來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2020-03-12 09:04:24 頻道: 新概念

How did you learn about the finer points of sex?

Maybe you watched that awkward sex education video that was filmed a good 20 years before your time and made sex out to be a clinical and methodical process. Some schools had in-class demonstrations of your 60-something teacher delicately peeling a condom down over a banana like some giant, yellow (and slightly curved) penis. The mere thought of that image alone is enough to remain celibate and move to a monastery in for the rest of your life! Other people found out about sex by getting stuck in to a good old fumble session in the drama studio during a free period. Whatever your story, it’s likely you had the talk from your old man at some point as well.Talking about sex can be uncomfortable, particularly for a dad with his teenage son. A sex ed talk from your father usually consists of the following:

· Wear a condom。

· Treat the girl with respect。

· Don’t rush her。

· Save yourself for the right girl。

Of course, none of this prepares us for the harsh reality of a proper sexual encounter. Our fathers have failed us in our pursuit for sexual enlightenment. With this in mind, I present to you The 10 Things Your Dad Never Told You About Sex (But Really Should Have)。

#10 – Sex Fetishes

I really wish my father had told me what a fetish was before I started having sex. The first time a woman asked me if I was into “Formicophilia” I thought she was speaking Italian to me.It turns out she got a real sexual kick out of having bugs, insects and creepy crawlies all over her genitals and wanted to share this delightful experience with me.Apparently fetishes are a normal variation of human sexuality which range from vanilla to just plain weird. I don’t mind a bit of biting and spanking every now and again but I draw the line at inviting cockroaches to the party. Make sure you know a bit about fetishes before engaging in sex because nobody wants to find out their girlfriend has a scat fetish after the fact。

#9 – It’s not like a porno movie

Imagine my surprise when, after years of watching Jenna Jameson bounce up and down on multiple guys and screaming with pleasure, I finally lost my virginity to a shy little red head with a freckled face, glasses and braces on her teeth. I thought sex would be all about screaming, dirty orgasms and filthy talk. Not only that, I thought that every seemingly innocent situation could be initiated into impromptu sex.If my friends mum offered me a cup of tea while we waited for him to get home from work, I thought she might jump my bones any second.Alas, it never happened. As for the red head, it was less like a speeding train and more like a brisk walk. Sex is nothing like it appears in porn. (unless you happen to be dating a porn star)

#8 – Pace yourself

As a knock-on effect of the porn delusions I suffered from, I thought that going at it hammer-and-tongs for long periods of time was the norm. Those porn stars could last forever and so I was utterly disappointed when my encounter with the shy red head lasted a mere 2 minutes before I rolled over and fell asleep. If you’ve never heard the story of the tortoise and the hare, I’m sure it related to sex. Women want a stallion who can last the distance and although sometimes a quickie can be just as fun, nobody wants it to be over before it’s even begun。

#7 – Headaches are no excuse not to have sex

At 21, my girlfriend of the time regularly used to tell me she wasn’t in the mood for a bit of nookie because she ‘had a headache’. New evidence has come to light though which says that the female orgasm releases endorphins (a natural painkiller). This means that sex is a headache cure. I’d go as far as to use this to try and have sex with your girlfriend for any number of ailments. Broken leg? Sex can ease your pain, baby. Your (hot)friend has a broken heart? I’ll give her an orgasm to make her feel better. Genital herpes?Er…you’re on your own there, darling。

#6 – Threesomes are not as common as you think

A combination of porn and ‘true story’ articles in Maxim and FHM had me growing up thinking that a threesome was a natural part of everyday life and would happen regularly.After losing a couple of girlfriends through requests for their big-bosomed friend to join us for a session, I began to lose faith. Some people claim that “Ménage á trois” is actually French for “In your dreams”. While I’m sure many people have had threesomes (or more) with other women, the sad reality is that the threesomes we could have would most often involve not another woman, but another man。

#5 – Impotence is a grounds for divorce

In over 20 states in America, impotence can be cited as the grounds for a marriage breakdown and subsequent divorce. I’m sure a few wealthy businessmen who didn’t see the need for a pre-nup are now kicking themselves for their shortsightedness.It’s not enough that men have the burden of pleasuring the woman they love and rising to the occasion every time. Now we have the added pressure that if we can’t get it up and give our wife a good seeing to, she can divorce us. If you weren’t suffering from penile dysfunction before, you may well do now! I think there should be another reason for divorce created to cite women who don’t have the necessary fellatio skills to keep a man at full mast. Believe me, I’ve met a few of them。

#4 – Most women need clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm

What?My dad never told me that. All these years I’ve been performing the sexual equivalent of stuffing a turkey and I never knew it. A lot of guys don’t even think about her pleasure during sex because it’s so easy to get lost in the moment. Thinking about it from a female perspective though, it makes sense. In, out. In, out. In, out. Yeah, I can see how that might get a bit boring after a while. The key is to master the clit using your fingers, tongue and any other body part you think can do the job. One of the best positions to get her clit going is doggy style with a manual reacharound. Try it and become a stud today。

#3 – Your penis can explode

I’ve watched an entire TV documentary on sex disasters and things that go wrong during sex and it has changed the way I look at sex forever. I remember one in particular involving a Romanian man and his sexy 18 year-old girlfriend. If you’ve ever had an erection so hard you felt like it could burst, imagine how this guy felt.His erection was so hard, firm and manly that the blood cavities in the penis actually burst. Can I get an overwhelming “Ouch!” from the guys reading this?And it’s not just your penis exploding you need to worry about. There’s something a lot more common that nobody told me about until it happened to me. The dreaded ‘banjo string’. If you don’t know what the banjo string is, it’s the piece of skin between the penis and the foreskin and is officially known as the frenulum. If you’ve been circumcised congratulations, you probably haven’t even got a banjo string. If you haven’t, there is a good chance that rough sex can ’snap’ this little bit of skin and it bloody hurts.And bleeds A lot。

#2 – Only 1 in 400 men can give themselves oral sex

While it’s not surprising that only 1 man out of every 400 has the size and/or flexibility to perform fellatio on themselves, what is really embarrassing is that most of, if not all of, the 400 men have tried to give themselves oral. I find it a slap in the face to evolution that men created the wheel, flew to the moon, invented electricity and learnt to fly, yet they still attempted to suck themselves off in the bathroom. If you’re laughing while you read this, then chances are you’ve tried this yourself. If you have a smug grin on your face while you read this, then maybe you should consider a career in porn。

#1 – Men have a G-spot too

Men actually have a spot which, when stimulated, can induce pleasure in much the same way as the female G-spot. The irony of this is that to pleasure ourselves in this way we have to explore areas of our body that most straight men would prefer not to explore. For some reason, our prostate is the source of this pleasure and it happens to be buried deep in our dirtbox. If you want to explore the joy of rubbing this sacred spot, you need to insert one (or two if you’re feeling brave) fingers directly into your anus. I experienced this completely by accident one evening when an ex-girlfriend decided to surprise me with an impromptu anal probing. Needless to say, I have mixed feelings about the whole thing as a result. If you’re brave enough to try it, lube up. Trust me, it won’t be anywhere near as enjoyable going in dry.I had to learn all of this (and much, much more) through my own investigation and experimentation because my father only ever gave me two pieces of advice before I became sexually active:

1. Shag as many women as you can while you’re still young。

2. Don’t get her pregnant or bring home any infections。











你可以想象我有多么吃驚,這些年注視著珍娜詹姆森在很多家伙中間上上下下興奮的尖叫,我終于把我的童貞給了一個(gè)長(zhǎng)著雀斑的臉,帶眼鏡和牙套的害羞的小紅毛丫頭。我原以為性就是充滿不停尖叫,骯臟的高潮和骯臟的對(duì)話。不僅如此,我還以為即興的性愛是看上去無辜的情況。如果在等朋友下班的時(shí)候,他的母親叫我喝茶, 我想她會(huì)隨時(shí)跳到我身上。哎,這從未發(fā)生過。至于紅毛丫頭,這不像一個(gè)急速行車而更像輕快的走路。性愛完全不像色情電影。(除非你正巧約會(huì)的是一個(gè)色情明星)。






色情劇集和“真干”的演員們?cè)贛axim和FHM里讓我想到三P是平常的并且時(shí)常發(fā)生。我在失去那些請(qǐng)求加入我們的美乳女孩兒們的同時(shí),我也開始失去了信念。有人說“Ménage á trois” 是句法語,意思是:在你的夢(mèng)中。盡管我敢肯定很多人都三P過(或以上的女人),但可悲的是,那個(gè)第三個(gè)人通常是我們男人,而不是女人。






我曾看過關(guān)于整個(gè)性災(zāi)難事件的電視記錄片,那改永遠(yuǎn)改變了我看待性愛的方式。我記得是有一個(gè)羅馬尼亞男子和他的18歲的性感女朋友.。如果你曾經(jīng)感到勃起就像要爆炸一樣,想一下這個(gè)家伙的感受。他勃起是如此堅(jiān)硬有力以至于陰莖里面的海綿體充血竟然爆炸了。我能聽到讀到這里時(shí)男人瘋狂地大叫“哇~~” 但這你不需要擔(dān)心。這是沒人告訴我這么普通但知道我經(jīng)歷后才知道的。該死的"BANJO弦"。如果你不明白BANJO弦是什么,其實(shí)就是陰莖和包皮中間的那個(gè)這被正式命名為“海綿體”的組織。如果你做過環(huán)切,恭喜你,你也許就沒有“BANJO弦”。如果沒有做過,這里能了解到,粗暴的性行為很容易折斷這點(diǎn)皮膚 導(dǎo)致血淋淋的傷害。會(huì)流很多很多的血。




男人的G點(diǎn)其實(shí)和女人差不多,在刺激的時(shí),會(huì)感到興奮。諷刺的是,很多正直的男人不愿嘗試探索這個(gè)能取悅自己的區(qū)域。如果你想要探索這個(gè)帶來快樂的神秘點(diǎn),你需要用一根(或者2根,如果你覺得你很勇敢) 直接插入你的肛門。我在一個(gè)晚上意外的經(jīng)歷過這一切,一個(gè)前女友決定給我一個(gè)驚喜,隨后深入肛門。順帶提一句,結(jié)果就是我有過這種復(fù)雜的感受。如果你足夠勇敢,潤(rùn)滑一下。相信我,干澀的時(shí)候不會(huì)有任何享受。我說了解的關(guān)于這個(gè)的全部是通過我自己的調(diào)查和實(shí)驗(yàn)的,因?yàn)槲依习种辉谖易兊眯曰钴S前給過我以下兩個(gè)建議:


