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People who lived in towns and cities could easily refresh themselves in the hot summers just before the turn of the century. Coca-Cola had been invented in Alaonta the 1980s and it was for sale at thousands of drugstores and candy store soda fountains all over America. But people who lived in the country couldn‘t easily go into town every time they wanted a Coca-cola or flavored soda water. So Joe Tiedemann at Vicksburg, Mississippi, candy store owner, decided soda should be taken out of the cities and into the country, where most Americans lived. He vegan to fill 10 1/2 ounce, wire-stoppered bottles with Coca –Cola, shipping them by wagon and boat to the small towns along the Mississippi River. His business grew quickly:the bottled coke was so popular that biedenharn was forced to move his bottling plant to a larger building. Luonically, the first bottling operation was viewed as a curiosity by the Coca-Cola company. Biedenharn sent then his first two cases, he was politely thanked and then just as politely ignored.

1。Why did Joe Biedenharn decide to ship Coca-Cola to the country?

A. Because there are too many shops selling Coca-Cola.

B. Because Coca-Cola is overproduced.

C. Those in the country do not have easy access to the Cola.

D. Joe Biedenharn wanted to do charity work.

答案: C

考點: 該題是細節(jié)詢問題。

解析: 本題提問的是Joe Biedenharn 為什么決定把可口可樂運送到鄉(xiāng)下。通過文章的前三句我們可以得知,上個世紀之交之前,住在城市里的或者鎮(zhèn)子里的人們在炎熱的夏天可以喝上一杯可樂來振作精神。發(fā)明于19世紀90年代的可口可樂在美國成千上萬的雜貨店和糖果店都有銷售。但是,住在鄉(xiāng)下的人們每次想喝可樂或者蘇打水的時候,卻不是非常容易地就能到城里喝上一杯的。第四句話講到:因此,Joe Biedenharn決定把可樂帶到鄉(xiāng)下。這個題的關(guān)鍵詞是"so",用它開頭,表明上面一句就是它的原因。所以本題答案為C。(在鄉(xiāng)下住的人不容易喝到可樂)。

2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. Coca-Cola was invented in Atlanta in the 1890s.

B. Joe Biedenharn first shipped his bottled Coca-Cola to Vicksberg Mississippi.

C. The wire-stoppered bottles didn‘t preserve the Coca-Cola well.

D. At the time of Joe Biedenharn, Coca-Cola was an international company.

答案: B

考點: 該題是判斷題,考的是通過對原文事實的理解,判斷所給的幾個選項哪一個正確。

解析: 本題提問的是以下哪一個是符合原文的說法。這個問題的答案含于文章第四句和第五句;即Joe Biedenharn最早把把他的瓶裝可樂用貨車和船只沿著密西西比河運到小鎮(zhèn)里。因此,我們可以得知,可口可樂是于19世紀90年代發(fā)明于Alaonta的,而不是發(fā)明于Atlanta的,所以,選項A不符合原文的內(nèi)容。選項C(以金屬絲作瓶蓋的瓶子不能很好保存可樂)并未在原文提起,所以也不能入選。選項D也不正確,因為當(dāng)時是可口可樂公司成立伊始,在美國的鄉(xiāng)下都買不到,更不用說它是一個國際公司了。由此可見,本題答案為B。

3. Which of the following can we infer from the passage?

A. The Coca-Cola company stole Joe Biededharn‘s ideas.

B. Joe Biedenharn finally wint bankrupt because of poor management at his plant.

C. Joe Biedenharn eventually sold his business.

D. Joe Biedenharn business was very successful.

答案: D

考點: 該題是一個判斷分析題,考的是通過對原文細節(jié)的掌握,找出哪一個選項可以從原文中推斷出來。

解析: 本題提問的是以下哪一個選項可以在原文中推斷出來。由全文的倒數(shù)第二句我們可以看出,Joe Biedenharn的生意發(fā)展迅速,他的公司也就不得不從瓶裝廠移到一座大樓里,由此可見,選項D(Joe Biedenharn的生意非常成功)為本題的正確選項。其他三個選項分別為:A(可口可樂公司偷竊了Joe Biedenharn的生意),B(Joe Biedenharn的廠子終因經(jīng)營不善而破產(chǎn))和C(Joe Biedenharn出售了他的商店)。它們既沒在原文中提到,又沒有隱含在原文中,所以,都不能入選。

4. Which of the following is similar in meaning to the word “view” in the last sentence?

A. preview B. review C. seen D. rate

答案: C

考點: 該題是一個詞匯題,考的是如何通過上下文確定詞義。

解析: 本題提問的是最后一句話中的單詞"view"為何意。該詞所在句子的意思是:Biedenharn的第一次瓶子作業(yè)使可口可樂公司的人對此大為好奇,這真是太具有諷刺意義了。也就是說,可口可樂公司的人用好奇的眼光看待這件事情。所以,選項C最符合上下文,困此是本題答案。

5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. The Coca-Cola Company.

B. A Coca-Cola Story.

C. The Invention of coca-Cola.

D. The Origin of Coca-Cola Company.

答案: B

考點: 該題是一個主旨題。

解析: 本題提問的是本文最恰當(dāng)?shù)臉?biāo)題是哪一個?;卮疬@個問題,我們需要把握文章的大體內(nèi)容。該篇文章講的是,可口可樂公司開始創(chuàng)建時鄉(xiāng)下人喝可樂難這個事實引發(fā)了Joe Biedenharn的新主意,即把可口可樂公司運到鄉(xiāng)下。實踐證明,他的這一舉動是成功的。這是一個關(guān)于可口可樂的故事,所以,最恰當(dāng)?shù)念}目應(yīng)該是B。

Passage 2.

It‘s a day to celebrate, a time to educate, and a way to make a difference. Earth day was first observed on April 22, 1970. the tradition began in the united states and is now an international focal point for people who are concemed about the environment.

Imagine a time before the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species act, and even the environmental Protection Agency. Hot topics of the time were industrial pollution, nuclear accidents, oil dependency, pesticides, and a vanity of social issues. However,olicymakers were not yet acting on many important environmental problems.

Earth day grew ort of grassroots action and institutional support. Student leader Denis Hayes and Wisconsin Senatour Gaylord Nelson were two key organizers for the firwt event. Over 20 million concerned citizens rallied for clean air and water. College students were a major force in the campaign, although participants of all ages were involved. Still, we cannot really credit a handful of individuals for the success of Earth Day. After all, a major message of Earth Day is that every single person has an important role in the environment.

The first Earth Day was very successful, inspiring the passage of congressional protection for air, water, and endangered species. Momentum from the demonstration also fueled the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Thirty years later, the focus has changed but the urgency remains the same. Due to increasing amounts of scientific evidence that fossil fuels are changing the global climate, the theme for Earth Day 2000 is Clean Energy. The four major goals of Earth Day 2000 are clean cars, clean power, clean air, and clean investments.

1. April 22nd, 2000 is the ____ years‘ anniversary of the Earth Day.

A. 30th B. 20th C. 10th D. 100th

答案: A

考點: 該題考的是如何找出數(shù)字表示的細節(jié)。

解析: 提問的是2000年4月22日是地球日的多少周年紀念日?;卮鹩脭?shù)字表示的細節(jié)時,需要進行簡單計算。從原文的第一段我們可以知道,地球日最早1970年4月22日在美國開始。剛好是30年紀念日。所以,選項A為本題的答案。

2. _____ originated the Earth Cay.

A. College students. B. Policy makers. C. Ordinary people.  D. Denis Hayes.

答案: C

考點: 該題是一個就文章事實進行提問的細節(jié)詢問題。

解析: 本題提問的是地球日是由誰發(fā)起的。這個問題答案需在第三段里找出。該段第一句告訴我們,地球日是群眾自發(fā)活動,并由社會機構(gòu)支持的。學(xué)生領(lǐng)袖Denis Hayes和威斯康星州議員Gaylord Nelson是第一次活動的主要組織者;200多萬市民聚集起來,呼吁干凈的水源和空氣。各個年齡階層的人都參加了這次集會,大學(xué)生在這次活動中是主要力量,但是我們不能確切地說地球日的成功歸為哪一部分人。由這一段話的意思我們可以得知,地球日的創(chuàng)建是集體的結(jié)果,并不是由哪一個人創(chuàng)建的。所以,正確答案是C。

3. Which of the following is the immediate effect of the first Earth Day?

A. The Environmental Protection Agency was founded.

B. Congressional Protection for water was passed.

C. There are more demonstrations followed.

D. Denis Hayer published his Clean Energy Now.

答案: B

考點: 該題是對文章的一個主要事實的判斷分析題。

解析: 本題提問的是以下哪一個是第一個地球日的直接影響所致。該題的答案含在文章的第四段中。這段話的意思是一個地球日極為成功,國會因此而通過了對空氣,水,受害生物保護法;游行的勢頭也推動了環(huán)保機構(gòu)的成立。由此可見,它直接影響的是B(國會通過了水保護法);因此,答案為B。

4. Which of the following is not the goal of Earth Day 2000?

A. clean air        B. clean water

C. clean automobiles   D. clean investment.

答案: B

考點: 該題基于文章內(nèi)容判斷的細節(jié)詢問題。

解析: 本題提問的是以下哪一個不是2000年地球日的目標(biāo)。所給的四個答案分別為:A(空氣凈化),B(水凈化),C(汽車凈化)和D(投資凈化)。通過原文最后一句我們可以知道,2000年地球日的目標(biāo)是汽車凈化,能源凈化,空氣凈化和投資凈化。由此可知,只有選項B不屬于其內(nèi)容。所以,B為本題答案。

5. Earth Day is a day to ____.

A. increase fossil fuels B. purify the water

C. solve social issues D. protect environment.

答案: D

考點: 該題考的是通過文章的主題思想對所給選項作出判斷。

解析: 本題提問的是地球日是什么日子。從全文第一段的最后一句我們可以知道,源于美國的地球日今天是所有關(guān)心環(huán)境問題的人們關(guān)注的焦點。而且,整篇文章也從地球日的起因起及其所產(chǎn)生的一系列影響告訴我們,它是一個保護環(huán)境的日子。所以,正確答案為D。


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