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更新時間:2021-06-25 09:01:25 來源:環(huán)球網校 瀏覽22收藏8

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摘要 考生們最近有在做題嗎?環(huán)球網校小編準備了2021年成人英語三級考試備考練習題十二,2021年下半年學位英語考試時間還未公布,考生可提前學習,效果會更好。針對考生考試中常見題,為此小編分類整理了相關試題,下面快來做2021年成人英語三級考試備考練習題十二吧。



A teddy bear is delivered to No. 10 Downing Street after the birth of Prime Minister Tony Blair and wife Cherie’s fourth child.

Britain’s baby alert is over-Cherie Blair gave birth to a boy.

Mrs. Blair, 45, wife of Prime Minister Tony Blair, had the baby this morning.

The baby will be named Leo after the prime minister’s father, his office announced, the baby weighed in at 6 pounds, 12 ounces. Mother, father and the baby boy returned to 10 Downing Street-the prime minister’s official residence-after the birth, a spokesman said. The baby is the couples’ fourth child.

“Cherie and the baby are absolutely fine,” Blair said today outside his Downing Street residence. “He is a gorgeous little boy. They are resting right now.”

Blair, dressed casually in an open shirt, appeared emotional about the birth, the first of his four children whose birth he has been at from beginning to end.

“this is the first time I’ve seen the whole thing though,” he said. “it was quite a struggle, really, for Cherie.”

The switchboard was reportedly lit up with calls from world leaders wishing them well, including a call from Hillary Colliery Clinton. Former prime minister John Major was the first public figure to get through on the phone at 7 a.m. on Saturday.

The baby came after a 12-year gap from the Blairs other three children-Euan, 16, Nicky, 14, and Kathryn. He is the first to be born to a serving Buitish prime minister in over 150 years.

News of the pregnancy took Cherie and the rest of the nation by surprise when it was announced last year.

After decades of much older occupants at No.10 Downing Street, the Blairs’ arrival at the prime minister’s residence with their children and assorted toys in tow was hailed as a breath of fresh air.

Cherie Blair, a Queens Counsel barrister, worked right up until the baby’s birth. And the often thorny issue of combining career and family was at the center of her work.

On Tuesday, Mrs. Blair was at work in the High Court, challenging her husband’s government over parental leave.

1. I promised to look_________ the matter as soon as I got there.

A. for   B. in

C. into  D after

2.He spoke so quickly that I didn't _________ what he said.

A. make for   B. make sure

C. make over   D. make out

3.I looked everywhere for some cooking oil, but I could only find _____ .

A. a little B. little

C. a few D. few

4. No sooner had we sat down _____ we found it was time to go .

A. than B. when

C. as D. while

5. _____ tired after a hard work, he fell into bed and went straight to sleep.

A. Felt B. Feeling

C. Being felt D. To feel

6. This novel is _____ the better of the two.

A. by far B. by too

C. far too D. by the far

7. Do you feel like _____ a rest?

A. have B. to have

C. had D. having

8. You will soon _____ this climate and then the changes in temperature will not affect you.

A. get used to B. get to

C. get over D. get on with

目前已經有地區(qū)發(fā)布了2021年成人英語三級考試報名時間以及考試時間等公告,大家可以 免費預約短信提醒,獲取你所在的地區(qū)2021年成人英語三級考試報名時間等具體通知哦。

9. Your writing is good _____ some spell errors.

A. except B. except for

C. besides D. in addition to

10. New ideas sometimes have to wait for years before _____ .

A. fully accepted B. having fully accepted

C. fully accepting D. being fully accepted

1. C “look into ”的意思是“調查”,本句的意思是“我保證一到那就調查這件事情”。“look for”:尋找。Will you help me look for my gloves? 你能幫我尋找我的手套嗎?look in:朝里面看。I looked in my purse and discovered I’d only got a five-pound note.我朝錢包里一看,發(fā)現(xiàn)只有一張五英鎊的鈔票。 look after: 照顧、照看。He has looked after his elderly parents for many years. 他照料年邁的父母已經多年了。

2. D make out 有“辨認出、聽出”的意思。又如:It was difficult to make out what was said over the loudspeaker in the square. 很難聽清楚廣場上的擴音喇叭里在說什么。make for: 走向,朝…前進。It’s late, we’d better make for home. 時間不早了,我們最好趕快回家。Make for the beach!向海灘前進!make sure: 設法保證。He went round making sure that all the windows were closed. 他巡視了一遍,看看所有的窗戶是否都已關上。make over: 翻新、改造。The house has been made over into a school. 房屋已經改成一所學校。 Human nature can’t be made over so easily. 人性并非那么容易改變的。

3. B 這句話的意思是:我到處找食用油,但是一點也沒有找到.注意little 一點,一些;雖然也用于修飾不可數(shù)名詞,但是表達否定含義.它前面有一個轉折詞but,說明后句與前句的關系,結果應該是與找油的目的相反的含義,找了,但是沒有找到.所以用B.

4. A 我們剛坐下就發(fā)現(xiàn)是該走的時間了.no sooner……than……: 一……就…… 固定結構, 引起句子倒裝.這種形式會經常考到.

5. B 繁重的工作之后他感到很累,就躺到床上睡了.現(xiàn)在分詞形式做伴隨狀語.

6.A by far強調比較級或最高級,在強調比較級時,比較級前也要用the.

7.D feel like doing sth. 意為"想做某事".

8.A 你將很快適應這里的氣候,然后氣溫的變化就不會影響你了.注意:be used to sth/doing sth 和 get used to sth./doint sth.都表示"習慣于......"

9.B except for “除了...外”,前后不屬于同一性質,常用來表示可惜或者美中不足的語氣,例如,本題前半部分講到的是"你的寫作發(fā)好",而后半部分講到"一些拼寫錯誤",前后顯然不屬于同一性質;except是"除了...之外",前后屬于同一性質;besides, in addition to 都指"除了...,還有...".

10.D 新思想往往要到若干年后才能被完全接受.新思想是被接受的,所以要用被動形式,故D選項正確.


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