新概念雙語(yǔ):收到面試通知后 你要做的5件事
來(lái)源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2019-10-11 09:22:36 頻道: 新概念

Congratulations – you have made it past the résumé review and have been selected for an interview. Before you take that call or go to the in-person meeting, remember to do these five things。


1. Review what you have sent so far. Retrieve the exact résumé and cover letter that you submitted for the position. Many job seekers customize their résumé and cover letter for each position, so reviewing your documents ensures you know what the interviewer saw before selecting you. Be prepared to discuss anything listed on your cover letter or résumé. You also want to make several copies of that same résumé to bring with you to an in-person meeting。

1. 整理你發(fā)給公司的材料?匆幌履銥檫@個(gè)職位寫(xiě)的簡(jiǎn)歷和求職信。許多求職者為職位量身打造簡(jiǎn)歷和求職信,所以要看下文檔以確保你知道面試官是根據(jù)什么選你的。準(zhǔn)備好回答任何求職信或簡(jiǎn)歷上的內(nèi)容,F(xiàn)場(chǎng)面試的話(huà)你還要多帶幾份簡(jiǎn)歷。

2. Compare the job description to your résumé. First, highlight the top three to five requirements of the role. Next, set up a “side by side” comparison of what the role requires and how your background lines up. Third, write out examples that succinctly demonstrate that you possess the desired skills/traits. Fourth, practice saying those examples in front of a mirror OUT LOUD. It may seem awkward, but the interviewer can only judge what you say and how you say it, not what is in your head. Practicing in front of a mirror ensures that the words flow well and that you look comfortable while saying them。

2. 比較職位描述和簡(jiǎn)歷內(nèi)容。首先,找出3到5條重要的職位要求。接下來(lái),挨個(gè)比較每條要求和你的條件是否相符。第三,簡(jiǎn)潔寫(xiě)出能證明你有公司所需技能/特點(diǎn)的例子。第四,在鏡子前練習(xí)大聲說(shuō)這些例子。雖然有些尷尬,但面試官只能根據(jù)你說(shuō)的內(nèi)容和表達(dá)方式作判斷,而不是根據(jù)你腦子里想的東西。在鏡子前練習(xí)能確保說(shuō)起來(lái)流暢而且看起來(lái)真誠(chéng)。

3. Research the latest news/events at the company. Using LinkedIn, the corporate website, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest, read any current company updates. Pay close attention to items that may impact your targeted role. For example, if you notice several recent changes in the company’s management team, note if any of those managers had oversight of your potential department. Was a replacement hired? What was this person’s previous work experience? Listing all of this is a great way to cement the events in your memory and to better organize the information in a useful way。

3. 找公司最新消息/事件。用LinkedIn、公司網(wǎng)站、Twitter、Facebook和Pinterest搜索,看公司發(fā)表的所有內(nèi)容。密切關(guān)注可能會(huì)影響你的目標(biāo)職位的事件。例如,如果你看到最近公司管理層有變動(dòng),而且新經(jīng)理是管你將來(lái)的部門(mén)的話(huà)就要注意了。他是代替原來(lái)的經(jīng)理嗎?這個(gè)人之前的工作經(jīng)歷是怎樣的?列出這些分析是記牢事情以及更好組織信息的好辦法。

4. Turn the research into questions. People are frequently hired based on their questions more than their answers. The reason for this is that well-thought-out questions display research, deeper understanding of the position/company/industry and effort beyond the average job seeker. Using the information gained during the research process, create questions that show your knowledge and interest. If you can find the answer to your question on the company website, that is a clear sign that you should not ask it during the interview。

4. 把調(diào)查結(jié)論提煉成向面試官提的問(wèn)題。人們被錄用通常是基于他們問(wèn)了什么而不是答了什么。因?yàn)樽屑?xì)考慮過(guò)的提問(wèn)可以體現(xiàn)出求職者事先了解過(guò)公司,和一般求職者相比對(duì)職位/公司/行業(yè)也有更深了解。利用調(diào)查中獲得的信息,提些能體現(xiàn)學(xué)識(shí)和興趣的問(wèn)題。如果你能在公司官網(wǎng)上找到問(wèn)題的答案,明顯是告訴你在面試時(shí)不要問(wèn)這種問(wèn)題。

5. Practice the messy stuff. Review your résumé and determine how you will describe any weak spots or areas of uncertainty. The interviewer only knows what you have submitted in writing before the interview. When a job seeker seems uncertain or rambles when asked a question, it is a sign to an interviewer that this is an area that may need to be discussed in more depth to gain clarity. If you are clear in your presentation, you are less likely to send a red flag that triggers more probing. A confident delivery puts an interviewer at ease。

5. 多練沒(méi)把握的內(nèi)容。重看簡(jiǎn)歷并想好怎么講弱點(diǎn)或不確定的東西。面試前面試官只了解你以書(shū)面形式提交的信息。當(dāng)面試官的提問(wèn)讓求職者看起來(lái)不確定或猶豫時(shí),他們會(huì)覺(jué)得這塊內(nèi)容應(yīng)該問(wèn)得多些或清楚些。如果你清楚自己要講什么,就不太可能有不知所措的時(shí)候。自信的儀態(tài)能讓面試官面得更輕松。


新概念雙語(yǔ):收到面試通知后 你要做的5件事


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