有沒有認真學習,考生多練習成人英語三級練習題,才能掌握考試題型。下面我們練習2019年成人英語三級考試精選試題及答案2。



1. One of the benefits of the new model is that it is easier____ than the old one.

A. operating

B. to be operated

C. to operate

D. operated

【答案】C 在有些be+adj+不定式的情況下,動詞不定式的主動形式表示被動;這些形容詞一般為easy, hard difficult, important, interesting, heavy, pleasant, comfortable, sage等。此時動詞不定式中的動詞為及物動詞。

2. _____, we decided to leave at once, as we didn’t want to risk missing the bus.

A. As it being pretty late

B. It being pretty late

C. It was being pretty late

D. Being pretty late

【答案】B 此題考查非謂語動詞的用法。本句為現(xiàn)在分詞短語做原因狀語,分詞的主語和句子的主語不一致,因此B為正確答案。本句的意思是:“已經(jīng)很晚了,我們決定立刻離開,因為我們不想誤車。”選項A中的as應連接從句。

3. Having no money but ____ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.

A. not to want anyone

B. wanted no one

C. not wanting anyone

D. to want no one

【答案】C。本題考查的是現(xiàn)在分詞表原因,變否定形式直接在ing之前加not。he與want 之間是主動關(guān)系,排除B。Have no money與want沒有先后順序,所以排除不定式。本句意思是:因為沒錢,又不認識別人,他只說自己不吃晚飯也行。

4. The magnificent museum is said ___ about a hundred years ago.

A. to be built

B. to have been built

C. to have built

D. to have being built

【答案】B。build與前面的museum為被動關(guān)系,所以用被動形式,C和D項排除;由句意“據(jù)說,這座宏偉的博物館建成于大約100年前”可知,動詞build表示的時已經(jīng)發(fā)生的動作,故用不定式的完成被動形式。be said to:據(jù)說……。

5. We hurried to the station ______ find ourselves three hours earlier for the train.

A. only to

B. in order to

C. so as to

D. such as to

【答案】A 這句話的意思是我們趕到車站發(fā)現(xiàn)我們早到了三個小時,in order to 和so as to都表示為了,such as to不符合語法規(guī)范,B, C, D都可以排除。

6 “Do you like to ride on the old bus to school?” “Yes, I prefer it ___.”

A. to walk

B. to walking

C. walking

D. having walked

【答案】B。prefer A to B:更愿意做A相比較B而言,to是介詞,后面接名詞或動名詞,所以選B項。

7. I am very sorry for ___ for so long.

A. keep you waiting

B. having kept you waiting

C. waiting for you

D. keep you wait

【答案】B。介詞后面要跟動名詞做賓語,當動名詞的動作在謂語動詞所表示的動作之前發(fā)生時,要用動名詞的完成式。Thank you for having helped me so much.感謝你給了我這么多的幫助。

8. The middle-aged man was seen ___ out of the house on the afternoon of the murder.

A. came B. come

C. to come D. have come

【答案】C。感官動詞feel,hear,see,watch等后面接賓補的時候,要用無to不定式。但如果句子是主語的補足語的話,要加上to。A thief was seen to steal something from the room.一個小偷被看見從屋子里偷了東西。

9. The ability ___ is very important for any speaker.

A. to hear clearly

B. to be clearly heard

C. to hearing clearly

D. to being clearly heard

【答案】B 從句意可知,對演講者來說重要的是“讓別人清楚地聽到自己地講話,即讓自己被聽見”;speaker作hear的邏輯賓語,所以用不定式的被動語態(tài)形式;D項不是正確的表達方法。

10. You ought to know better than ____ yourself in unnecessary expense.

A. to involve B. involve

C. involving D. involved

【答案】A 本題考察的是固定搭配. know better than to do sth. “不至于蠢到” 句意是“你應該不至于蠢到使自己陷入不必要的損失里吧!”

11. There is so much work _____ today. Would you be kind enough to lend me a hand?

A. having done B. to be done

C. being done D. will be done


12. Tom said that he wouldn’t mind__________.

A. to wait for us

B. waiting for us

C. wait for us

D. for waiting us

【答案】B mind作介意講后面接動名詞,排除A,C.但mind是及物動詞,不用介詞,故排除D.答案選B.句意是“湯姆說他不介意等我.”

13. I enjoy playing basketball and then _______.

A. taking a bath

B to take a bath

C. take a bath

D took a bath

【答案】A 由and連接的并列句,前后應保持一致,enjoy的賓語用的是動名詞形式,同樣and 后的賓語也要用動名詞形式.故選A. 句意是“我喜歡打籃球,然后洗個澡.”

14. The famous novel is said ___ into Chinese.

A. to have translated

B. to be translate

C. to have been translated

D. to translate

【答案】C。本句是動詞不定式的完成、被動式。當不定式的邏輯主語是不定式表示的動作的對象時(或是動作的承受者時),不定式一般要用被動式。不定式的完成式所表示的動作發(fā)生在謂語動作或狀態(tài)之前。如:He is not likely to have been told the result.這個結(jié)果可能還沒有告訴他。

15. Helen apologized for ____ to attend the party.

A. her not being able

B. her being not able

C. her to be not able

D. her not to be able

【答案】A 本題考察的是動名詞的否定式. apologized for … 表示“為某事道歉”for是介詞,后面應該接動名詞(復合結(jié)構(gòu)),故排除C,D.動名詞的否定形式是在動名詞前加 not,故選 A. 句意是“海倫為她沒能去參加晚會而道歉.”

16._______ a teacher, one must first be a pupil.

A. Being

B. Having been

C. To be

D. To have been

【答案】 C 這句話強調(diào)的是目的 to就表示目的,意思是要想成為一名老師,首先必須是一個學生。A選項表示已經(jīng)是一位老師。

17.They all returned to the village ___ that the danger was over.

A. convincing

B. convinced

C. to convince

D. having convinced

【答案】B convinced that…=they were convinced that….“他們確信”省略了they were . 過去分詞一般修飾人,意為 “被…的”, 現(xiàn)在分詞一般修飾物,意為 “令人…的”,所以要用過去分詞. 句意是“他們回到村莊,確信危險已經(jīng)結(jié)束了.”

18. ___ anything about the accident, he went to work as well.

A. Not know

B. Know not

C. Knowing not

D. Not knowing


19. Don’t forget ___ the window before leaving the room.

A. to have closed

B. to close

C. having closed

D. closing

【答案】B。forget+動詞不定式作賓語表示動作尚未發(fā)生。I am afraid I will forget to give the letter to him.我擔心我會忘了把這封信交給他。(動詞不定式表示一個發(fā)生在forget 之后的一個將來的動作。)forget +動名詞作賓語,表示動作已經(jīng)發(fā)生。I forget giving the letter to him.我忘了已經(jīng)把信給他了。(動名詞表示一個發(fā)生在forget之前的動作。)類似的動詞有remember,regret等。本句的意思是“走的時候別忘了關(guān)窗戶。”動作還沒有發(fā)生,因此用動詞不定式。

20. ____ tired, after a hard work, she fell into bed and went straight to sleep. (QE98-50)

A. Felt B. Feeling

C. Being felt D. To feel


21. So many representatives _______ , the conference had to be put off.

A. were absent

B. to be absent

C. being absent

D. had been absent

【答案】C 本題考查分詞做原因狀語。缺席,“be absent”在獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)中,用分詞結(jié)構(gòu)表達“being absent”,或者省略be。

22. The plane crashed, its bombs ___ as it hit the ground.

A. exploded

B. were exploded

C. exploding

D. were exploding

【答案】C 此句前后兩部分沒有and連接,不是一個并列句,橫線處不能填做謂語的動詞;its bombs___ as it hit the ground.為獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu),邏輯主語是its bombs:炸彈,可以發(fā)出炸彈的動作,故用explore的現(xiàn)在分詞:exploding表主動;過去分詞:exploded表被動;as it hit the ground:當它(飛機)撞地面的時候,作獨立主格結(jié)構(gòu)中的時間狀語從句。

23._____, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.

A. Giving time

B. To give time

C. Given time

D. Being given time

【答案】C。考查非謂語。只要有時間,他就能夠成為一流的網(wǎng)球選手。首先he和give time之間是被動關(guān)系,因此排除A、B。再有“給時間”和“成為一個優(yōu)秀的網(wǎng)球選手”之間的關(guān)系是先給時間,再成為網(wǎng)球選手,而不是一邊給時間,一邊成為網(wǎng)球選手,因此排除D。

24.The interviewer should take down notes at the moment the person ___ answers the questions.

A. to be interviewed

B. interviewing

C. being interviewed

D. interviewed

【答案】C 本題考查的是分詞作狀語。the person和interview是被動關(guān)系,并強調(diào)和前一動作“take down notes”同時進行,所以選C。

25. With the flowers ___everywhere, the park looks beautiful.

A. to bloom

B. blooming

C. be blooming

D. to be blooming

【答案】B 本句測試with介詞短語引導的分詞獨立主格。with后面接復合賓語。因為賓語the flowers和賓語補足語之間是邏輯的主動關(guān)系。因此用現(xiàn)在分詞。因此B為正確答案。本句的意思是:“到處鮮花盛開,公園非常美麗。”

26. “Car 17 won the race.”“Yes, but its driver came close to ___ killed.”

A. being B. having been

C. be D. have been

【答案】A。本題考查固定搭配及非謂語的時態(tài)。came close to doing是固定搭配。而being killed和won之間無先后順序。

27. He changed his name, _____ that nobody would find out what he had done before.

A. having thought B. to think

C. thinks D. thinking


28. I spent half an hour ___ this difficult math problem.

A. having worked on

B. to work on

C. on work

D. working on

【答案】D。spend(some time ,some money) in doing sth(on sth),因此選D。He spent his life writing the book.他花一生的時間寫這本書。He spends more time on sports than on studies. 他花在體育運動上的時間比花在學習上的時間多。

2019年成人英語三級考試時間各省安排在11月,為避免錯過報考和考試,考生可 免費預約短信提醒服務,屆時環(huán)球網(wǎng)校會短信通知您報考及參加考試!


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