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1. You can' t hear what I' m saying __________ you stop talking.   

A. only if   

B. unless   

C. lest   

D. except that     

2. He __________ working till he was seventy years old.   

A. kept up   

B. kept on   

C. kept to   

D. kept out    

3. The novel ended happily, and the young couple was married__________.   

A. in the final   

B. in the end   

C. to the last   

D. in conclusion    

4. One warning was __________ to stop her doing it.   

A. suffered   

B. sufficed   

C. suggested   

D. provided    

5. It is estimated that the disease __________ by polluted water will kill 1 out of every 100 children.   

A. causing   

B. caused   

C. to cause   

D. will cause    

6. He didn' t know I was in his office. He was too busy to __________ me.   

A. pay attention to   

B. notice   

C. know   

D. realize     

7. Will you show me the girl __________ name is Jane?   

A. her   

B. who' s   

C. whose   

D. which      

8. The old gentleman never fails .to help __________ is in need of his help.   

A. who   

B. whoever   

C. one   

D. whomever     

9. Mr. Holmes called at many schools __________ he lived to ask them to accept his son, but he was refused everywhere for being a black.   

A. that   

B. around where   

C. near which   

D. which     

10. My wallet is nowhere to be found. I __________ when I was on the bus.   

A. must drop it   

B. should have dropped it   

C. must have dropped it   

D. had dropped it    

11. I could have done it better if I __________ more time.   

A. have had   

B. had   

C. had had   

D. will have had    

12. __________ , we should be glad.   

A. They arrive tomorrow   

B. Were they arriving tomorrow   

B. They were to arrive tomorrow   

D. Were they to arrive tomorrow     

13. I knew I could not finish my homework__________.   

A. by he had come   

B. until he came   

C. when he comes   

D. before he comes    

14. It is not __________ that this situation will last very long.   

A. alike   

B. the like   

C. like   

D. likely     

15. I __________ on seeing the manager. The service in this hotel is terrible.   

A. insist   

B. persist   

C. affirm   

D. protest   

16. Experienced teachers make __________ mistakes than beginners.   

A. lesser   

B. fewer   

C. not many   

D. very few    

17. I prefer this book __________ that one.   

A. more than   

B. to   

C. than   

D. rather than   

18. Do you know who __________ fire to that Department Store?   

A. made   

B. set   

C. started   

D. caught    

19. All life on the earth __________ on the sun.   

A. depends   

B. carries   

C. keeps   

D. goes    

20. I can' t keep __________ the teacher who speaks so fast.   

A. up   

B. up with   

C. with   

D. on with   


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