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更新時(shí)間:2015-12-10 11:50:58 來(lái)源:|0 瀏覽0收藏0
摘要 2014年職稱(chēng)英語(yǔ)理工類(lèi)A級(jí)詞匯選項(xiàng)題

  ?1. America’s emphasis on the importance of education for everyone has spurred scientific research.

  A encouraged B endangered C endorsed D enlarged

  *2. Photojournalist Margaret White became famous for her coverage of significant events during the Second World War.

  A baggage B orphanage C reportage D usage

  3. Below 600 feet ocean waters range from dimly lit to completely dark. A inadequately B hardly C faintly D sufficiently

  *4. “I’m not meddling,” Mary said mildly. “I’m just curious.” A gently B shyly C weakly D sweetly

  5. In 1861 it seemed inevitable that the Southern states would break away from the Union. A strange B certain C inconsistent D proper

  6. Many of novelist Carson McCullers’ characters are isolated, disappointed people. A solitary B gloomy C feeble D frugal

  7. The workers finally called off the strike. A put off B ended C cancelled D participated in

  8. John ha made up his mind not to go to the meeting. A wanted B promised C decided D agreed

  9. I catch cold now and then. A always B occasionally C constantly D regularly

  10. He often finds fault with my work. A criticizes B praises C evaluates D talks about

  11. The little girl grasped her mother’s arm as she crossed the street.

  A understood B had a hold over C took hold of D left hold of

  12. In judging our work you should take into consideration the fact that we have been very busy recently.

  A thought B mind C account D memory

  *13. I can no longer tolerate his actions. A put up with B accept C take D suffer from

  14. The doctors have abandoned the hope to rescue the old man. A left B given up C turned down D refused

  15. Have you talked to her lately? A lastly B shortly C recently D immediately


  1. A spur:促進(jìn),激勵(lì)。 encourage跟它的意思相近:鼓勵(lì),促進(jìn)。 Public apathy encourages corruption in

  government.公眾的冷漠助長(zhǎng)政府的腐敗。 endanger:危及,危害。 They claim that the herbicide they are using will not endanger human life.他們聲稱(chēng),他們使用的除草劑不會(huì)危害人們的生命。 endorse:簽名,批準(zhǔn)。 The application was endorsed by the committee.申請(qǐng)書(shū)已由委員會(huì)批準(zhǔn)。 enlarge:擴(kuò)大,放大。 The UN secretary-general yesterday recommended an enlarged peacekeeping force.昨天聯(lián)合國(guó)秘書(shū)長(zhǎng)提議擴(kuò)大維和部隊(duì)。

  2. C coverage:覆蓋(的區(qū)域、范圍 )。此處指新聞報(bào)道的范圍。 reportage:新聞報(bào)道。注意: reportage在這個(gè)句子中可以替代 coverage,但并不意味著任何時(shí)候都可以替換。 baggage:行李(不可數(shù) )。a piece of baggage:一件行李。英國(guó)英語(yǔ)一般用 luggage。 orphanage:孤兒身份,孤兒院。 usage:使用,用法。That phrase has gone out of usage.那短語(yǔ)已不為大家所用。

  3. C dimly昏暗地。 lit:此處是 light (照亮)的過(guò)去分詞,也有人把它叫做形容詞。 a dimly lit lane:一條昏暗的胡同。 faintly:暗淡地,微弱地,與 dimly意思相近。 inadequately:不足地。 hardly:幾乎不。 I can hardly hear him.我?guī)缀趼?tīng)不到他說(shuō)話(huà)。 sufficiently:充分地,足夠地。

  4. A mildly:溫和地;適度地。 gently:溫和地,有教養(yǎng)地?!?I’m sorry to disturb you,” Mary said gently.瑪麗有禮貌地說(shuō):“對(duì)不起,打擾你了?!?shyly:害羞地;膽怯地。 The children are smiling shyly.那些兒童靦腆地笑著。 weakly:虛弱地,微弱地。 She smiled weakly at the reporters.她對(duì)記者微笑。 sweetly:舒適地;甜蜜地。 The girl smiled sweetly at her friends.女孩對(duì)她的朋友笑得很甜蜜。

  5. B inevitable:不可避免的,必然要發(fā)生的。 certain:肯定的,必然的,與 inevitable意思相近。 It is almost certain that the government will lose the next election.差不多可以肯定,政府在下屆選舉中要失敗。 strange:奇怪的。 inconsistent:不一致的。 proper:合適的,得體的。

  6. A isolated:孤立的,與世隔絕的。 solitary跟它的意思比較接近:獨(dú)居的,單個(gè)的。 John has been living a solitary life.約翰一直過(guò)著獨(dú)居的生活。又如: She was the most solitary person on earth.她是世界上昀孤獨(dú)的人。 gloomy:陰郁的,憂(yōu)悶的。 She is feeling gloomy, so go and cheer her up.她感到憂(yōu)悶,去安慰安慰她。feeble:虛弱的,無(wú)力的。 a feeble old man:虛弱的老人。 frugal:節(jié)儉的。

  7. C call off:停止,取消。 Cancel:取消。Why was the baseball game cancelled yesterday? 為什么昨天的棒球比賽取消了 ? put off:推遲。They decided to put off the meeting until after Christmas.他們決定會(huì)議推遲到圣誕節(jié)后舉行。 end:結(jié)束。The government acted to end a bakers strike in the city.政府采取行動(dòng)結(jié)束城里面包師傅的罷工。 Participate in:參加。 Did you participate in the discussion?你參加討論了嗎?

  8. C make up one’s mind:打定主意,下定決心。又如: Susan has made up her mind that, come what may, she will stay with John.蘇珊決心已下 ,不管發(fā)生什么事,都將跟約翰待在一起。 decide:決定。He decided not to do that.他決定不干那件事。 want:想。I can study any subject you want to.我能研究你想研究的任何一個(gè)課題。Promise:許諾。You’ve got to promise me that you won’t do that again.你得答應(yīng)我不再干那種事。 agree:同意。 They might not agree with his opinion.他們可能不同意他的意見(jiàn)。

  9. B now and then: 里面,偶爾。 occasionally:時(shí)而,偶爾。 always:經(jīng)常。We have always done it in this way.我們經(jīng)常這么干。 constantly:不斷地。 She is constantly changing her mind.她老是改變主意。注意:動(dòng)詞進(jìn)行體跟 constantly,always等表達(dá)“反復(fù)”意義的副詞搭配時(shí)動(dòng)詞動(dòng)作具有反復(fù)性。這種搭配表達(dá)說(shuō)

  話(huà)人對(duì)某人的某種行為的不滿(mǎn),具有強(qiáng)烈的感情色彩。下面這句話(huà)是不帶感情色彩的客觀報(bào)道:She constantly changes her mind.她常常改變主意。 regularly:經(jīng)常地;定時(shí)地。 We do meet now and then, but not regularly.我們確實(shí)偶爾見(jiàn)面,但不經(jīng)常。

  10. A find fault with:找……的岔子,批評(píng)。 criticize批評(píng)。He seem to enjoy criticizing his colleagues.他似乎把批評(píng)他的同事看作是一種樂(lè)趣。 praise:表?yè)P(yáng)。Our guests praised the meal as the best they had had for year我們的客人稱(chēng)贊這頓飯是他們多年來(lái)吃過(guò)的昀好的一頓。 evaluate:評(píng)價(jià)。 The scientists are evaluating the data.科學(xué)家們正在評(píng)估數(shù)據(jù)。 talk about:談?wù)摗?That’s all settled. It needn’t be talked about.此事已徹底解決,無(wú)需再談了。

  11. C grasp:抓住。 take hold of:抓住,控制住。 Mother took hold of the barking dogs by their collars.母親抓住了這些汪汪直叫的狗的頸圈,把它們制服了。 understand: 懂得,理解。 I don’t understand your attitude at all.我一點(diǎn)也不理解你的態(tài)度。 grasp也有“懂得”的意思,但在該句中不是這個(gè)意思。 have a hold over:控制;對(duì)……有影響。 The officer has kept a firm hold over the soldiers.那個(gè)軍官一直緊緊地控制著士兵。 leave hold of:放開(kāi)。She left hold of his hand.她放開(kāi)了他的手。

  12. C take … into consideration:把……考慮進(jìn)去。 take … into account:把……考慮進(jìn)去。 We must take local conditions into account.我們必須把地區(qū)性的條件考慮進(jìn)去。 thought:思想,考慮。 This problem needs great thought這個(gè)問(wèn)題需要認(rèn)真考慮。 mind:腦子,心。 Her mind is not entirely on her work.她的心不全在工作上。 memory:記憶。The photograph evoked her happy memories.這張照片激起了她幸福的回憶。

  13. A tolerate:忍受。 put up with:忍受。If I were you, I wouldn’t put up with his behavior any longer.如果我是你,我不會(huì)忍受他的這種行為。 accept:接受。 I don’t think that they would accept my view.我認(rèn)為他們不會(huì)接受我的觀點(diǎn)。 take有很多的意義。 take action:采取行動(dòng),采取措施。 The government has promised to take swift action on the energy crisis.政府許諾迅速采取措施解決能源危機(jī)。 suffer from:受……之苦。 He suffered from cold and hunger for some time.他一度饑寒交迫。

  14. B abandon:放棄。give up:放棄。 She gave up her job to look after her sick mother.為照顧有病的母親,她放棄了工作。 turn down:不接受。 The company turned down the suggestion of shorter hours.公司否決了縮短工作時(shí)間的建議。 refuse:拒絕.不接受。 He refused bribe.他拒絕了賄賂。

  15. C lately:昀近;近來(lái)。 recently:接近;近來(lái)。 I’ve only recently begun to learn English.我只是昀近才開(kāi)始學(xué)英語(yǔ)。 lastly:昀后。He gave many reasons for being late; lastly he said his car had broken down.他先是說(shuō)了一大堆遲到的理由,昀后還說(shuō)他的車(chē)壞了。 shortly:一會(huì)兒,不久。 She kept a diary until shortly before her death.去世前不久她一直在記日記。 immediately:馬上,立即。 I’ll answer his letter immediately.我會(huì)立即給他回信。




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