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成人英語三級報名、考試、查分時間 免費短信提醒


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摘要 想拿下學位證書,就不要考慮太多,去做就行了,本文環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編為參加學位英語考試的伙伴們準備了《成人英語三級考試檢測試題及答案三》,大家多做題有助于提升語感和做題速度。



1. I wish _____ go to the movie with you tonight, but I have to finish my homework then.

A. I can B. I could C. I will D. I would

答案:B 虛擬語氣中wish的用法:如果表達的是現(xiàn)在或?qū)淼脑竿瑒釉~用一般過去時;如果表達的是過去的沒有實現(xiàn)的愿望,動詞用過去完成時。這句話是說:我希望今天晚上能和你一起去看電影,但是我不得不把家庭作業(yè)做完。顯然句子所表達的愿望是將來的,故用一般過去式。

2. We surely desire that the tour leader _____ us immediately of any change in the travel schedules.

A. inform B. informs C. informed D. has informed

答案:A desire(要求)后面that 從句中謂語動詞要用should+動詞原形,should 可以省略。the tour leader(導游);schedule(日程表);inform(通知)

3. I’d rather you _____ about it for the time being.

A. don’t think B. didn’t think C. would not think D. had not thought

答案:B I’d rather == I would rather;would rather后面 that從句表達的是一種意愿,動作尚未發(fā)生,虛擬語氣,從句謂語動詞用過去式。

4. We ____a solution to this problem by the end of this month.

A. must B. will C. must find D. can

答案:C 我們這個月底一定能找到個解決此問題的方案。表示對將來要發(fā)生動作的一種肯定性語氣,非虛擬語氣。 a solution to this problem:解決此問題的方案。

5. I would have come sooner but I _____ that you were waiting.

A. haven’t known B. hadn’t known C. didn’t known D. have known

答案:B 我要知道你在等著,我很快就來了。你在等著——這個動作發(fā)生在過去,即與過去事實相反,故虛擬條件中的從句謂語用過去完成時態(tài)。

6. The old woman neither _____ anything when the policemen asked her about the accident.

A. replied nor say B. replied nor said C. reply nor said D. replied nor says

答案: B neither……nor…… ( 既不……也不……) 連接的兩個動詞是并列結(jié)構(gòu),時態(tài)保持一致。

7. Most pubs in the street _____ until 1:00 in the morning.

A. not close B. close not C. do not close D. not closed

答案: C not……until…… (直到……才……) 這句話意思為:這個街區(qū)上的酒館直到早上一點才關(guān)門。表達的是一般現(xiàn)在時的情況,用實義動詞close 的否定式。Pub:酒館

8. They ____ had an enormous dinner like this.

A. rarely not have B. rarely have not C. have not rarely D. have rarely

答案: D 他們已經(jīng)很少享用這樣豐盛的晚宴了。rarely :( 稀有地,很少)含有否定意義。從句義理解應選D

9. If you had told me in advance, I _____ him at the airport.

A. would have met B. would meet C. had met D. met

答案: A in advance 提前; at the airport 在機場; If 引導的虛擬條件句,從句用的是過去完成時態(tài),主句用would have + 過去分詞。

10. It is necessary that Mark _____ in time to attend the meeting.

A. come B. came C. comes D. will come

答案: A 這是虛擬語氣在主語從句中的一種應用,從句謂語動詞要用原形。in time 及時。

11. It is imperative that Hurstwood ______ to hospital at once.

A. is taken B. shall be taken C. should be taken D. must be taken

答案: D at once 立刻,馬上;情態(tài)動詞must 表達一種堅定的建議,表明Hurstwood 情況很嚴峻,必須馬上送醫(yī)院;又Hurstwood是被送往醫(yī)院,所以用被動語態(tài)。

12. The girl smiled, got up, ____ from the schoolmaster.

A. receive the gold medal B. and receiving the gold medal

C. and receive the gold medal D. and received the gold medal

答案: D smiled, got up, received 是連貫動作,并列結(jié)構(gòu),時態(tài)要保持一致。

13. The burglar took away more than ____.

A. he wanted to take B. he wanted to taken C. he wanted to D. he wanted to have taken

答案:C 小偷帶走的比他想的要多。burglar小偷; more than 多于;take away 帶走;more than前后的比較為并列結(jié)構(gòu),動詞時態(tài)保持一致。C 更符合句義。

14. He ____ after climbing the mountain.

A. has scarcely no energy left B. had scarcely any energy left

C. scarcely has no energy left D. scarcely has not any energy left

答案: B scarcely 幾乎不,否定含義,不能再與not 連用來表達否定意味了;climbing the mountain 爬山;這句話直譯為:他在爬山之后幾乎沒有多余的力氣了,也就是說,爬完山他一點勁兒也沒有了。沒有力氣在爬山動作之后,故用have(擁有)的過去式(had)。

15. It was essential that all the necessary data _____ to the President’s office before the end of this month.

A. sent B. should be sent C. should send D. must be sent

答案:B it was(is) essential(必要的) that…… 主語從句中用虛擬語氣should + 動詞原形. 再看:all the necessary data(所有需要的數(shù)據(jù))是被送到辦公室的,故要用被動語態(tài),到此顯然答案為B.

16. They demand that the right to vote _____ to every adult man and woman.

A. should give B. would be given C. be given D. ought to give

答案:C the right to vote 選舉權(quán);adult 成年的;demand (要求)后面的從句用虛擬語氣should + 動詞原形,should 可以省略不寫。另外,這里選舉權(quán)是被賦予的,故用過去時態(tài),C為被動,正確。

17. Had I known her name, I _____ .

A. would invite her to lunch B. would have invited her to lunch

C. invited her to lunch D. could invite her to lunch

答案: B 省略if的虛擬條件句,句首倒裝,相當于:If I had known her name, I would invite her to lunch. 從句為過去完成時,答案應為would + 現(xiàn)在完成時

18. It is about time that the government _____ strong actions against embezzlement and official profiteering.

A. is taking B. takes C. took D. will take

答案:C it is about(high) time that…… 虛擬語氣的固定用法之一,從句中謂語動詞要用一般過去式。

19. The driver looked over the engine carefully lest it _____ on the way.

A. breaks down B. broke down C. would break down D. should break down

答案:D look over 檢查; engine發(fā)動機; lest 以防,萬一;lest 引導的目的狀語從句中用虛擬語氣:should + 動詞原形。其他還有for fear that, in case引導詞。

20. She apologized for ____ the party.

A. not her being able to attend B. her not being able to attend

C. her being able not to attend D. her being not able to attend

答案: B apologize 道歉; be able to 能夠; 介詞for后面跟動名詞時,其動名詞的形式主語her 應該放在動名詞的前面。再看:動名詞的否定形式為:not + 動名詞,故答案為 B.

21. Entering the lecture hall, ____ from their clothing.

A.. snow beat off B. they beat off snow

C. snow was beaten off by them D. they were beaten off snow

答案: B 現(xiàn)在分詞作時間狀語,其邏輯主語是they.再看:他們把雪從身上打掉,是一種主動語態(tài),故為B. beat off 拍打

22. I advised ____, but he turned me a deaf ear.

A. him not to smoke again B. him to smoke not again

C. him to not smoke again D. not him to smoke again

答案:A 動詞不定式的邏輯主語和否定形式語序為:邏輯主語 + not + to do

短語 turn sb. a deaf ear :不理某人

23. The clerk is going to take bus ____ money.

A. by saving B. to save C. for to save D. saving

答案:B clerk 職員,店員; to save 動詞不定式做目的狀語。

24. Everybody has arrived. It’s time we _____ the meeting.

A. would start B. had started C. shall start D. started

答案:D it’s (high)time that…… 從句中謂語詞動詞用一般過去式,虛擬語氣的固定用法。同第18題。

25. _____ available, we would certainly have sent him to the meeting.

A. John was B. Wasn’t John C. Had John been D. John had been

答案: C available 隨時可來的;certainly一定;省略if的虛擬條件句,句首倒裝。主句為:would have done時,從句應為:had been(done).

26. Look at the terrible I am in now! If only I _____ your advice!

A. follow B. had followed C. would follow D. have followed

答案:B terrible可怕的; I am in now 我現(xiàn)在的處境;虛擬條件從句從時間上是與過去事實相反,“如果我以前只聽你的意見.....”,故條件從句的動詞時態(tài)用過去完成時態(tài)。

27. Tony does not dare to leave the house in case _____ .

A. he will recognize B. he should be recognized

c. he is recognized D. he recognizes

答案: B recognize 認出;Tony不敢離開那個房子,因為他怕被別人認出來。 in case 以防,萬一; in case 引導的目的狀語從句謂語詞動詞用 虛擬語氣:should +動詞原形。另外,他是被認出,要用被動語態(tài),所以B 正確。

28. Tom is working hard for fear that he _____ .

A. fell behind B. may fall behind

C. should fall behind D. would fall behind

答案:C for fear that 以防,萬一; 用法同上題。

29. They are busy _____ .

A. to do this B. doing this C. to this D. did this

答案:B busy 后跟動名詞,be busy doing sth 忙著做...... 。

30. Henry and Bady _____ to the parties at the Trade Union every Saturday.

A. are used to go B. use to go C. used to go D. were used to go

答案: C the Trade Union 商會; used to do……過去常常做…… (注意區(qū)別:be used to doing…… 習慣于做…… )

31. Her government insisted that she _____ until she finished her degree.

A. stayed B. stay C. would stay D. shall stay

答案:B insist 后面的賓語從句要用虛擬語氣,其謂語動詞用should+動詞原形,should 可以省略。

32. Excuse me, but it is necessary that your temperature ____.

A. be taken B. taking C. to take D. was taken

答案:A take temperature 量體溫。虛擬語氣在主語從句中的一種應用: it is(was) + 形容詞(important,necessary, urgly, vital ,desirable等) + that+ 主語+ should (可省略) + V (動詞原形) 。另外,體溫是被量的,所以用被動形式,顯然,答案是A

33. His Chemistry teacher recommends that he ______a regular degree program

A. will begin B. begins C. begin D. is beginning

答案:C recommend之后的賓語從句用虛擬語氣:should + 動詞原形,這里的should 可以省略.

34. His friends are looking forward ____his as soon as possible.

A. of seeing B. for seeing C. to see D. to seeing

答案:D look forward to 期待. 其后只能跟動名詞做賓語,形式為: look forward to doing .

35. He ____ speak several languages by the time he was young.

A. can B. could C. would D. might

答案: B 他年輕的時候就能說幾門外語了.表示can的基本意義:能夠.過去時態(tài), 用could.

36. He began to write two hours ago. He ____have finished the article now.

A. might B. ought C. ought to D. had to

答案: C ought to表推測,暗含很大的可能。其語氣較may強,較must弱。其過去時與原形一樣,都是 ought to.

37. I ____tell her the truth.

A. cannot help B. cannot but C. may not help D. could but

答案:B cannot but do……, 只得做……;cannot help doing 情不自禁…… ;皆為固定習語.

38. They ____on the project now.

A. may be working B. may have worked C. might be working D. had to work

答案:A 他們現(xiàn)在可能在實施工程方案了.注意:句子末有一個now,現(xiàn)在,故用現(xiàn)在進行式.

39. The teacher says that Mary ____ work hard next year.

A. had better B. had rather C. will have to D. would rather to

答案:A had better do , 最好(干什么)…… , had better后面跟動詞原形, 固定用法.

40. ____ to have lunch with us today?

A. Do you like B . Will you like C. Would you like D . Have you like

答案: C Would you like to do …… ? 你愿意做……嗎?, 固定結(jié)構(gòu).表委婉客氣,又如:Would you mind doing …… ? 你在意做…… 嗎?

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