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更新時間:2021-07-03 09:20:01 來源:環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 瀏覽12收藏3

成人英語三級報名、考試、查分時間 免費短信提醒


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摘要 考生們最近有在做題嗎?環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編準(zhǔn)備了2021年成人英語三級考試精選題二十,2021年下半年學(xué)位英語考試時間還未公布,考生可提前學(xué)習(xí),效果會更好。針對考生考試中常見題,為此小編分類整理了相關(guān)試題,下面快來做2021年成人英語三級考試精選題二十吧。



1. ______ the fact that he was in his seventies, the old man decided to swim across the channel.

A. At B. Since

C. Despite D. With

2. _______ the flood, the ship would have reached its destination on time.

A. In case of B. In spite of

C. Because of D. But for

3. _______ the library _______ the bookstore has the book I need. Will you tell me where I can get it?

A. Neither, nor B. Neither, or

C. Either, or D. Either, nor

4. _______ the sight of the police officers, the men ran off.

A. In B. At

C. On D. With

5. _______ the wall, we decided that we should need three tins of paint.

A. Making up B. Doing up

C. Putting up D. Sizing up.

6. _______ the whole, early American city planning was excellent.

A. In B. From

C. On D. Above

7. _______ we are having these days!

A. What a lovely weather B. What lovely weathers

C. What lovely weather D. What lovely a weather

8. _______ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.

A. For now B. Now that

C. Ever since D. By now

9. ______ when she started complaining.

A. Not until he arrived B. Hardly had he arrived

C. No sooner had he arrived D. Scarcely did he arrive

10. _______ whether he will come or not.

A. There is no telling B. There is not telling

C. There is telling not D. There is not to tell

目前已經(jīng)有地區(qū)發(fā)布了2021年成人英語三級考試報名時間以及考試時間等公告,大家可以 免費預(yù)約短信提醒,獲取你所在的地區(qū)2021年成人英語三級考試報名時間等具體通知哦。

1. C【句意】盡管自己已經(jīng)七十多歲了,這位老人還是決定游過海峽。

【解析】本句意為"盡管老人已 70多歲,他還是決定要橫游過海峽。"despite在此是介詞,意為"盡管",如: Despite a shortage of steel,industrial output has increased by five percent.盡管鋼材供應(yīng)不足,工業(yè)產(chǎn)量仍增長了5%。其他三項均不符合本意思。

2. D【句意】要不是這次洪水,這艘船就會準(zhǔn)時到達目的地了。

【解析】would have reached是虛擬語氣形式,根據(jù)句意,需填入表示虛擬條件的從句或類似結(jié)構(gòu),因此,選but for. but for意為"倘沒有;要不是",它與后面的名詞所構(gòu)成的結(jié)構(gòu)的作用相當(dāng)于虛擬條件狀語從句,例如: But for(Had it not been for) your help,we should not have finished in time.要不是你幫忙,我們不會及時完工。 in case of 意為"假如;如果發(fā)生,防備",例如; In case of fire,walk quietly to the nearest door.如發(fā)生火災(zāi),要鎮(zhèn)靜地走向最近的門口。 in spite of 意為"雖然,不顧,盡管……仍……",例如:In spite of all his efforts he failed.他雖然做了各種努力,仍然失敗了, because of意為"因為",例如:I said nothing about it,because of his wife's being there.因為他的妻子在那里,我對這事一字未提。

3. A【句意】圖書館和書店都沒有我需要的書。你能告訴我在那能夠買得到嗎?

【解析】"neither…nor…"和"either…or…"均為固定搭配,連接兩個相等的成分。因此B和D應(yīng)該排除。"either…or…"連接兩個相等的成分時,意為"或者……,或者……",兩者必具其一。根據(jù)第二句話,我們知道在the library和 the bookstore均沒有"我"所需要的書,故C也應(yīng)排除.因此只有A是正確答案.

4. B【句意】一看到警察,人們四散跑去了。

【解析】at(the)sight of的意思是"一看見……就",如: She wept at the sight of his distress. 一宕見他那痛苦的樣子她就流淚了。 in sight或within sight意為"看得見,迫近",如:Peace is now in sight. 和平在望。 in the sight of意為"從……觀點來看,在……看來",如: He was punishable in the sight of law.從法律的角度來看他該受罰。

5. D【句意】考慮到墻的面積,我們認(rèn)為我們需要三罐油漆。

【解析】size up意為"判斷,估量",如: They sized him up with a look.他們一眼就看出他是什么樣的人了make up意為"構(gòu)成,化妝",如: A car is made up of many different parts.汽車由許多不同的部件組成。 do up意為"扎,捆",如: You should do up the parcel.你應(yīng)把這個包裹捆上. put up意為"舉起,建造",如: put your hands up舉起手來。

6. C【句意】總的來說,美國早期的城市規(guī)劃是不錯的。

【解析】on the whole是固定搭配,意為"從整體來看,大體上",如: On the whole,the performance was a success. 從整體來看,演出是成功的。

7. C【句意】這些天的天氣是多好啊。

【解析】weather是不可數(shù)名詞,所以 A可以排除。how引導(dǎo)感嘆句時后面一般用形容詞或副詞,而what引導(dǎo)感嘆句時應(yīng)一般用名詞(包括不可數(shù)名詞),據(jù)此D也可以排除。weather為復(fù)數(shù)時一般指"處境,境遇",故B也不合適。由此可見只有C是正確答案。(可參見薄冰的《英語語法》P.496上的例句:What delightful weather we are having!這天氣多好呀!)

8. B【句意】既然我們上完了課程,我們就要開始做更多的修改工作。

【解析】根據(jù)句子結(jié)構(gòu)我們可以看出,這里需要一個關(guān)聯(lián)詞來引導(dǎo)出一個狀語從句。 since或now that或now可以用來引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句,從句內(nèi)容是一個既定的事實,例如: Now that you will come here,I needn't go there.既然你要來,我就沒必要到那兒去了。ever since后既可跟名詞也可跟從句,表示"自從……以來".如用在此處,則不合乎邏輯,例如:He has not written any letters to her ever since he was ill.自從他生病以來,他從未給她寫過信。 by now只能作狀語, 不能引導(dǎo)從句,意為"到目前為止",例如: She ought to have arrived at her office by now.她現(xiàn)在本該到辦公室了.雖然for可以引導(dǎo)表示原因的分句,但該分句要位于第一個分句之后,例如: I don't like him,for he always makes empty promises.我不喜歡他,因為他總是作一些空頭許諾.

9. B【句意】她以來就開始抱怨。

【解析】句型"hardly(scarcely)…when"和"no sooner…than"表示"一……就",例如:No sooner had he arrived home than he was asked to start on another journey.他剛到家就被要求做另一次旅行。Hardly had she agreed to marry him when she began to have serious doubts.她剛同意同他結(jié)婚,就開始產(chǎn)生嚴(yán)重的疑慮。Scarcely had he entered the room when the phone rang.他一進房間電話就響了。因此,B正確而C錯誤。由于主句謂語動詞arrive要先于從句謂語動詞start,因此從句使用一般過去時時,主句只能使用過去完成時,所以,D錯誤。 not until或"not…until"意為"直到……才",用來引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句,例如: Not until midnight did they find their lost child.直到深夜他們才找到走失的孩子。根據(jù)句子結(jié)構(gòu),not until he arrived若用在這里,整個句子就沒有主句了,犯了結(jié)構(gòu)不完整的錯誤,因此,A也不是正確答案。

10. A【句意】他不可能來。

【解析】"There is no doing sth.…"或"There is not any doing sth.…"相當(dāng)于 "It is impossible to do sth.…",意為"做……是不可能的",如:There is no knowing when he would be back.無法知道他什么時候回來.又如:There is not any telling what became of her.她出什么事了,無可奉告。


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