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摘要 考生們最近有在做題嗎?環(huán)球網校小編準備了2021年成人英語三級考試精選題十六,2021年下半年學位英語考試時間還未公布,考生可提前學習,效果會更好。針對考生考試中常見題,為此小編分類整理了相關試題,下面快來做2021年成人英語三級考試精選題十六吧。



1. ______ we need to complete the construction is two million dollars.

A. All what B. That all

C. That D. What

2. ______ all our kindness to help her, Sara refused to listen.

A. At B. In

C. For D. On

3. _______ all the difficulties, she finished the project by herself.

A. As for B. In spite

C. Besides D. Despite

4. _______ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.

A. Being published B. Published

C. Publishing D. To be published

5. _______ before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.

A. Had they arrived B. Would they arrive

C. Were they arriving D. Were they to arrive

6. ______ book is interesting to her although reading is her hobby. She likes reading literature, not politics or economics.

A. None of B. No

C. Not every D. All

7. _______classic music, which follows formal European tradition, jazz is a spontaneous and free form.

A. In contrast to B. In connection with

C. In comparison with D. In regard to

8. _______ conflict among city-states caused the eventual decline of Greek civilization.

A. Continuous B. Continual

C. Constant D. Contrary

目前已經有地區(qū)發(fā)布了2021年成人英語三級考試報名時間以及考試時間等公告,大家可以 免費預約短信提醒,獲取你所在的地區(qū)2021年成人英語三級考試報名時間等具體通知哦。

9. _______ conventional black ink costs newspaper about thirty cents, most rub-resistant inks add at least ten cents more to the bill.

A. While B. Furthermore

C. Meanwhile D. Moreover

10. _______ for this suggestion.

A. There is something to be said B. There has something to be said

C. It is something to be said D. It has something to be said


1. D【句意】完成整個建設需要二百萬元

【解析】在這里 what引導一個主語從句,what既起引導作用,又在從句中作謂語動詞 need的賓語,如:What I want to know is why energy, unlike matter, is not made up of molecules and atoms. 我想要知道的是,為什么能量不像物質那樣是由分子和原子組成的。因此D是正確選擇。盡管that也可引導主語從句,但不能在主語從句中做成分,所以B和 C錯誤。關系代詞what不能用來引導定語從問,所以A也不正確。

2. C【句意】盡管我們想要幫助她,Sara卻拒絕了。

【解析】for在這里意為"雖然,盡管",相當于 in spite of,notwithstanding,如:For all his efforts,he didn't succeed.雖然他盡了力,但還是沒有成功。at,in 和 on則沒有這種意義和用法。

3. D【句意】盡管存在很多困難,她還是自己完成了這項工作。

【解析】despite意為"盡管,不顧",如: He came to the meeting despite his serious illness. 他盡管病得很厲害,還是來參加了會議。in spite要和of連用,意思與 despite相同,如上句可改為: He came to the meeting in spite of his serious illness. as for意為"至于……,就……而言",如:As for this kind of rare metal, it will be further studied.至于這種稀有金屬,要做進一步的研究。besides意為"除……之外",如。Besides English he can speak French and German.除了英語他還會說法語和德語。由此可見只有D為正確答案。

4. B【句意】盡管在這個時間出版,他的作品還是受到了關注。

【解析】本題考查的是as引導的讓步狀語從句.動詞publish動作的對象是從句的主語,所以需要用過去分詞與was構成被動語態(tài),如:Thoroughly cleaned as it was, the room didn't look tidy. 房間雖然給徹底打掃了,但看起來并不整潔。選項A是現在分詞的被動式,表示該動作正在進行或與謂語動詞表示的動作同時發(fā)生,如;Being earnestly invited to dinner, she couldn't very well refuse. 有人熱情邀請她參加宴會,她不好意思拒絕.選項C是現在分詞的主動形式,選項D是動詞不定式,而不定式做狀話一般表示動作的目的,一般是將要發(fā)生的動作。由此可見,只有B是正確答案,而A,C和D旨不正確。

5. D【句意】在后天我們走之前他們可以趕過來的,我們會舉行一次晚宴。

【解析】本句是一個虛擬條件句,主句的謂語用的是"should + 動詞原形",表示與現在事實相反或與將來事實可能相反。根據句子結構可以看出,從句部分是倒裝句,省略了連接詞if,由于句子中的時間狀語是the day after tomorrow,所以從句動詞應該用與將來事實可能相反的虛擬語氣,即"should(were to)+ 動詞原形",如:Were they to act like that again,we should criticize them severely.要是他們再那樣做,我們就要嚴厲地批評他們。由此可見,D是正確答案.

6. C【句意】并不是所有的書她都感興趣,盡管閱讀是她的樂趣。她喜歡讀文學類的書,而不是政經類的書。

【解析】all,both,every,always,often,entirely,wholly,altogether等詞的否定形式一般表示部分否定,如:All is not gold that glitters. 發(fā)光的未必全是金子。又如:Every force does not always produce movement.力并非總產生運動。

7. A【句意】和古典音樂追隨歐洲傳統(tǒng)相反,爵士樂是一種自然和自由的表達方式。

【解析】in contrast to意為"同……相對照或相對比,與……相反",比較的是兩者之間的差異,如:In contrast to the China of pre-liberation days, China of today is strong and powerful. 與解放前的中國相對比,今日的中國強大而有力。 in connection with意為"與……有關系,關于",如: In connection with your request of March 18th,we are sorry to tell you your goods can not be shipped right now.關于你 3月 18日信中提出)的要來,我們很抱歉你的貨物不能馬上裝船。in comparison with意為"和……比較起來",既可以比較相同點也可以比較不同點,如:The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with those of New York.倫敦最高的樓房同紐約的比起來仍然很低。 in regard to做"關于"講,如:In regard to the other matter,we have not yet discussed it fully. 關于其他事情,我們還沒有充分討論。

8. B【句意】城邦之間不斷的沖突導致了希臘文明最終的衰落。

【解析】continual意為"經常不斷的,常常的(中間可能有間隔)",如:Continual smoking is bad to one's health.經常抽煙有害身體健康。continuous 指連續(xù)不斷而且絕對不中斷,如: The continuous work made me completely exhausted. 不間斷的工作使我筋疲力盡。constant可用來指習慣性的重復,如:Constant practice will make you overcome difficulties.經常訓練會使你克服困難。 contrary作"相反的"講,如: Any contrary policy is absolutely wrong. 任何相反的政策都是絕對錯誤的。

9. A【句意】用傳統(tǒng)的墨水印刷大約需要三十美分,而防摩擦的墨水至少要貴十美分。

【解析】furthermore(此外,而且),meanwhile(同時)和moreover(再者,此外)均是副詞,都不能引導從句。只有while是連詞,意為"雖然",含有讓步之意,可以引導從句,如:While I admit that the problems are difficult, I don't agree that they cannot be solved. 雖然我承認這些問題很難,但我不認為它們不能解決。

10. A【句意】對這條建議,大家有些話要說。

【解析】"There is something (nothing, little, plenty) to be said for …"是一個句型,意為"……有一定(沒有,幾乎沒有,很有)道理",如:There is something to be said for both sides of the issue. 看起來爭論的雙方都有一定道理。


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