來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2020-04-13 11:09:46 頻道: 新概念

1. Nursing home/child-care workers 1. 保姆/護工

Personal-care providers top the list, with nearly 11% of people in this field reporting a bout of major depression. (The rate is 13% in the unemployed; 7% in the general population。) “It is stressful, seeing people sick and not getting a lot of positive reinforcement。” 保姆/護工的壓力排名第一。將近11%的保姆有過一次嚴重抑郁的經(jīng)歷。(該比率在失業(yè)者中是13%,在普通人群中的是7%。) “這份工作的壓力真的非常大,整天照看病人,又始終得不到正面的反饋支持。”有護工這樣說。

A typical day can include feeding, bathing, and caring for others who are “often incapable of expressing gratitude or appreciation…because they are too ill or too young or they just aren’t in the habit of it,” says Christopher Willard, clinical psychologist at Tufts University and author of Child’s Mind. 塔夫斯大學(xué)的臨床精神科專家和兒童心理學(xué)的作者克里斯托佛威爾德(Christopher Willard)說,保姆或護工每天的工作就是給那些沒有辦法表達感激的人喂食、洗澡和提供照顧,而那些被照顧的人要么病得太重、要么年紀太小,要么根本不習慣表達感謝。

2. Food service staff2. 餐廳服務(wù)員

Ranking just below professional-care workers are the people who are serving the food at your favorite local digs. Wait staff often get low pay and can have exhausting jobs with numerous people telling them what to do each day. While 10% of workers in general reported an episode of major depression in the past year, almost 15% of women in this field did so. 排在保姆/護工之后的是飯館服務(wù)員。這些人通常工資很低又工作辛苦,每天都有數(shù)不清的人告訴他們應(yīng)該做什么。 有10%的工作者在過去一年經(jīng)歷過嚴重抑郁,而有15%的餐廳女服務(wù)員也是這樣。

“This is often a very thankless job,” Legge says. “People can be really rude and there is a lot of physical exertion. When people are depressed, it is hard to have energy and motivation—when you have to be on, it is difficult。”萊格博士說“飯館服務(wù)員是個費力不討好的工作。接受服務(wù)的人有時真的很粗魯,同時這項工作又非常需要體力。人們沮喪時,很難獲得工作的能量和動力,但同時又不得不拼命工作,這確實非常困難。”

3. Social workers3. 社工

It’s probably not a huge surprise to find social workers near the top of this list. Dealing with abused children or families on the brink of every imaginable crisis—combined with bureaucratic red tape—can make for a demanding, stressful job that’s often 24-7. 社工位于這項調(diào)查的前列應(yīng)該并不奇怪。每天都要面對不可想象的危機——受虐的兒童,瀕臨破碎的家庭,再加上官僚作風的繁文縟節(jié),使得這份工作的壓力非常大,而且通常需要24小時待命。

“There can be a culture that says that to do a good job, you have to work really hard and often make sacrifices,” Willard says. 威爾德說“做好一份工作就必須十分努力,并且經(jīng)常做出犧牲,這已經(jīng)成了某種社會文化。”

“Because social workers work with people who are so needy, it can be hard to not sacrifice too much to the job. I see that happen a lot with social workers and other caring professions, and they get really burned out pretty quickly。” “由于社工的工作對象是那些極度需要幫助的人群,所以他們在工作中不做出極大的犧牲是不可能的。我見到許多這樣的例子,他們確實很快就會筋疲力盡。”

4. Health-care workers 4. 醫(yī)護工作者

This includes doctors, nurses, therapists, and other professions that attract people who might end up giving a lot without saving a little for themselves. Health-care workers can have long, irregular hours and days in which other people’s lives are literally in their hands. In other words, the stress can be off the charts. 醫(yī)護工作者包括醫(yī)生、護士、治療師和其他類似的專業(yè)人員,這份職業(yè)看起來似乎挺吸引人,其實他們很可能付出了很多,但到頭來什么也沒得到。醫(yī)護工作者不但工作時間超長、沒有規(guī)律,而且總是處在生死攸關(guān)的關(guān)頭。 換而言之,壓力大得無以言表。

“Every day they are seeing sickness, trauma, and death and dealing with family members of patients,” Willard says. “It can shade one’s outlook on the whole that the world is a sadder place。”威爾德說:“他們每天都面對病痛、外傷和死亡,還要和患者的家屬交涉。他們的眼前一片灰暗,目之所及的地方都是悲慘世界。”

5. Artists, entertainers, writers5. 藝術(shù)家、藝人、作家

These jobs can bring irregular paychecks, uncertain hours, and isolation. 這些工作收入不穩(wěn)定,工作時間不固定,而且要承受孤獨寂寞。

Creative people may also have higher rates of mood disorders; about 9% reported an episode of major depression in the previous year. In men, it’s the job category most likely to be associated with an episode of major depression (nearly 7% in full-time workers). 藝術(shù)家通;季袷С5奈kU性更大,有約9%的人在過去一年內(nèi)經(jīng)歷了重度抑郁,特別是此類工作中的男性,患重度抑郁的比率最高(全職工作的男性中有接近7%患重度抑郁)。

“One thing I see a lot in entertainers and artists is bipolar illness,” says Legge. “There could be undiagnosed or untreated mood disorders in people who are artistic…. Depression is not uncommon to those who are drawn to work in the arts, and then the lifestyle contributes to it。” 萊格說“我經(jīng)常見到藝人和藝術(shù)家患兩極化(抑郁和躁狂)疾病。他們的精神紊亂很多未被診斷或治療。在藝術(shù)領(lǐng)域工作的人,抑郁非常普遍,這與他們的生活方式有一定聯(lián)系。”

6. Teachers6. 教師

The demands on teachers seem to be constantly growing. Many work after school and then take work home. In many areas, they learn to do a lot with a little. 社會對教師的要求似乎在不斷增加。許多老師課后還有大量的工作,甚至需要把工作帶回家。 在很多方面,他們都得學(xué)會利用有限的資源開展十分繁重的工作。

“There are pressures from many different audiences—the kids, their parents, and the schools trying to meet standards, all (of which) have different demands,” Willard says. “This can make it difficult for teachers to do their thing and remember the reason they got started in the field。”威爾德說“各方面都對老師造成壓力:孩子、家長[微博]、學(xué)校,各方面又有各自不同的要求。這使得老師們難以開展他們的工作,也容易使他們失去當初從事教育事業(yè)的初衷。”

7. Administrative support staff 7. 行政助理人員

People in this field can suffer from a classic case of high demand, low control. 這項職業(yè)是典型的高要求低控制。

They are on the front line, taking orders from all directions. But they are also at the bottom of the totem pole in terms of control and “everything filters down,” according to Legge. 萊格說:“他們總工作在前線,接受來自四面八方的指揮。他們可能處于最底層,要受上級的掌控和各級人員的層層管理。“

They can have unpredictable days and may not be acknowledged for all of the work that they do to make life easier for everyone else. ”他們每天的日子都不好過,做的工作也可能不被認可。”

8. Maintenance and grounds workers8. 維修工人和水管工人

How would you like to be called on only when something goes wrong? That’s essentially what maintenance people deal with each day. 只有出現(xiàn)問題的時候人們才找你會是什么感覺?這就是維修工人每天必須面對的。

They also have to work odd hours, seasonal or varied schedules, and frequent night shifts. They are often paid little for a tough job that can include cleaning up other people’s messes. 他們的工作還不定時,通常需要值夜班。他們要去收拾他人制造的爛攤子,而薪水卻少得可憐。

“There is also higher turnover. In terms of co-workers, they are often isolated, and it can be dangerous work,” Willard says. 威爾德說:“維修工人的流動率很大,使得他們的合作伙伴都不固定,所以他們總覺得孤獨,另外他們工作的危險性也很大。”

9. Financial advisors and accountants9. 理財顧問和會計

Stress. Stress. Stress. Most people don’t like dealing with their own retirement savings. So can you imagine handling thousands or millions of dollars for other people? 壓力,壓力,壓力。大多數(shù)人都不喜歡處理自己的退休儲蓄。你可以想象為別人處理數(shù)千萬元的儲蓄嗎?

“There is so much responsibility for other people’s finances and no control of the market,” Legge says. “There is guilt involved, and when (clients) are losing money, they probably have people screaming at them with regularity。” 萊格說“為別人理財需要承擔太大的責任,而又無法控制整個市場。有時會還涉及犯罪,當他們虧損時,通常會被客戶責備辱罵。”

10. Salespeople10. 銷售人員

People who work in sales are No. 10 on the list, though there are a whole host of reasons why the job could contribute to depression. 雖然有很多人認為這份工作肯定壓力很大,但銷售人員僅排名第十。

Many salespeople work on commission, meaning you never know exactly when your next paycheck is coming. They may travel, and have to spend time away from home, family, and friends. If they work independently, benefits may also be limited。很多銷售人員是靠傭金生活的,這也意味著他們不知道下一筆付款什么時候會到。他們需要經(jīng)常出差,所以很多時間都不在家人和朋友身邊。如果他們是獨立工作,那么他們的收入也有限。

“This uncertainty of income, tremendous pressure for results, and long hours” can make for a high-stress occupation, Legge says. 萊格說“收入不穩(wěn)定、大量壓力、超長工作時間造成了這份高壓力的工作。”
