On the whole, such a conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence, but only if the child can be assumed to have had the same attitude towards the test as the others with whom he is being compared, and only if he was not punished by lack of relevant information which they possessed.
Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate response will experience greater intellectual development.
璀枃锛氳鐐轰富缇╄€呰獚(r猫n)鐐�, 濡傛灉鍏掔鐨勬垚闀风挵(hu谩n)澧冮噷鏈夎ū澶氬埡婵€鍥犵礌, 閫欎簺鍥犵礌鍙堟湁鍒╀簬鍏堕仼鐣�(d膩ng)鍙嶆噳(y墨ng)鑳藉姏鐨勭櫦(f膩)灞�, 閭d箞, 鍏掔鐨勬櫤鍔涘氨鏈冪櫦(f膩)灞曞埌杓冮珮鐨勬按骞�銆�
The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took roots in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.
This assumption rests on the fallacy of the inherent laziness in human nature; actually, aside from abnormally lazy people, there would be very few who would not want to earn more than the minimum, and who would prefer to do nothing rather than work.(48 words)
1. Prior to the twentieth century, women in novels were stereotypes of lacking any features that made them unique individuals and were also subject to numerous restrictions imposed by the male-dominated culture.
鍦�20涓栫磤(j矛)浠ュ墠, 灏忚涓殑濠﹀コ鍍忛兘鏄竴鍊嬫ā寮�銆傚ス鍊戞矑鏈変换浣曠壒榛�, 鍥犺€岀劇娉曟垚鐐哄叿鏈夊€嬫€х殑浜�; 浠栧€戦倓瑕佸眻寰炰簬鐢辩敺鎬т富瀹扮殑鏂囧寲鍌崇当(t菕ng)寮峰姞绲︿粬鍊戠殑绋ó鏉熺笡銆�
2. Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity.
閶佺附鏄窡鍏朵粬鍏冪礌绲�(ji茅)鍚堝湪涓€璧�, 鏈€鏅亶鐨勬槸璺熸哀绲�(ji茅)鍚�; 鍥犵偤閶佽窡姘ф湁寰堝挤鐨勮Κ鍜屽姏, 鐢变簬閫欏€嬪師鍥�, 鍦ㄨ嚜鐒剁晫鎵句笉鍒版父闆㈢媭鎱�(t脿i)鐨勯媮銆傛墍浠�, 閶佺洿鍒�19涓栫磤(j矛)鎵嶈浜虹櫦(f膩)鐝�(xi脿n)銆�
3. They (the poor) are the first to experience technological progress as a curse which destroys the old muscle-power jobs that previous generations used as a means to fight their way out of poverty.
灏嶄簬浠ュ線骞句唬浜轰締瑾�, 鑸婂紡鐨勯珨鍔涘嫗鍕曟槸涓€绋敤浠ユ摵鑴钵鍥扮殑鎵嬫, 鑰屾妧琛�(sh霉)鐨勯€�(j矛n)姝ュ墖鎽ф瘈浜嗙浜鸿炒浠ョ偤鐢熺殑楂斿姏鍕炲嫊, 鍥犳棣栧厛楂旈鍒版妧琛�(sh霉)閫�(j矛n)姝ヤ箣瀹崇殑鏄浜恒€�
4. The number of the young people in the United States who can’t read is incredible about one in four.
澶х磩鏈�1/4鐨勭編鍦嬮潚骞翠汉娌掓湁闁辫畝鑳藉姏, 閫欑啊鐩翠护浜洪洠浠ョ疆淇�銆�
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