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16. _______ I saw you I knew you were angry with me.

A. A moment B. The moment

C. In a moment D. For a moment

17. _______ in government was exposed through the agency of the press.

A. Corruption B. Cosmetic

C. Cottage D. Costume

18. _______ in the dark, his head hit against the wall.

A. Walking B. His walking

C. When he was walking D. While walking

19. _______ is a term for the partial or complete inability to hear.

A. There is deafness B. Deafness that

C. It is deafness D. Deafness

20. _______ is known to the world, Mark Twain is a great American writer.

A. That B. Which

C. As D. It

21. _______ is the center of our planetary system was a difficult concept to grasp in the Middle Age.

A. It is the sun and not the earth

B. Being the sun and not the earth

C. The sun and not the earth

D. That the sun and not the earth

22. _______ it or not, his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles.

A. Believe B. To believe

C. Believing D. Believed

23. _______ kinds of matter in the world.

A. There is a few million

B. That there are millions

C. There are a few million

D. It is millions

24. _______ man can now create radioactive elements, there is nothing he can do to reduce their radioactivity.

A. As B. Whether

C. While D. Now that

25. ______ me, I think an English-Chinese dictionary is much more helpful to our study than an All-English dictionary.

A. As far as B. As far

C. As for D. As regard

26. _______ my return, I learned that Professor Smith had been at the Museum and would not be back for several hours.

A. At B. With

C. On D. During

27. _______ of the burden of ice, the balloon climbed up and drifted to the South.

A. To be free B. To free

C. Freeing D. Freed

28. _______ one time, Manchester was the home of the most productive cotton mills in the world.

A. On B. By

C. At D. Of

29. _______ quite recently, most mothers in Britain did not take paid work outside the home.

A. Until B. Before

C. From D. Since

30. _______ she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist.

A. That was from Stephen

B. It was Stephen whom

C. It was from Stephen that

D. It was Stephen that


16. B【句意】我一見到你,我知道你還在生我的氣。

【解析】for a moment意為"一會兒",in a moment做"立即,立刻"解,兩者均可作時間狀語。the moment相當于as soon as,起連接作用,引導時間狀語從句,如:The moment she saw it, she recognized the type of the machine. 她一看就認出了這臺機器的型號。

17. A【句意】政府的腐敗通過新聞界揭露了出來。

【解析】corruption意為"腐化,腐敗",如。Corruption among the officials was another cause for discontent. 官員腐化是引起不滿的又一原因。cosmetic意為"化妝品",如:Mother has a special cosmetic bag for keeping her cosmetics in. 母親有一只專門放化妝品的化妝袋。cottage意為"小屋,別墅",如:They have a summer cottage. 他們有處避暑別墅。costume意為"服裝,戲裝",如:He was dressed in ceremonial costume. 他身穿禮服。

18. C【句意】當他在黑暗中行走的時候,他的頭碰到了墻。

【解析】由于walk和主句主語his head沒有任何邏輯關系,因此在這里不能使用walk的非謂語形式,也不能使用"while + -ing"形式做狀語,否則就形成了懸垂結構。在這種情況下,到們只好使用when引導的狀語從句,所以C正確。

19. D【句意】聾是一個用來形容部分或者全部喪失聽力的術語。


20. C【句意】眾所周知,馬克·吐溫是一位偉大的美國作家。

【解析】根據句子結構我們可以看出,前面的句子是非限制性定語從句,四個選項中 A和 D不能引導此類從句,故應排除。Which引導的此類從句必須置于主句之后,因此B也不正確。as可以做關系詞,做"正如…… 那樣;如同……那樣"講,用來引導非限制性定語從句,這時,as指代整個主句,既可放在主句前,也可放在主句后,后一種情況往往被看做插入語,例如:As is known to us all, contributions to computer technology are no longer confined to any one country.大家都知道,對計算機技術做出貢獻的,已經不像過去那樣僅是某一個國家了。He did it on purpose,as is often the case.這是他故意干的,情況通常是這樣。As we know, water is necessary for the existence of all forms of life. 我們知道,水對于切生物的生存是必不可少的。有些考生誤選了it,他們錯誤地認為it做形式主語,后面的Mark Twain is a great American writer做真正的主語。如將句中的逗號省略掉,并代之以that,那么選it就是正確的了。

21. D【句意】太陽是星系的中心,而不是地球,在中世紀這是一個難以理解的概念。

【解析】根據句子結構我們可以看出。在was前面是一個主語從句,而主語從句必須有引導詞。但A,B和C中都沒有引導詞,因此三個均錯。D中that引導主語從句,在句中不做任何成分,只起引導詞的作用,因而D是正確答案,如。That he will refuse the offer is unlikely.他拒絕這項建議的可能性不大。

22. A【句意】信不信由你,他的發(fā)現(xiàn)在科技界引起了震動。

【解析】believe it or not是習慣用語,常用于口語中,意為"信不信由你,我說的是真的".如:Believe it or not,he was granted a full scholarship by Harvard University.信不信由你,哈佛大學給他提供了全額獎學金。Believe it or not,I'm feeling quite homesick.我很想家,我說的是真話。

23. C【句意】世界上有數百萬種物質。

【解析】million一詞做數詞時不加s,如:There are two million people in that city.那座市有200萬人。另外,B中的that易使人認為它要引導一個名詞性從句,而且million后加s時,要和of連用,D中it is不表示"存在"之意。因此B和D錯誤。在there be結構中,謂語動詞要和與之最近的主語在數上保持一致。句中的kinds是復數,要求其謂語動詞也用復數形式。因此A錯誤而C正確。

24. C【句意】雖然人類現(xiàn)在可以創(chuàng)造出各種放射性元素,但是他們沒有辦法來減少其放射性。

【解析】while除了引導時間狀語從句外,還可以引導讓步狀語從句,做"盡管,雖然"講,有著強烈的對比意味,例如; While I admit his good points I can see his bad ones.雖然我承認他的優(yōu)點,但我也能看得出他的缺點。whether引導讓步狀語從句時,通常與or連用,意為"不管……還是……",例如。 Whether you can see the moon or not,it is always round.不管你看見與否,月亮總是圓的。 now that 意為"既然…… ",引導條件狀語從句,從句內容是既成的事實,例如: Now that you will come here,I needn't go there.既然你要來,我就沒必要到那兒去了。as也可以引導讓步狀語從句,但是該從句一般置于主句之前,且從句內容必須倒裝,例如。 Much as he likes her,he does get irritated with her sometimes.盡管他喜歡她,可有時他確實也對她發(fā)火。Try as he would,he could not lift the rock.雖然他盡力了,但仍不能搬動那塊石頭。

25. C【句意】對我來說,我認為一本英漢字典要比一本全英字典要好。

【解析】as for做"對……來說,就……而言"講,如: As for her,she prefers tea to coffee.至于她, 則更喜歡茶而不是咖啡。as(so)far as意為"就……所……"如:As far as I know,there are no peaches on the market.就我所知,市場上沒有桃子。as far不做為固定短語用。as regard也不做為固定短語用,坦as regards是固定短語,意思是"至于",如:Now,as regards money,what is to be done?至于錢的問題,該怎么辦?

26. C【句意】我一回來就了解到史密斯教授已經到了博物館,幾個小時不會回來。

【解析】on用來指時間,表示"在……之時",相當于at the same time of,后跟動名詞或表示動作的名詞,如: On his arrival in Qingdao he set to work in earnest一到青島他就認真地干了起來。而at,with和during 則沒有這種用法。

27. D【句意】擺脫了冰的束縛,氣球越升越高,飄到了南方。

【解析】根據句于結構我們可以看出,該處應使用分詞短語,表示原因,因此A和B應予以排除。又因為free和balloon具有邏輯上的動賓關系,所以 C也可以排除。此處使用過去分詞表示動作的被動和完成,如:Influenced by his example,they performed countless good deeds.在他事跡的影響下,他們做了無數的好事.

28. C【句意】曾經,曼徹斯特是世界上幾個大棉廠的誕生地。

【解析】at one time意為"曾經,一度".如:At one time the little girl formed the habit of visiting Einstein after school every day.有一段時間,那個小女孩養(yǎng)成了個習慣,每天放學后都去看望愛因斯坦。選項A,B和D都不能和one time構成短語,故只有C正確。

29. A【句意】直到最近,英國的大部分已婚婦女還沒有離家工作。

【解析】before,from和since與quite recently連用,不符合語法;before quite recently一般要與過去完成時連用;from(since)quite recently一般要與現(xiàn)在完成進行時連用。until用在否定句中表示"直到……才"之意,如:It was not until the beginning of the century that man began to realize that it was the brain not the heart that was the center of mind.直到本世紀初,人們才逐漸認識到是大腦而不是心臟是思維活動的中心.由此可見,A是正確答案。

30. C【句意】正是從Stephen那里,他聽說了被人稱之為老師的那個人。

【解析】由于英語語法要求在同一個句號前,不可以有兩個既不是并列關系,也不是從屬關系的句子,故A不是正確答案。B,C和D都使用了強調句型,但通過運用這樣一個規(guī)則"將強調句型中的it is(或was)和that(或who)省略掉,句子結構仍然應該是完整的",就可看出只有 C為正確答案。例如:It was this very student that had shown great interest in the problem.就是這個學生曾對這個問題表現(xiàn)出了極大的興趣。


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