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成人英語三級報名、考試、查分時間 免費短信提醒


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摘要 想拿下學位證書,就不要考慮太多,去做就行了,本文環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編為參加學位英語考試的伙伴們準備了《成人英語三級考試檢測試題及答案二》,大家多做題有助于提升語感和做題速度。



1. The instructor had gone over the problems many times before the students _____the final examination.

A. will take B. took

C. take D. would take

答案: B 主句為過去完成時,故before引導的從句為過去時。

2. The sports meeting _____ in October,1989.

A. was held B. would be held

C. has been held D. were held

答案:.A 運動會將在1989年十月舉行。一般過去式,被動式。

3. The tickets _____ when I got there.

A. were selling out B. had been sold out

C. have been sold out D. were held

答案:B 過去的過去,過去完成時。當我到那兒這個動作發(fā)生在過去,所以在這之前票已經(jīng)賣完,賣完這個動作是過去的過去發(fā)生的動作,用過去完成時。

4. Apples _____ to be sweeter than oranges.

A. are said B. are being said

C. is being said D. were said

答案:A 被動語態(tài),be done 的形式。

5. Mr.Smith _____ to Europe on a special mission.

A. had been sending B. were sent

C. is being sent D. was sending

答案:C 被動語態(tài),動作正在進行,故選擇C.

6. When water is heated, it _____ into vapour.

A. is changed B. is changing

C. will be changed D. will change

答案:D 一般將來時態(tài)。當水被加熱時,將會變成水蒸氣(vapour)。

7. She _____ for what she had done.

A. was criticized B. is criticized

C. is criticizing D. is being criticized

答案:A 她因自已的所為而受到責備。被動語態(tài),for what 引導原因狀語從句。

8. We _____ as soon as we got there.

A. were warmly welcome B. were warmly welcomed

C. would be welcome D. are welcomed

答案:B 被動語態(tài),be done 形式。語境為一般過去時,故be動詞用過去時。

9. “Are Alice and Tom still living in New York?”

“No, they _____ to Dallas.”

A. are just moved B. have just moved

C. had just moved D. will just move

答案: B 現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)。說話的時候,他已搬走。

10. I haven’t heard from Maria_____.

A. since a long time B. for many months ago

C. for many months D. since many months before

答案:C 我已經(jīng)好幾個月沒有Maria的消息了?,F(xiàn)在完成時態(tài),for引導一個時間狀語。

11. His grandfather ______ for thirty years.

A. died B. was dead

C. has been dead D. has died

答案:C 現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)。他的祖父已經(jīng)去世三十年了。這里死亡表示一種狀態(tài),而不能理解為一種動作,因為死亡是一個短暫性動詞,它不可能持續(xù)三十年。所以用has been dead。

12.It’s(high)time you _____ a holiday.

A. had B. have

C. will have D. have had

答案:A It’s(high)time(是……什么的時候了)的特殊用法,要用一般過去時。Have在句中是擁有的意思。

13. The news _____quickly and made a stir.

A. spread B. spreads

C. spreaded D. was spread

答案:A 一般過去式。消息迅速傳播開并引起了轟動。Spread這個動詞的過去式與過去分詞是特殊的,均為:spread.故為 A.

14. When they came to the laboratory again, the lights _____.

A. glowed B. were still glowing

C. would glow D. had glowed

答案:B 過去進行時,Laboratory 實驗室。

15. I suddenly _____ an insect crawling up my leg.

A. felt B. was feeling

C. was felt D. was being felt

答案:A 我突然感覺到一只蟲子正爬過我的腿。這里感官動詞felt為系動詞,所以前面不能加系動詞be。

16. One of the guards_____ when the general came in, which made him very angry.

A. has slept B. were sleeping

C. slept D. was sleeping

答案:D 過去進行時態(tài)。當長官進來的時候其中一個士兵在睡覺,這讓他很生氣。When引導的時間狀態(tài)從句中,came in 用的是過去時,所以士兵正在睡覺的動作為過去進行時。

17. Ted was so worn out that he just _____ down and slept for ten hours.

A. lied B. laid

C. lay D. had lain

答案:C Ted(人名)太累了,以至于他一躺下來就睡了十個小時。短語so……that…… 如此……以至于…… ,lie的過去時與過去分詞也是不規(guī)則的,均為:lay.

18. I was _____ at the stop as long as thirty minutes.

A. made waiting B. kept waiting

C. keeping waited D. kept waited

答案:B 我在車站等了三十分鐘。as long as 與……一樣長。I was kept waiting……可以簡單理解為:我保持等待這樣的狀態(tài)……(有三十分鐘),Keep為保持的意思。

19. The children _____ many times not to go near the lake.

A. have told B. told

C. have been told D. were told

答案:C 被動語態(tài)的完成時態(tài)。many times(很多次)。孩子們已經(jīng)多次被告知不要走近那個湖。

20. Our thoughts _____ by means of words.

A. were being expressed B. are being expressed

C. are expressed D. have been expressed

答案:C 被動語態(tài)。思想是用語言來表達的。真理性的東西用一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)。

21. ______ four years since John left school.

A. It was B. Those are

C. It is D. They have been

答案:C 自從Johny離開學校有四年時間了。

22. By the time Juan gets home, his aunt _____ for Puerto Rico.

A. will leave B. leaves

C. will have left D. left

答案:C 將來完成時態(tài)。Leave for 離開一個地方到另一個地方去,By the time 信號詞。

23. “This is a terribly heavy box.”

“ _____ help you to carry it.”

A. I am to          B. I will

C. I           D. I am going to

答案:B 一般將來時態(tài)。 will 表示一種主觀意愿。

24.All the machines _____by the end of the following week.

A. were repaired  B. will be repaired

C. have been repaired  D will have been repaired

答案:D 將來完成時態(tài)。by the end of 到……時間為止,在此句中引導的時間狀語從句為將來時間,所以是用將來時。答案B,D選取哪個?機器(machines)是被修的,所以用被動語態(tài)。顯然,D為正確答案。

25.They believed that by using computers the production of their factory _____.

A. will greatly increase B. would greatly increase

C. has greatly increased D. would be greatly increased

答案:D 他們相信通過使用計算機,工廠的生產(chǎn)效率將會大大地提高。這是一個表示將來的被動語態(tài),主句中believed為謂語動詞,是過去式,故從句中的將來時態(tài)為過去將來時,答案范圍縮為B,D。另外,工廠的生產(chǎn)(the production of their factory)是被提高的,所以為被動語態(tài)。由此,答案為D。

26.No sooner had they got off train _______ it started moving .

A. when B. than

C. then D. after

答案:B “no sooner……than……”固定短語結構,意為 “ 一……就……”,??純热?。

27.We can do nothing unless we _____ more information.

A. are given B. were to be given

C. will be given D. were given

答案:A unless除非,information信息,我們什么都不能做除非被給予更多的信息,這句為一般現(xiàn)在時的被動語態(tài)。

28.Most environmental problems exist because adequate measures for preventing them _____taken in the past.

A. was not B. were not

C. were not being D. being not

答案:B 被動語態(tài)的否定形式。environmental problems環(huán)境問題。

29.The football match _____ in the afternoon.

A. has been held B. is being held

C. is going to be held D. will hold

答案:C is going to表示將來要怎么樣,相當于will,其后面的動詞同樣用原形. 足球賽將在下午舉行,足球賽是被舉行的,所以用被動形式be held.

30.I’ll take down your name and address in case you _____ as a witness.

A. will need B.will be needed

C. need D. are needed

答案:D take down記下;in case以防;witness目及者,見證人;address,住址。我將記下你的名字和住址,以備你作為一個見證人時用。一般現(xiàn)在時的被動語態(tài)。顯示然答案為D。

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