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摘要 2015年成人英語三級完形填空練習及答案


  There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are our choices marked [A],[B],[C] and [D] below the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

  A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural resources, and labor supply-all these were important [1] in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution.

  [2] they were not enough. Something [3] was needed to start the industrial process. That“something special”was men [4] individual who could invent machines, find new [5] of power, and establish business organizations to reshape society. The men who [6] the machines of the Industrial Revolution [7] from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were [8] inventors than scientists. A man who is a [9] scientist is primarily interested in doing his research [10]. He is not necessarily working [11] that his findings can be used.

  An inventor or one interested in applied science is [12] trying to make something that has a concrete [13]. He may try to solve a problem by using the theories [14] science or by experimenting through trial and error. Regardless of his method, he is working to obtain a [15] result: the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a light bulb, or one of [16] other objectives.

  Most of the people who [17] the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors, not trained scientists. A few were both scientists and inventors. Even those who had [18] or no training in science might not have made their inventions [19] a ground-work had not been laid by scientists years [20].

  1. A.cases B.reasons C.factors D.situations

  Best Answer:C

  詳解:【譯文】領土完整,物產(chǎn)豐富,自然資源及勞動力充足――這些都是促使英國成為工業(yè)革命的中心的重要因素?!咀⑨尅縡actor意為“因素”,符合題意。case“情況、事實”,例如:That's not the case.(那可不是事實。)reason“理由”,例如:If you ask for leave when at university, the teacher may ask you: For what reason?而situation表示“情況”,因此這三項不合語義。

  2. A.But B.And C.Besides D.Even

  Best Answer:A

  詳解:【譯文】但是這些因素還不夠?!咀⑨尅繌纳舷挛囊馑紒砜矗荒苓xBut,表示轉折關系。選擇連接詞須瞻前顧后。此處意為除了上述因素――領土、物產(chǎn)、自然資源、勞動力外,還有別的因素使英國成為工業(yè)革命的中心。第二句與第一句遙相呼應。此外,像in contrast, on the other hand, however, whereas, while, instead, rather than等詞語所串接的前后文,也在內(nèi)容上相反,但在信息上互補。因此,我們可以通過第一、二句所表達的內(nèi)容來確定選擇連接詞but.

  3. A.else B.near C.extra D.similar

  Best Answer:A

  詳解:【譯文】還需要一些別的東西來開始工業(yè)革命的進程?!咀⑨尅扛痹~else常用在疑問代詞或不定代詞之后,起形容詞作用,表示other的意思,意為“其他、別的、另外”。例如:Do you want anything else?(你還要什么別的東西嗎?)I want nothing else.(別的我什么也不要。)

  4. A.generating B.effective C.motivating D.creative

  Best Answer:D


  5. A.origins B.sources C.bases D.discoveries

  Best Answer:B

  詳解:【譯文】這些人能發(fā)明新機器,找到新能源,建立商業(yè)組織,進而重建整個社會。【注釋】source意為“源泉”,如new sources of power(新能源),符合題意。其他三個干擾詞與其意義相差甚遠。bases“基礎”,所指的“基礎”是具體的,例如:the base of a building(建筑的基礎)。與該詞對應的basis所指的“基礎”是抽象的,例如:the economic basis(經(jīng)濟基礎)。

  6. A.employed B.created C.operated D.controlled

  Best Answer:B

  詳解:【譯文】工業(yè)革命中,發(fā)明新機器的人出身背景不同,他們從事的職業(yè)也不同?!咀⑨尅扛鶕?jù)上一段"creative individuals who could invent machines",可知本題指的是"the men who created the machines",意為“創(chuàng)造或發(fā)明機器的人”。

  7. A.came B.arrived C.stemmed D.appeared

  Best Answer:A

  詳解:【譯文】工業(yè)革命中,發(fā)明新機器的人出身背景不同,他們從事的職業(yè)也不同?!咀⑨尅縞ome from意為“出生在(某地);產(chǎn)自(某地)(=have as a birthplace, place of origin)”,符合題意。例如:The old man comes from Sichuan(那位老人是四川人)。stem from意為“來自;由……而產(chǎn)生(=have as origin;arise from)”,例如:This idiom stems from an ancient Greek fable.(此成語源目一則古希臘神話故事。)Errors of this kind usually stem from carelessness,(這一類的錯誤通常是由于粗心大意造成的。)

  8. A.less B.better C.more D.worse

  Best Answer:C

  詳解:【譯文】他們中的許多人與其說是科學家,不如說是發(fā)明家。【注釋】根據(jù)語境,本空格是決定取舍。漢語“與其……不如……”是很有用的句式,它能幫助我們肯定一面,否定另一面,把意思表達得更確切。英語中與此成等義關系的表達方式即為“more…than…”。此結構常用來比較同一個人或同一個事物的兩種不同性質(zhì)、特征等。more后是肯定的一面,而than后是否定的一面。其變體是:better…than…; less…than…; not so much…as…。其用法如下:1)He is more clever than diligent.(與其說他勤奮,不如說他聰明。)2)He is a better writer than a scholar.(與其說她是學者,不如說她是作家。)本句肯定前者(better…),否定后者 (than…)。3)He was less hurt than frightened.(=He was not so much hurt as frightened.=He was more frightened than hurt.)(他頗受驚嚇而未受傷。)本句less后含否定的意思,than后含肯定意思。4) He is not so much a writer as a reporter.與其說他是個作家,不如說他是個記者。)本句"not so much…as…"句式否定前者而肯定后者。根據(jù)上述用法,排除D)項worse…than…(比……更壞……),排除A)項less…than…,因為文中意思是肯定前者,排除B)項better…than…,"better than…"在語義上等同于"more…than…",但因為它是more…than…的變體,所以我們選擇最通用的表達方式。本句選C)more.(注:B)項在語法、語義上完全正確)。

  9. A.genuine B.practical C.pure D.clever

  Best Answer:C

  詳解:【譯文】理論科學家主要是對做研究工作的準確性感興趣。【注釋】pure意為“純理論的(非實用的)”,符合題意。例如:pure science“理論科學”,和它對應的是applied science“應用科學”。genuine“真正的,真實的”,例如:a genuine picture by Rubens(魯賓斯的真畫),genuine pearls(真珍珠)。practical“實用的”。

  10. A.happily B.occasionally C.reluctantly D.accurately

  Best Answer:D

  詳解:【譯文】理論科學家主要是對做研究工作的準確性感興趣?!咀⑨尅勘绢}問做研究工作的程度。accurately意為“準確地”,doing his research accurately強調(diào)做研究工作的準確性,符合題意。不是happily“高興(做)”;不是reluctantly“不情愿(做)”;也不是occasionally“有時(做)”。

  11. A.now B.and C.all D.so

  Best Answer:D

  詳解:【譯文】科學家工作并不一定是為了使他的發(fā)現(xiàn)得到應用。【注釋】排除B),and that在本句中無意義。而now that, seeing that, in that, not that…, but that, considering that等結構均引導原因狀語從句,例如:Now that I have finished my lessons, I intend to go for a walk.(既然我已做完功課,我想去散步。)They did the job quite well, considering that they had no experience.(考慮到他們沒有什么經(jīng)驗,他們干的還是不錯。)all that后引出定語從句,例如:All that the he does, he does it well.(他做任何事都很出色。)而so that后引出目的或結果狀語從句,例如:He worked hard so that he might win the prize.(目的)(他努力工作以圖獲獎。)It was very cold, so that the river froze.(結果)(天氣寒冷,河水都結冰了。)本句so that后引起目的狀語,符合題意。

  12. A.seldom B.sometimes C.usually D.never

  Best Answer:C


  13. A.plan B.use C.idea D.means

  Best Answer:B

  詳解:【譯文】對應用科學感興趣的發(fā)明家通常試圖制造出某種有具體用途的東西?!咀⑨尅縜 concrete use指所制造的機器的“具體用途”,符合題意。plan“計劃”,idea“想法”,means“發(fā)明”。

  14. A.of B.with C.to D.as

  Best Answer:A

  詳解:【譯文】發(fā)明家通過利用科學的理論或者反復做實驗,經(jīng)過嘗試和錯誤,試圖解決一個問題?!咀⑨尅俊懊~+of+名詞”結構一般來說是of后面的名詞修飾前面的名詞。The theories of science意為“科學的理論”,又如:the theory of evolution“進化論”,符合題意。

  15. A.single B.sole C.specialized D.specific

  Best Answer:D

  詳解:【譯文】無論方法如何,他的工作是為了得到一個明確的結果:制造一臺收割機,或使燈泡亮起來,或是解決一個其他問題。【注釋】specific意為“特別的,明確的”,其同義詞為special, definite。本題to obtain a specific result意為“得到一個明確結果”,符合題意。其他三個干擾詞均與題意不符。specialized“專門研究”,例如:specialize in economics“專攻經(jīng)濟學”。single意為 “單一的,單個的;單身的”。例如:a single ticket“單程票”。sole意為“唯一的,僅有的”,例如:Their sole aim is a quick return of profit and they are not particular about how they will obtain it.(這些人唯一目的就是盡快回收利潤,用什么手段獲得卻是不予考慮的。)

  16. A.few B.those C.many D.all

  Best Answer:C

  詳解:【譯文】無論方法如何,他的工作是為了得到一個明確的結果:制造一臺收割機,或使燈泡亮起來,或是解決一個其他問題?!咀⑨尅勘绢}從few、those、many到all,從意義上我們不可能選擇最大范圍all,但可以選比較寬的范圍many, one of many other objectives,指“許多其他目的中的一個”,符合題意。限定詞other前面可帶some、any、very、many、one、the、his等其他限定詞。例如:Come some other day.(改天來吧。) Please write every other line.(請隔行寫。) His other two sons went to the football game.(他另外兩個兒子去看足球了。)

  17. A.proposed B.developed C.supplied D.offered

  Best Answer:B

  詳解:【譯文】在工業(yè)革命中研制出機器的大部分人是發(fā)明家,而不是受過訓練的科學家?!咀⑨尅扛鶕?jù)詞義,propose“提議”,supply“供應”,offer“提供”,都不能和machine搭配,只有developed the machines“開發(fā)或研制出機器”符合題意。

  18. A.little B.much C.some D.any

  Best Answer:A

  詳解:【譯文】一些人既是科學家,也是發(fā)明家。如果科學家在許多年前沒有奠定科學的基礎,那么那些幾乎沒有受過科學訓練的人就可能不會做出什么發(fā)明?!咀⑨尅縧ittle or no意為“幾乎沒有,不多(=almost not)”,其同義詞為little or nothing“幾乎沒有(=hardly anything)”,因此,固定搭配little or no符合題意。

  19. A.as B.if C.because D.while

  Best Answer:B


  20. A.ago B.past C.ahead D.before

  Best Answer:D

  詳解:【譯文】一些人既是科學家,也是發(fā)明家。如果科學家在許多年前沒有奠定科學的基礎,那么那些幾乎沒有受過科學訓練的人就可能不會做出什么發(fā)明?!咀⑨尅颗懦鼴)、C)項,before同完成時或never連用,符合題意。例如:I never met him before.(我從沒見過他。)I had met the man three years before.(距當時)三年前我見過那人一次。句中同before發(fā)生關系的動詞用過去完成時。而ago則用于過去時,一般不能用于現(xiàn)在完成時。例如:I met him three years ago.(三年前我遇見過他。)






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