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摘要 2016職稱英語《理工類A級》閱讀理解練習(xí)匯總,供考生參考。



  The Operation of International Airlines

  International airlines have rediscovered the business traveler, the man or woman who regularly jets from country to country as part of the job. This does not necessarily mean that airlines ever abandoned their business travelers. Instead, companies like Lufthansa and Swissair1 would right argue that they have always catered best for the executive class passengers. But many airlines could be accused of concentrating too heavily in the recent past on attracting passengers by volume, often at the expense of the regular traveler. Too often, they have seemed geared for quantity rather than quality.

  Operating a major airline is essentially a matter of finding the right mix of passengers. The airlines need to fill up the back end of their wide-bodied jets with low fare passengers, without forgetting that the front end should be filled with people who pay substantially more for their tickets.

  It is no coincidence that the two major airline bankruptcies were among the companies specializing in cheap flights. But low fares require consistently full aircraft to make flights economically viable, and in the recent recession the volume of traffic has not grown. Equally the large number of airlines jostling for the available passengers has created a huge excess of capacity. The net result of excess capacity and cut-throat competition driving down fares had been to push some airlines into collapse and leave many others hovering on the brink2.

  Against this grim background, it is no surprise that airlines are turning increasingly towards the business travelers to improve their rates of return, They have invested much time and effort to establish exactly what the executive demands for sitting apart from the tourists.

  High on the list of priorities is punctuality; an executive's time is money. In-flight service is another area where the airlines are jostling for the executive's attention. The free drinks and headsets and better food are all part of the lure.

  Another development has been the accent of seating arrangements. Regular travelers have become well versed in the debate about seat pitch--the amount of room between each passenger. And first-class passengers are now offered sleeperette seats, which, for long journeys, make it possible to snatch a proper night's sleep. Sleeperettes have proved so popular that they will soon become universal in the front end of most aircraft.

  The airlines are also trying to improve things on the ground. Executive lounges are commonplace and intended to make the inevitable waiting between flights a little more bearable. Luggage handling is being improved. Regrettably, there is little the airlines can do to speed up the boring immigration and Customs process, which manages to upset and frustrate passengers of all classes in every continent.

  Although it is the airlines' intention to attract executive passengers from their rivals, the airlines themselves would nonetheless like to change one bad habit of this kind of traveler--the expensive habit of booking a flight and then failing to turn up. The practice is particularly widespread in Europe, where businessmen frequently book return journeys home one on several flights.


  coincidence 巧合 jostle 爭搶

  cut-throat 你死我活的 headset 頭戴式耳機

  accent 強調(diào),重視 versed 熟練的,精通的

  pitch 空間,位置 sleeperette 可臥座位


  1.Lufthansa and Swissair :(德國)漢莎航空公司和瑞士航空公司

  2.… push some airlines into collapse and leave many others hovering on the brink. :……迫使一些航空公司倒閉,把許多別的公司推到倒閉的邊緣。


  1. According to the passage, in operating airlines it is essential to

  A) keep in mind the need of the executives only.

  B) satisfy the need of the low fare passengers at the expense of the executives.

  C) try to attract as many passengers as possible by reducing fares.

  D) cater to the need of passengers sitting at both ends of the jets.

  2. The following are all mentioned as reasons why the airlines are having a hard time EXCEPT that

  A) the tourist industry is experiencing an all-time low.

  B) there is no increase in the number of passengers.

  C) there are more seats on the planes than needed.

  D) the competition between airlines is strong.

  3. The improvements the airlines attempt at include all the following EXCEPT

  A) making their seats more comfortable.

  B) providing better food during flights.

  C) showing more movies during the long flights.

  D) offering sleeperettes to first-class passengers.

  4. There is not much the airlines can do when it comes to

  A) making sure the departures are not delayed.

  B) the efficient handling of luggage.

  C) speeding up customs procedure.

  D) the improvement of the condition of waiting lounges.

  5. Which of the following is a bad habit of the executive passengers that frustrates the airlines?

  A) They do not book their seats in advance.

  B) They do not sit on the seats they are supposed to take.

  C) They do not travel on the flight they have booked.

  D) They do not pay in advance for the seats they book.


  1. D 本題的答案可以再文章的第二段里找到。這一段第一句話講得很清楚,經(jīng)營一家大的航空公司的關(guān)鍵是找到 the right mix of passengers。后面一句話更明確地說寬體客機的后部,即一般乘客乘坐的經(jīng)濟艙;和前部,即頭等艙和公務(wù)艙都要設(shè)法坐滿。

  2. A 在第三段里作者談到了航空業(yè)所面臨的困境,提到 in the recent recession the volume of traffic has not grown. Equally the large number of airlines jostling for the available passengers has created a huge excess of capacity, 包括了B、C、D三個選項中所說的情況,唯獨沒有具體降到旅游業(yè)的狀況。

  3. C 文章的第五段和第六段作者講了航空公司所做的種種努力,其中沒有提到要多放映電影。

  4. C 文章的第五段到第七段里作者談到了航空公司能做的改進,以及他們不能做的改進,第七段的最后一句清楚地講了人人都厭煩的進關(guān)手續(xù)時航空公司所力不能及的。

  5. C 答案在最后一段里可以找到。商界人士常常同時在幾個航班上訂座。


  國際航空公司重新發(fā)現(xiàn),商務(wù)游客經(jīng)常定期乘坐國際航班,這甚至成為他們工作的一部分。 這并不一定意味著國際航空公司曾經(jīng)忽視了商務(wù)乘客。相反,漢莎航空公司和瑞士航空公司聲稱 他們總是盡量滿足商務(wù)人士階層的乘客。但是許多航空公司被指責(zé)說過去太注重由運載量吸引乘 客,造成老顧客的流失。公司經(jīng)常為了數(shù)量而非質(zhì)量進行調(diào)整。

  主要航線的經(jīng)營本質(zhì)上是要找到合適的乘客組合。航空公司可以讓低價位機票乘客乘坐寬機 身飛機的后艙,不能忘記前艙需要讓機票價位較高者乘坐。

  兩家主要的廉價航空公司的倒閉并不是巧合。但是低票價需要總是滿機以使班機在經(jīng)濟方面 可以生存,在最近的蕭條期運載量并沒有增長。容量過剩和殘酷的競爭引起票價下降,迫使一些 航空公司倒閉,把許多別的公司推到倒閉的邊緣?!?/p>

  在這種嚴峻的背景下,航空公司不斷轉(zhuǎn)向商務(wù)游客以提高利潤率就不足為奇了。他們付出了 大量的時間和精力去滿足他們對座位的要求,并將他們與普通游客相區(qū)分。

  在優(yōu)先取舍的列表上還有準(zhǔn)時性,經(jīng)理們的時間是寶貴的??蜋C服務(wù)是航班為了爭取商務(wù)人 士注意力的又一個領(lǐng)域。免費的飲品、耳機和可口的食物都是很有誘惑力的因素。

  另外一個發(fā)展是強調(diào)座位的安排。老乘客對座位的傾斜度很精通――因為這會影響前后座之 間的間隙。一等艙提供傾斜式,這樣在長時間的旅程中,乘客能得到一個良好睡眠。實踐證明, 臥椅很受乘客們的喜愛,它將會在所有飛機的前倉被普遍應(yīng)用。

  航空公司還試圖改善地面服務(wù)。商務(wù)人員休息室變得很尋常了,這樣乘客們等待航班的時間 可以變得更好過一些。行李處理服務(wù)也改善了。不過遺憾的是,在加快煩瑣的入境通關(guān)手續(xù)方面, 航空公司能做的很有限。各大洲各階層的乘客們只能繼續(xù)厭煩沮喪了。

  盡管航空公司的目的是從它們的競爭對手中吸引商務(wù)乘客,航空公司將盡力改變這類乘客的 壞習(xí)慣――預(yù)定昂貴的機票卻沒有乘坐。這種現(xiàn)象在歐洲尤為廣泛,商務(wù)人士常常同時在幾個航 班預(yù)定返程機票。







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