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摘要 小編給大家?guī)?020年商務英語中級寫作詞匯(7),要報考商務英語考試,一定要在規(guī)定時間內完成報名!環(huán)球網校小編為您送達2020年商務英語最新消息!讓您通過商務英語考試。

label 1. (n.) small piece of card or material attached to product to show name, price etc標簽.

[同義詞] tag, remark, brand

2. (v.) put a marker on a product貼標簽

[例] The right products are all labeled with the capital letter “ R”.

lay-off/layoff 1. (n.) action of stopping a worker’s employment for a time, especially when there is little work to do臨時解雇

[例] The large scale layoff of this area caused a workers’ strike.

2. (v.) dismiss temporarily臨時解雇

lead time (n.) time needed to perform an activity產品從訂貨到交付之間的時間,考生如果怕自己錯過考試報名時間和考試時間的話,可以 免費預約短信提醒,屆時會以短信的方式提醒大家報名和考試時間。

[例] Actually we need a long lead time to perform it.

lease ] (n.) contract for renting property or equipment租約

[例] According to the bilateral agreement, the lease of this land will last 5 years.

leasehold (n.) property held by lease通過租契獲得的財產

liabilities (n.) debts of a business負債

[例] The company cannot afford such large liabilities.

licence (n.) [US license] official document which gives permission執(zhí)照

[例] You need an import licence.

[同義詞] certificate, warrant, permit

license (v.) [US licence] give permission許可

licensee (n.) person who is given permission獲許可的人

licensor (n.) person who gives permission許可人

life cycle (n.) concept of showing the different stages in a product’s life產品生命周期

[例] Usually, the mature stage is the most important in the life cycle of a product.

line [ lain ] (n.) 1. merchandise or services of a similar or related nature系列產品

[例] a complete line of small tools

[同義詞] series, sequence

2.An ordered system of operations that allows a sequential manufacture or assembly of goods at all or various stages of production.流水生產線

[例] production line

liquidate (v.) close a company and sell its assets清算

liquidation (n.) process of closing a company清算

[例] The business went into liquidation.

liquidator (n.) person who supervises the liquidation of a company清算人

listed (adj.) registered列出的,上市的

[例] Shares can be bought in listed companies.

listed company (n) a company whose shares are recorded on the main market of a stock exchange 上市公司

[例] That firm is among the listed companies.

mass media (n) ways of spreading news and information to the greatest number of people , eg by television, radio or newspapers 大眾傳媒

[例] She got full financial aid to study in UBC , majoring in Mass Media.

mass production (n.) the manufacture of goods in large quantities, often using standardized designs and assembly-line techniques 大批量生產

[例] Mass production reduces unit cost substantially, reflecting the advantage of economy of scale.

Mass market 大眾市場

middle management (n.) department managers中層管理者

senior management (n.) top managers高級經理

manager (n.) person who manages an organization or part of it經理

[同義詞] administrator, executive, director

plant manager (n.) factory manager工廠經理

line manager (n.) manager who is in charge of accomplishing the basic goals of the organization生產經理

[例] All the sales performance will be reported to your line manager monthly.

margin (n.) difference between sale price and cost price利潤

[例] Margin leaves the space for the dealers to pursue profits.

gross margin difference between manufacturing cost and sale price毛利

net margin difference between total cost (inc. overheads) and sale price凈利

marketing mix (n.) combination of different marketing elements such as price, promotion, product, etc.銷售組合

market penetration (n.) amount a product sells in a market暢銷度

market segmentation (n.) division of the market into consumer groups市場分割

market share`(n.) percentage of a total market which one company or product holds市場占有率

up market (adj & adv.) luxury end of the market高端市場的

down market (adj & adv) cheep end of the market低端市場的

memo=memorandum (n.) a written record or communication, as in a business office 備忘錄

[例] a memorandum about the meeting

minutes (n) an official record of the proceedings at a meeting 會議記錄

[例] The secretary took the minutes of the meeting.

negotiation (n.) (often plural) act of bargaining磋商

[例] We are starting our annual pay negotiations next week.

notice (n.) 1. information about something that will happen通知

[例] The workers gave the management 24 hours’ notice of the strike.

2. information that a person will leave his employment (voluntarily or not)辭職通告

[例] I’ve heard that three more are going to give in their notice in May.

off-season (adj & adv) in the cheap, less busy season 淡季的

[例] The sweater is a real bargain for I bought it off-season.

opening (n.) job; vacancy職位空缺

[例] Is there any opening for the applicants?

operate (v.) run or work a machine/business運轉

[例] The section head should make full function to operate daily production.

operating profits profits which result from day-to-day business營業(yè)利潤

operative (n) worker工人

[例] She is a skilled operative.

option (n.) possibility, opportunity選擇權,買賣特權

[例] We have the first option to buy the property.

[同義詞] choice, alternative, selection

PA (n.)1. personal assistant 私人助理

2.personal account 個人賬戶

3.power of attorney 授權書;委托書

package (adj.) of a whole set整批的

[例] a package deal

[同義詞] bundle, pack

benefit package 福利制度

packaging (n.) material used to wrap goods for display 包裝材料

[例] It is necessary to improve the packaging.

packing (v.)包裝 (n.) the way products are packaged包裝(法)

[例] The packing of the candy is so trendy!

parent company (n.) company which owns more than 50% of the shares of another company母公司

[例] The parent company of the complex organization is located in the US.

part-time (adj.) working for only part of the working day兼職的

[例] Part-time employees now have to be nationally insured on exactly the same basis as full-time employees.

partnership (n.) business where two or more people share risks and profits合伙經營

[例] They are partnership so that they can share the risks and the profits.

patent (n.) official registration of a new invention專利

[例] This patent right is valid for 5 years.

peak (n.) highest point頂峰

[例] His business career has reached the peak.

[同義詞] top, summit, pinnacle

pension (n.) amount of money paid regularly after a person stops work, either because of or age or illness養(yǎng)老金

[例] Is £140 per week, plus a pension, better than £200 per week without?

[同義詞] annuity

perform (v.) do well or badly表現

[例] Sometimes employees don’t perform at the required standard because they don’t know what the standard is.

performance appraisal (n.) procedure for evaluating a person’s work based on how well or badly they have done their work績效評價

[例] At the end of each year, they all have performance appraisals.

performance-related pay (n) pay given to employee according to his or her real performance in the job與業(yè)績掛鉤的發(fā)薪法

[例] It is fair to adopt a system of performance-related pay which will undoubtedly motivate our men.

portfolio (n.) range, collection of investment投資組合

[例] a portfolio of shares

positioning (n.) creating an image for a product in a particular sector of a market(市場)定位

[例] How to set up an appropriate positioning for this new kind of product is crucial to the sales volume of the company.

probation (n.) period of testing a new employee試用(期);見習(期)

[例] The newly recruited employees are still in probation.

[同義詞] trial, apprenticeship

promotion (n.) 1. act of giving someone a better job晉升

[例] He got a promotion for the high sales volume this month.

2. all means of communicating a message about a product or service促銷

[例] The failure of the new product promotion lies in the business secrets release by someone.

qualification (n.) required education, ability or experience資格

[例] He plans to go back to college to get a management qualification.

[同義詞] suitability, fitness, eligibility

quality (n.) the value/worth of a product/service 質量

[例] The efficiency just shows the inter-relationship between quality and quantity.

quality assurance (n.) all activities and functions concerned with achieving a high level of quality質量保證

quality control (QC)checking that the quality is high enough質量管理

[例] As a quality manager, you should guarantee the quality control.

quote 1. (v.)to state (a price) for securities, goods, or services.報價

[例] Could you quote for the contract in dollars?

quotation (n.) 1.estimate of cost 報價單2.listing of the price of on the Stock Exchange股票牌價

ask for a quotation 要求對方報價

rally (n) a notable rise in stock market prices and trading volume after a decline 價格驟然回升

[例] a rally in share

rate of return (n) the amount of profit ,dividend or interest received from an investment, expressed as a percentage of the original investment 收益率

[例] Your investment will absolutely receive a poor rate of return.

range (n.) series of products which the customer can choose from(產品)系列

[例] This type of shoes covers a wide range of color and size.

rebate (n) a deduction from an amount to be paid or a return of part of an amount given in payment 退款

[例] He is qualified for a tax rebate according to the new policy.

recession (n.) period of low economic activity不景氣,衰退期

[例] There is usually an obvious increase in unemployment when business is in recession.

[同義詞] depressed market

representative (n.) salesperson銷售代表

retailer person who sells goods direct零售商

[反義詞] wholesaler 批發(fā)商

ROI (return on investment)投資回報

risk capital (n.) money for investment in projects with a high risk but also with a potential for a high return風險資本

[例] The higher profits you can get from risk capital, the higher risk you might have.

segment (v.) divide a market into different parts分割市場

[例] segment markets into several parts

share (n.) 1. market share市場份額

[同義詞] portion, part, division

2. small part of a company’s capital 股份

shareholder (n.) person who owns shares in a company股東

shift (n.) part of the working day in a factory班制

[例] You need to decide some time before next Monday if you want to work the early shift or the late shift.

To change shifts 換班制工作

shoot up 猛漲

[例] The demand of this medicine has shot up recently due to SARS.

shop floor (n.) place where goods are produced in a factory車間

shortlist 1. (n.) list of successful people who go through to the next stage of a selection process供最后選擇的候選名單2. (v.) to select people to go through to the next stage選出最后候選人

[例] Here are the candidates whom we’ve shortlisted.

slogan (n.) a phrase which is used to sell a product口號, 標語

[例] They created an attractive slogan so that the book is expected to dominate the best-seller lists.

[同義詞] logo slump [ slQmp ] (n.) rapid decrease暴跌

[例] a slump in sales

[同義詞] depression, recession

spin-off (n.) by-product 副產品

[例] This material is a spin-off from space industry.

sponsor (n.) person or company which pays for an event (sports, culture etc.)贊助商

[例] Sponsor of the meeting will declare the final winner of this competition.

[同義詞] patron sponsorship [`spCnsEFIp] (n.) act of sponsoring贊助

[例] That company took the sponsorship of the Shanghai Education Exhibition. stake [ steik ] (n.) a share or an interest in an enterprise, especially a financial share 股份

[例] I have a stake in that company.

stand (n.) table for display in an exhibition展臺

[例] to set up a stand at a business exhibition in a foreign city

subordinate 1. (n.) person below another in the company hierarchy下屬

[例] To get on well with your subordinate is not a very easy thing.

[同義詞] inferior, junior, subaltern

2. (adj.) lower下屬的

[例] subordinate position

[同義詞] inferior, lesser, lower

subsidiary (n.) company which is at least 51% owned by a parent company子公司

[例] The multi-national company’s profits are mostly from its overseas subsidiaries.

[同義詞] associate company,branch

supply 1. (n.) provision供給

[例] We are subject to the laws of supply and demand.

2. (v.) provide something供給

supplier (n.) person/company which supplies goods or services供應商

[同義詞] stockist

target customer the aimed customer 目標顧客

target market the aimed marked 目標市場

[例] Out target market next year is South America.

tariff (n.) tax or charge paid to enter a market關稅

[例] tariff barriers tangible asset (n) assets that have material form 有形資產

[例] Next week we will assess the tangible assets of that company for the liquidation.

corporation tax tax on profits公司所得稅

income tax tax on personal income 個人所得稅

value added tax (VAT) tax on goods and services增值稅

tender 1. (n.) offer for a contract at a certain price投標

[例] The purchaser invited tenders from 3 suppliers.

2. (v.) offer a price and conditions for a contract投標

tertiary industry service industry 第三產業(yè)

[例] Tertiary industry is the pillar industry for many industrialized nations.

turnover (n.) 1. total amount of sales營業(yè)額

[例] Our turnover in 1991 was 25% up on 1990.

2. speed at which staff or stock change周轉,流通量

[例] Because of the poor management, there is a large turnover in this company.

unemployment (n.) state of being without a job失業(yè)

[例] In the time of financial crisis, the unemployment rate is surprisingly high.

unemployment benefit (n.) money paid by the state to people without jobs失業(yè)救濟

vacancy (n.) job which needs to be filled (職位)空缺

[例] The vacancy needs a very competent and aptitude candidate.

venture (n.) risky business project風險,投機

[例] We need venture capital to start.

[同義詞] adventure, speculation, hazard

voucher (n.) coupon 優(yōu)惠券

[例] a gift voucher

volume business (n) trade in a large scale 大批量交易

[例] We only deal in volume business ,having no interest in such trading.

wage freeze (n.) decision by management not to increases wages工資凍結

[例] The decision of wage freeze this year annoyed the blue-collar workers.

warehouse (n.) building where goods are stored 倉庫

[同義詞] depot

withdrawal (n.) 1.act of taking away撤消

[例] The employee who feels underpaid is likely to show dissatisfaction by withdrawal from the job.


[例] withdrawal of assets

work in progress (WIP) ( n) 在制品

[例] He wrote this goods as WIP in the accounts

working conditions (n. pl) general physical state of the place where people work, including things like noise level, hazardous conditions, or heat 工作環(huán)境

[例] Workers are going on a strike because of bad working conditions.

write-off (n.) loss/cancellation of a bad debt注銷 (v.) cancel/remove a debt from the accounts注銷

[例] The debt has been written off.

yield (n.) usable output from a process產量,收益

[例] There has been a considerable increase in the yield of the mines.

zero defect (n.) manufactured product which meets the specified quality standard無事故, 無疵殘

[例] They improved the technique and got zero defect this year.

zero inventory (n.) management philosophy and practice based on no waste and constant improvement of productivity零庫存

[例] The leaders should instill zero inventory into their employees regularly.


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