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 Washoe Learned American Sign Language

  1 An animal that influenced scientific thought has died. A chimpanzee named Washoe and born in Africa died of natural causes late last month at the age of 42 at a research center in the American state of Washington. Wash0e had become known in the scientific community1 and around the world for her ability to use American Sign Language2. She was said to be the first non-human to learn a human language. Her skills also led to debate3 about primates and their ability to understand language.

  2 Research scientists Allen and Beatrix Gardner began teaching Washoe sign language in 1966. In 1969, the Gardners7 described Washoe's progress in a scientific report. The people who experimented with Washoe said she grew to understand4 about 250 words. For example, Washoe made signs to communicate when it was time to eat. She could request foods like apples and bananas. She also asked questions like, "Who is coming to play?" Once5 the news about Washoe spread, many language scientists began studies of their own6 into this new and exciting area of research. The whole direction of primate research changed.

  3 However, critics argued Washoe only learned to repeat sign language movements from watching her teachers. They said she had never developed true language skills. Even now, there are some researchers who suggest that primates learn sign language only by memory, and perform the signs only for prizes. Yet Washoe's keepers disagree. Roger Fouts is a former student of the Gardners7. He took Washoe to a research center in Ellensburg, Washington. There, Washoe taught sign language to three younger chimpanzees, which are still alive.

  4 Scientists like private researcher Jane Goodall believes Washoe provided new information about the mental workings of chimpanzees8. Today, there are not as many scientists studying language skills with chimps. Part of the reason is that this kind of research takes a very long time.

  5 Debate continues about chimps' understanding of human communication. Yet, one thing is sure -- Washoe changed popular ideas about the possibilities of animal intelligence.


  chimpanzee n.黑猩猩 critic n.評論家,批評家

  community n.社區(qū),圈子 workings n.活動,運行

  primate n.靈長類動物 chimp n.=chimpanzee


  1. in the scientific community : 在科學界,在科學家的圈子里

  2. American Sign Language(ASL): 美國手語。利用手、臉部表情、身體姿勢表達思想的美國聾啞人語言。在加拿大、墨西哥等地也使用ASL。ASL與British Sign Language(BSL英國手語)不同,兩者不能相互理解。

  3. led to debate: 引起辯論。lead to意為“導致”,to為介詞,debate為名詞。

  4. she grew to understand about 250 words: 她漸漸掌握約250個單詞。9row t0是“漸漸”的意思。

  5. Once : 一旦。0nce是連接詞。例:Children like to cycle once they have learned how. 小孩一旦學會了如何騎自行車,就會喜歡上它。

  6. of their own: 屬于自己的。of their own的含義與on their own不同, on their own是“獨自”的意思。

  7. the Gardners: Gardner夫婦

  8. Scientists like private researcher Jane Goodall believe...: 像個體研究者Jane Goodall這樣的科學家相信……。like(像,跟……一樣)是介詞,本句的謂語是believe。句子中的private researcher意為“不受雇于任何單位,自己獨立工作的科研人員?!?/P>


  1. Paragraph 1??

  2. Paragraph 2??

  3. Paragraph 3??

  4. Paragraph 4??

  A Reason Why Not Many Scientists Carry out This Research Nowadays

  B Report about Washoe's Progress in Learning Sign Language

  C General Information about Washoe

  D The Gardeners' Contributions Recognized

  E Debate on Chimps' Intelligence

  F Washoe's Love for Three Young Chimps

  5. Washoe could make signs to communicate

  6. Some scientists doubted

  7. Washoe taught three younger chimps sign language

  8. The experimenters thought Washoe was intelligent

  A if the Gardeners' argument was sound

  B because she was cleverer than other chimps

  C when she wanted to eat

  D while she was at a research center in Ellensburg

  E because she could use sign language to ask for fruits

  F while Washoe was learning sign language


  1. C 第一段主要介紹猩猩Washoe的出生地、死亡年齡、被帶到美國學習美式手語等一般情況。用General Information about Washoe來概括是很準確的。

  2. B 第二段的關鍵句是In 1969, the Gardners described Washoe's progress in a scientific report.隨后的句子簡略的介紹了Washoe的學習情況和結果,如已學會了250個單詞,并能用手語表達“該吃飯了”等概念。所以,Report about Washoe's Progress in Learning Sign Language(選項B)是答案。

  3. E 第三段介紹了對Gardener夫婦發(fā)表的報告有兩種不同的解讀。一派認為Washoe的手語能力只是機械重復、死記硬背、物質激勵的結果,不是智能的表現。另一派認為知識智能的表現,其證據是Washoe還能教三個小猩猩學習手語。爭論的焦點是猩猩有沒有智能。選項E用debate來概括上述爭論,所以是答案。

  4. A 第四段解釋了為什么現在從事這項研究的科學家人數不多。部分原因是研究周期太長。

  5. C 選C 的第四段第二句:Washoe made signs to communicate when it was time to eat.

  6. A 第三段的上半段說了一些科學家對Gardener 夫婦的試驗的解讀所持懷疑態(tài)度。題干中出現的doubted引導我們選A。

  7. D 選D DE 依據是第三段的最后一句,即“He took Washoe to a research center in Ellensburg, Washington. There, Washoe taught sign language to three younger chimpanzees, which are still alive.”

  8. E 本文第二段談到試驗的成果時有一個句子:“She could request foods like apples and bananas”。根據全段意思和上述句子,選擇E是正確的。


  一個影響科學思維的動物已經死亡了。一個出生在非洲名為Washoe的黑猩猩上個月月底在 美國華盛頓州的一個研究中心自然死亡,死時42歲。Washoe在科學界和世界各地眾所周知,是 因為它能夠使用美國手語。它是第一個了解人類語言的非人類。它的技能也導致有關靈長類動物和它們所能理解的語言的爭議。

  科學家Alien和Beatrix Gardner于1966年開始教Washoe手語。1969年,Gardners在科學的報 告中描述了 Washoe的進步。對Washoe做實驗的人說Washoe逐漸掌握了約250個單詞。例如, Washoe能用手語表達“該吃飯了”!它能要蘋果和番蕉這樣的食品。它也問諸如“誰要來玩”之 類的問題。Washoe能用手語的消息一散開,許多語言學家開始在他們自己這一令人振奮的新研究 領域展開研究。靈長類動物的整個研究方向改變了。

  然而,批評者認為Washoe只學會了看它的教師的手語重復動作。他們說Washoe從來沒有發(fā) 展真正的語言技能。即使是現在,也有一些研究表明靈長類動物學習手語只是機械重復、死記硬 背、物質刺激的結果。可是Washoe的飼養(yǎng)員不同意這種說法。Roger Fouts以前是Gainer夫婦的 學生。Roger Fouts把Washoe帶到了華盛頓埃倫斯堡的一個研究中心。在這里,Washoe教三個年 輕的黑猩猩手語,這三個黑猩猩依然活著。

  像Jane Goodall這樣的獨立的科學家認為,Washoe為黑猩猩心理活動的研究提供了新信息。 今天,沒有那么多科學家研究黑猩猩的語言技能。部分原因在于這類研究需要花費很長的時間。

  對黑猩猩懂得人類交流方式與否的辯論仍在繼續(xù)。然而,有一件事卻是肯定的~"Washoe改 變了有關動物智能可能性的普遍觀點。




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