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2020年公共英語(yǔ)三級(jí)口語(yǔ)練習(xí):Part B部分??荚?huà)題(4)

更新時(shí)間:2020-06-02 18:26:49 來(lái)源:環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 瀏覽59收藏23

公共英語(yǔ)報(bào)名、考試、查分時(shí)間 免費(fèi)短信提醒


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摘要 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編給大家?guī)?lái)2020年公共英語(yǔ)三級(jí)口語(yǔ)練習(xí):Part B部分??荚?huà)題(4),希望對(duì)大家有所幫助。加入環(huán)球網(wǎng)校有專(zhuān)業(yè)的老師為您解答問(wèn)題,還可以和考友一起交流!

相關(guān)推薦:2020年公共英語(yǔ)三級(jí)口語(yǔ)練習(xí):Part B部分??荚?huà)題匯總

I want to take a nap. 我真想睡個(gè)午覺(jué)。

But you just woke up.你不是剛起來(lái)嗎?

I want to take a catnap. *catnap 打盹

I'd like to lie down for a while.我想躺會(huì)兒

*wanna = want to = would like to

I'm going to lie down.

I'm going to take a rest. 我休息一會(huì)兒

You're pretending to be asleep.你在裝睡啊

You're just pretending that you're asleep.

You're not really asleep. 你其實(shí)沒(méi)睡吧!

I know you're still awake.

Were you sleeping? 你睡著了嗎?

Were you asleep?

No, I was awake.

Will you change the baby's diaper? 尿布

Again? 又要換呀?

I just changed it ten minutes ago.

Do you need to pee? 想尿尿嗎? *對(duì)小孩

It's time to go wee-wee.該尿尿了*對(duì)小孩

It's time to go pee-pee.

Do it again. 再來(lái)一次。

Let's play catch. 我們來(lái)投球吧。

Great! 好呀!

Let's play ball.

The water is leaking.

The pipe is leaking. 水管漏了。

It's so dusty. 都是灰啊!

I didn't notice. 我倒沒(méi)注意。

It needs to be dusted. 得掃掃了。

It's stuffy in this room.通風(fēng)不好、憋悶

The air is thick. 這里真悶。

I can't breathe in this room.

The air is dense. 空氣混濁。

It's drafty in this room. 通風(fēng)的

Will you feed the dog?

Please give the dog some food.

Will you take the dog for a walk?

Take care of my brother and sister.

You bet (I will). 放心吧。

You bet I won't. 我一定不會(huì)的

You bet it is. / You bet there is. 一定是的

Please water the plants.

Can I help? --Yes, pls water the plants.

What a mess! 怎么這么亂呀

Look at the mess!

What a pigsty!*含有臟得像個(gè)豬窩的語(yǔ)氣

Help me.

What do you want me to do?

Clean up your room.

Straighten up your room.

Tidy up the room.

But I'm watching TV now.

Help me clean up the house.

We're out of dish detergent.洗滌靈用完啦

We've used up dish detergent.

I'll go get more. 那我去買(mǎi)一瓶。

Would you put up the clothes to dry?

Will you help me fold up the clothes?

Please sweep the floor. 掃、打掃

Please scrub the sink. 把廚房的池子洗干凈 *使勁搓洗用scrub

I have to vacuum my room.*用吸塵器打掃

Please dust the shelves.撣撣柜子上的土

Please wipe the shelves.請(qǐng)擦一擦柜子

Please mop the floor. 請(qǐng)拖拖地

Will you iron the shirt? 熨襯衣

I have to iron my skirt. 熨裙子

Let's go grocery shopping. 我們?nèi)コ匈I(mǎi)東西吧 *grocery shop雜貨店

We need more milk. 還得再買(mǎi)點(diǎn)牛奶。

The park was crowded.

The park was filled with people.

Can you baby-sit tonight? *baby-sit“父母不在時(shí)幫忙照顧孩子”。--Sure I can.

環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編提醒:考生如果怕自己錯(cuò)過(guò)考試報(bào)名時(shí)間和考試時(shí)間的話(huà),可以 免費(fèi)預(yù)約短信提醒,屆時(shí)會(huì)以短信的方式提醒大家報(bào)名和考試時(shí)間。


This is for you. 這是送給你的。

That's very nice of you. 太謝謝你啦。

Here's something for you.

I got this for you.

This is your share. 這是你的那份

This is your portion. /This is your part.

This portion is for you.

What do you want for your birthday?

I want gloves. 手套

Here you are! 請(qǐng)收下。

Here you have it!

環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編提醒:考生如果怕自己錯(cuò)過(guò)考試報(bào)名時(shí)間和考試時(shí)間的話(huà),可以 免費(fèi)預(yù)約短信提醒,屆時(shí)會(huì)以短信的方式提醒大家報(bào)名和考試時(shí)間。


I usually work out after work. 運(yùn)動(dòng)

I usually go to the gym after work.

I usually exercise after work.

I've started jogging. 我開(kāi)始慢跑鍛煉。

Since when? 什么時(shí)候開(kāi)始的?

I quit smoking. 戒煙 *quit辭職,改變習(xí)慣

No, thanks. I quit smoking.

Good for you. 你真?zhèn)ゴ?/p>

I stopped smoking.

I don't smoke anymore.不再 *anymore還

I've become a non-smoker.

I no longer smoke.

Do you dream often? 你常做夢(mèng)嗎?

Do you often have dreams?

Do you dream a lot?

I've been forgetful lately. 健忘、丟三落四

I've been forgetful these days.


Here's the phone bill.

When is this due? 什么時(shí)候到期?

When is the rent due?房租截止到幾號(hào)?

When is the paper due?

When is the last day I can pay for this?

How long is the pay period?

When do I have to pay this by?

When does this have to be finished by?

It's due on the thirtieth. 截止到30號(hào)

Could you give me change?

Can you change this?

Could I have change?

Do you have change for 100 yen?你有..?

Can you break a one-hundred-yen bill?

Can you break a hundred?

I'd like to change a hundred-yen note.

Here's one hundred yen. Could I have change?這是100日元,能幫我破開(kāi)嗎?

I need to deposit five thousand yen in my savings account. 存錢(qián) *賬戶(hù)

I need to put ¥5,000 into the bank.

I need to withdraw ¥5,000 from my savings account. 取,拿出

I need to take out ¥500 from the bank.

I paid out of my own pocket.自己掏腰包

I'm out of cash. 我沒(méi)帶現(xiàn)金

I don't have much money on me now.

May I borrow some money?

I didn't bring very much money with me.

I'm a little short of money now.

I'm broke. 身無(wú)分文

May I borrow ten dollars?

Sorry, I'm broke.

I have no money. /I'm out of money.

I'm flat broke. * 強(qiáng)調(diào)的說(shuō)法

I have a lot of money on me now.

I brought a lot of money with me.

I'm rich now. 我現(xiàn)在很有錢(qián)。

I have lots of cash on me.

I can't afford to be lazy. 我可沒(méi)時(shí)間閑著

I can't afford to be idle.

I don't have time to be lazy.

What a waste! 浪費(fèi)

How wasteful!

He didn't pay the debt and disappeared.

He skipped town without paying his debt.

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