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Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre.

1. Black:Let me introduce myself. I’m Andrew Black.


A. It’s a pleasure. B. Pleased to meet you.

C. How are you? D. Nice meeting you.

2. Todd:Do you think it will snow this evening?


A. I hope it not. B. I don’t think so.

C. Who is that? D. Who’s is it?

3. Lucy:I’m Lucy. My teacher asked me to visit you.

Juliet:______ Come in and sit down, please.

A. Nice to meet you. B. That’s a good idea.

C. That’s all right. D. Why don’t they come?

4. Norma:How can I learn to cook well?


A. What a pity!

B. Why don’t you follow your teacher’s advice?

C. But I’m afraid it’s useless.

D. Any reason for that?

5. Basil:I won’t have beer any more.


A. So do I. B. So will I.

C. Nor do I. D. Neither will I.

6. Harry:Do you mind my smoking here?


A. Yes, please do. B. No, please don’t.

C. No, I dislike the smell of cigarette. D. Yes, please don’t.

7. Owen:May I use your phone?


A. It doesn’t matter. B. Go ahead.

C. No, I don’t mind. D. No, you needn’t.

8. Wendy:______?

Wayne:For about two weeks.

A. How long are you going to stay here

B. How soon will you leave this place

C. How often do you come here

D. How many times have you come here

9. Rose:Hello, may I speak to Mr. Green?

Steven:______,I will see if he is in.

A. Don’t put down your phone B. Hold the line a minute

C. Please phone him in five minutes again D. This is John speaking

10. Viola: Excuse me,______?

Rite:I am sorry, I don’t know. I’m new around here.

A. will you please tell me time

B. is there a train time-table

C. can you tell me the best way to the nearest hospital

D. can you show me the map of this city

11. Carol:______?

Jane:I’d like two dozen eggs.

A.What are you doing B. What would you like to do

C. What can I do for you D. What would you like to eat

12. Helen:______Sir, I didn’t quite hear you.

David:I said that nobody but one had got a full mark in the tests.

A. May I ask you a question? B. I am sorry,

C. I beg your Pardon, D. I must say “no” to you,

13. Jimmy:______ May I speak to John?

Tony:John! You are wanted on the telephone.

A. I am Mary. B. My name is Mary.

C. Do you know Mary? D. This is Mary speaking.

14. Rob:How could you say that?

Bert:______, I didn’t mean to hurt you.

A. That’s all right B. I won’t regret

C. I’m really sorry D. Excuse me

15. June:Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?


A. I don’t believe B. I don’t believe it

C. I believe not so D. I believe not

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(40 points )

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre.

Human needs seem endless. When a hungry man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat; when a manager gets a new sports car, a big house and pleasure boats dance into view.

The many needs of mankind might be regarded as making up several levels. When there is money enough to satisfy one level of needs, another level appears.

The first and most basic level of needs involves food. Once this level is satisfied, the second level of needs, clothing and some sort of shelter, appears. By the end of World War II, these needs were satisfied for a great majority of Americans. Then a third level appeared. It included such items as automobiles and new houses.

By 1957 or 1958 this third level of needs was fairly well satisfied. Then, in the late 1950s, a fourth level of needs appeared: the “life?enriching” level. While the other levels involve physical satisfaction, that is, the feeding, comfort, safety, and transportation, this level stresses mental needs for recognition, achievement, and happiness. It includes a variety of goods and services, many of which could be called “luxury” items. Among them are vacation trips, the best medical and dental care, and recreation. Also included here are fancy goods and the latest styles in clothing.

On the fourth level, a lot of money is spent on services, while on the first three levels more is spent on goods. Will consumers raise their sights to a fifth level of needs as their income increases, or will they continue to demand luxuries and personal services on the fourth level?

A fifth level would probably involve needs that can be achieved best by community action. Consumers may be spending more on taxes to pay for government action against disease, ignorance, crim, and prejudice. After filling our stomachs, our clothes closets, our garages, our teeth, and our minds, we now may seek to ensure the health, safety, and leisure to enjoy more fully the good things on the first four levels.

16. According to the passage, man will begin to think about such needs as housing and clothing only when ______.

A. he has saved up enough money

B. he has grown dissatisfied with his simple shelter

C. he has satisfied his hunger

D. he has learned to build houses

17. It can be inferred from the passage that by the end of World War Ⅱ, most Americans ______.

A. were very rich

B. lived in poverty

C. had the good things on the first three levels

D. did not own automobiles

18. Which of the following is NOT related to “physical satisfaction”?

A. A successful career. B. A comfortable home.

C. A good meal. D. A family car.

19. What is the main concern of man on the fourth level?

A. The more goods the better.

B. The more mental satisfaction the better.

C. The more “luxury” items the better.

D. The more earnings the better.

20. The author tends to think that the fifth level ______.

A. would be little better than the fourth level

B. may be a lot more desirable than the first four

C. can be the last and most satisfying level

D. will become attainable before the government takes actions

In the same way that a child must be able to move his arms and legs before he can learn to walk, the child must physiologically be capable of producing and experiencing particular emotions before these emotions can be modified through learning. Psychologists have found that there are two basic processes by which learning takes place. One kind of learning is called “classical conditioning”. This occurs when one event or stimulus is consistently paired with or followed by, a reward or punishment. It is through classical conditioning that a child learns to associates his mother’s face and voice with happiness and love, for he learns that this person provides food and comfort. Negative emotions are learned in a similar fashion.

The second kind of learning is called “operant conditioning”. This occurs when an individual learns to do things that produce rewards in his environment and learns not to do things that produce punishments. For example, if a mother always attends to her baby when he cries and cuddles him until he is quiet, she may teach him that if he cries he will get attention from mother. Thus, the baby will learn to increase his crying in order to have his mother more.

Every day, we grow and have new experiences. We constantly learn by reading, watching television, interacting with other people, and so forth. This learning affects our emotions. Why is it that we learn to like some people and dislike others? If a person is nice to us, cares about us, we learn to associate this person with positive feelings, such as joy, happiness, and friendliness. On the other hand, if a person is mean to us, does not care about us, and even deliberately does things to harm us, we learn to associate this person with negative feelings, such as unhappiness, discomfort, and anger.

21. The author’s main purpose in writing the passage is to ______.

A. teach children how to learn to produce and experience certain emotions

B. give the general reader an account of two basic kinds of learning

C. give parents some advice on how to modify their children’s emotions through learning

D. discuss with psychologists how positive and negative feelings are produced

22. If your jokes often find a ready echo in a person, you will learn through ______that telling jokes to this person is fun, and you will try with greater efforts to be humorous in his presence.

A. classical conditioning B. neither of them

C. operant conditioning D. some other sorts of conditioning

23. If a child is bitten or startled several times by a dog, he may learn to associate furry animals with pain or startle and thus develop a fear of furry animals. This is a typical example of learning through ______.

A. classical conditioning B. both of them

C. operant conditioning D. neither of them

24. In the third paragraph, the author is ______.

A. discussing how we grow and have new experiences every day

B. talking about learning to modify emotions through operant conditioning

C. concentrating on learning by reading, watching television, interacting with people, and so on

D. using examples to further illustrate learning through classical conditioning

25. In the following paragraphs the author will most probably go on to discuss ______.

A. definitions of positive feelings and negative feelings

B. the third kind of learning

C. further examples of learning through operant conditioning

D. none of the above

Katherine walked into a newspaper office, and demanded to see the editor. Fortunately, the editor was passing the inquiry office when she asked for him. Seeing she was a girl of school age, he thought it might offer him an amusing five minutes between interviews.

Katherine was very rude to him when he told her they didn’t accept schoolgirls. She said she was surprised that the editor of a great London newspaper did not know how to behave like a gentleman. The editor sat back in his chair and laughed heartily. He had never been spoken to like that in his life. He rather liked it for its novelty. After some further conversation, in which Katherine attempted to persuade him that she could do anything he wanted, from writing a leading article to a serial story, she said: “I am not going to leave this room until you put me on the staff!”

Then the editor had to speak to her rather seriously, and told her what a great London newspaper meant to a girl and how utterly ignorant she was of everything that would make her useful as a journalist. Upon this Katherine burst into tears, and the editor, who had dismissed many men in the course of his career, walked up and down the room wondering what he could do for this extraordinary young girl whose tearful eyes were so full of disappointment.

“Look here,” he said, “if you come to me in two years’ time, with a knowledge of shorthand, and if you promise not to shed tears on my blotting?paper, I will give you something to do.”

“Really? If you don’t mind, I’ll have it in black and white,” said the girl.

The editor was startled. He began to think that this young girl was not so young as she looked. He drafted out an agreement for her on the lines laid down with a great deal of solemnity (嚴(yán)肅) which he found quite amusing, for he was confident that the young girl might quite as well change her mind or would be engaged to a nice boy long before the agreement took effect.

26. The real reason why the editor decided to interview the girl was that he ______.

A. heard her asking for him B. was not very busy

C. thought it would amuse him D. liked to work with young girls

27. “He rather liked it for its novelty” means he liked it because it was ______.

A. unusual B. pleasant C. courageous D. friendly

28. The editor walked up and down the room, because he was ______.

A. rather angry with her

B. afraid other people would hear her crying

C. not sure whether he should dismiss her or not

D. trying to make a decision

29. As their conversation continued, the editor ______.

A. changed his opinion of the girl B. grew tired of her

C. became annoyed D. thought she was too uneducated

30. When the editor drafted out the agreement for the girl, he ______.

A. hoped that this would please the girl

B. wished that it would take effect soon

C. adopted a rather serious attitude

D. didn’t mean what he wrote

Like fine food, good writing is something we approach with pleasure and enjoy from the first taste to the last. And good writers, like good cooks, do not suddenly appear full?blown. Quite the contrary, just as the cook has to undergo an intensive training, mastering the skills of his trade, the writer must sit at his desk and devote long hours to achieving a style in his writing, whatever its purpose—school work, matters of business, or purely social communication. You may be sure that the more painstaking the effort, the more effective the writing, and the more rewarding.

There are still some remote places in the world where you might find a public scribe to do your business or social writing for you, for a fee. There are a few managers who are lucky enough to have the service of that rare kind of secretary who can take care of all sorts of letter writing with no more than a quick note to work from. But for most of us, if there is any writing to be done, we have to do it ourselves.

We have to write school papers, business papers or home papers. We are constantly called on to put words to paper. It would be difficult to count the number of such words, messages, letters, and reports put into the mails or delivered by hand, but the daily figure must be enormous. What is more, everyone who writes expects, or at least hopes, that his writing will be read. We want to arouse(引起) and hold the interest of the readers. We want whatever we write to be read, from first word to last, not just thrown into some “letters to be read” file or into a wastepaper basket. This is the reason we bend our efforts toward learning and practicing the skills of interesting, effective writing.

31. In this passage, good writing is compared to fine food because ______.

A. both writers and cooks have to work long hours every day

B. both are essential to life

C. both are enjoyable

D. both writers and cooks can earn a good living

32. A public “scribe” (Para.2) is ______.

A. a secretary who does your business or social writing

B. a machine that does writing for you

C. a public school where writing is taught

D. a person who earns a living by writing for others

33. According to the passage, some managers don’t have to do any letter writing because ______.

A. they rely on quick notes B. they have a computer to do it

C. they have excellent secretaries D. they prefer making phone calls

34. According to the author, if your letter is thrown into some “letters?to be read” file, ______.

A. it will receive immediate attention

B. it is likely to be neglected

C. it will be dealt with by the secretary

D. it is meant to be delivered soon

35. The purpose of the author in writing this passage is ______.

A. to argue and demonstrate B. to comment and criticize

C. to interest and entertain D. to explain and persuade

PartⅠ Dialogue Completion(15 points)

1. [答案]B


2. [答案]B

【精析】“Do you think it will snow this evening?”的意思是:“你認(rèn)為今晚會下雪嗎?”選項B(我認(rèn)為不會下雪)符合題意。選項A(我希望不會)不符合題意。選項C、D都是特殊疑問句,很明顯不符合題意。

3. [答案]A

【精析】“I’m Lucy. My teacher asked me to visit you.”是自我介紹,與第1題同,因而只有選項A正確,其他選項都不符合題意。

4. [答案]B

【精析】“How can I learn to cook well?”的意思是:“我怎么樣才能學(xué)好做飯呢?”“Why don’t you…”是一種給別人提建議的方式,選項B(為什么不照老師說的去做呢?)符合題意。選項A(真可惜)、選項C(我擔(dān)心著可能沒用)、選項D(有原因嗎?)都不符合題意。

5. [答案]D

【精析】“I won’t have beer any more.”的意思是“我不會再喝啤酒了。”題中為情態(tài)動詞will的否定形式,那么與之相對應(yīng)的應(yīng)該是選項D(我也不會)。選項A用于肯定句中。

6. [答案]D

【精析】“Do you mind my smoking here?”的意思是:“你介意我在這里抽煙嗎?”選項D(是的,我介意,請不要在這里吸煙)與題意相符,其他選項都自相矛盾。

7. [答案]B


8. [答案]A


9. [答案]B

【精析】電話用語。Rose想和Mr. Green說話,Steven讓她不要掛斷。“不要掛斷,等一下”的表達方式是“Hold the line a minute”或“Hold the line, please”,因而選B。

10. [答案]C


11. [答案]C


12. [答案]C

【精析】“I didn’t quite hear you.”意為:“我沒有聽清楚你說的話。”“I beg your pardon”在請求別人原諒或沒聽清楚對方所說的話時使用,選項A(我可以問你一個問題嗎?)、選項B(對不起)、選項D(我絕不同意)都不合題意。

13. [答案]D

【精析】電話用語。在電話中介紹自己時,不用“I am”或“my name is”,而用“this is…”,故選D。

14. [答案]C


15. [答案]D

【精析】表達“我相信不會……”時,not不能提前,如“I am afraid not”,因而排除選項A、B,選項C中的“so”多余,因此只能選D。

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (40 points )

16. [答案]C


17. [答案]D


18. [答案]A

【精析】本題答案對應(yīng)于文章的第四段,第四段第三行說physical satisfaction包括食物、生活舒適、有安全感、有交通工具,在B、C、D中都有體現(xiàn)。故選A。

19. [答案]B

【精析】本題答案對應(yīng)文章第四段,其中第四行this level,也就是第四個層次的需求強調(diào)的是精神需求,所以選B。

20. [答案]B


21. [答案]B


22. [答案]C

【精析】從文章第二段可知,“operant conditioning”是“learns to do things that produce rewards in his environment and learns not to do things that produce punishments.”因此題目中的例子是“操作性條件反射”。

23. [答案]A

【精析】從文章第一段可知,“classical conditioning”是“This occurs when one event or stimulus is consistently paired with or followed by, a reward or punishment.”因此題目中的例子是“經(jīng)典性條件反射”。答案為A。

24. [答案]D


25. [答案]C


26. [答案]C

【精析】Seeing she was a girl of school age, he thought it might offer him an amusing five minutes between interviews.故選C。

27. [答案]A

【精析】He had never been spoken to like that in his life. He rather liked it for its novelty.根據(jù)上下文推測只有unusual正確。

28. [答案]D

【精析】walked up and down the room wondering what he could do for this extraordinary young girl whose tearful eyes were so full of disappointment.此題要讀出wondering后面的意思,因此選D。

29. [答案]A

【精析】The editor was startled. He began to think that this young girl was not so young as she looked. 從編輯見到這個女孩剛開始的應(yīng)付狀態(tài),到最后這個編輯對女孩的談吐很吃驚,考慮給她一個答復(fù),可以看出編輯逐步改變對這個女孩的認(rèn)識及看法。

30. [答案]D

【精析】文章最后結(jié)尾for he was confident that the young girl might quite as well change her mind or would be engaged to a nice boy long before the agreement took effect. 表明了D的意思。

31. [答案]C

【精析】文章第一段Like fine food, good writing is something we approach with pleasure and enjoy from the first taste to the last. 故C正確。

32. [答案]D

【精析】文章第二段where you might find a public scribe to do your business or social writing for you, for a fee. 此題的關(guān)鍵是讀出to后面的句子,是對scribe的補充說明。

33. [答案]C

【精析】文章第二段末尾There are a few managers who are lucky enough to have the service of that rare kind of secretary who can take care of all sorts of letter writing with no more than a quick note to work from.故選C。

34. [答案]B

【精析】文章第三段What is more, everyone who writes expects, or at least hopes, that his writing will be read. We want to arouse(引起) and hold the interest of the readers. We want whatever we write to be read, from first word to last, not just thrown into some “letters?to?be?read” file or into a wastepaper basket.可知,寫作是為了讓人閱讀,以引起和保持讀者的興趣,而不是……。故選B。

35. [答案]D


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