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摘要 考生們在復(fù)習(xí)學(xué)位英語時對閱讀理解的練習(xí)夠嗎?環(huán)球網(wǎng)校小編準(zhǔn)備了2021年成人英語三級考試閱讀理解練習(xí)題(五),閱讀理解是學(xué)位英語的考試內(nèi)容。由10個單句組成。從中找出錯誤的地方進(jìn)行,為此小編整理了相關(guān)題型,下面快來做2021年成人英語三級考試閱讀理解練習(xí)題(五)。



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Each living cell contained the message EAT, GROW, SPLIT, AND PASS THIS MESSAGE ALONG. But how could cells understand a message> they couldn’t read or write, so what form could these instructions take? For a long time this question baffled (使困惑)scientists, and they worked hard to figure out how the messages of life were passed from generation to generation.

Then in 1953, four scientists solved the mystery. James Waston and Francis Crick, helped by the work of Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin, figured out the structure if a super-molecule(超分子)called DNA (short for deoxyribonucleic acid 脫氧核糖核酸的縮略),which contains the cell messages. The three men became world famous and won the Nobel Prize, which is one of the highest honors a scientist can be awarded. But Rosalind Franklin died before people realized how important her work was.

Because DNA is too small to be seen under a microscope, the scientists had to figure out how the molecules that made DNA were fitted together. They discovered that the DNA molecule looked like a twisted rope ladder (扭曲的繩梯), which they called a double helix(雙螺旋). The “rope” and “steps” of the DNA, they said, were made of four kinds of nucleotide (核甘)bases hooked together in special ways that could carry the coed messages of life.

DNA is in the middle of all living cells. It acts as a memory and control for all growth and reproduction. Each “step” in the twisted ladder is a coded “word” of instructions telling the cell how to build itself up step by step, and when to split in two.

When a cell divides, the DNA “unzip”(解開拉練) into two strands (串),one for each new cells. Each DNA strand contains the full message, and immediately starts building itself back to a double helix by using the chemicals “eaten” by the cells. Soon each cell in the new generation has a full DNA molecule inside it, just like the one in its parent cell. Then the process of growth and division starts all over again.

1. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Each living cell can take instructions. B. The DNA molecule is a twisted rope ladder.

C. DNA acts as a memory and control center for all growth and reproduction.

D. DNA gave the first living cells the ability to split and started the amazing story of life.

2. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A. Rosalind Franklin won the Nobel Prize for her work on DNA

B. People did not solve the mystery of DNA until the year 1853

C. The discovery of DNA has exerted a profound influence on scientific world

D. Maurice Wilkins died before people realized how important his work was

3. According to the passage, the DNA molecule turns out to be ____.

A. a twisted rope ladder B. “steps” C. coded “words” D. four kinds of nucleotide bases

4. The phrase “the coded messages of life” in the third paragraph can be best replaced by _____.

A. the instructions to eat, grow, split and to pass this message along

B. the process of cell growth and cell division C. the instructions to build itself up

D. the instructions to split itself in two

5. In the final analysis, a double helix signifies____.

A. the chemicals “eaten” by the cell B. the structure of a super-molecule called deoxyribonucleic acid

C. the two strands, one for each new cell D. the parent cell and the body cells

內(nèi)容提示與分析: 本文主要圍繞DNA講述了一些生物技術(shù)的知識。文章開頭提出的問題是:為什么生命信息從一代傳向下一代?科學(xué)家發(fā)現(xiàn)DNA正是秘密所在。隨后介紹了DNA的雙螺旋結(jié)構(gòu)。DNA處于活細(xì)胞的中心,象個記憶庫記憶著信息;最后介紹了DNA通過自我復(fù)制生成新的DNA的過程。

答案及分析:1. B分析:文章第三段第二句提到:“They discovered that the DNA molecule looked like a twisted rope ladder, which they called a double helix.” DNA 只是看起來像繩子,并非說它真是如此。選項B混淆了事實與比喻。故答案為B。

2. C分析:由文章第二段可知,科學(xué)家獲得了諾貝爾獎,可見其成就的重要性。尤其在最后一句明確指出他們工作的重要性,所以C正確。A不對,因為弗蘭克林在獲獎之前已經(jīng)去世;B不對,1953年只是發(fā)現(xiàn)了DNA,并不意味著完全了解了其秘密;D也不對,與原文不符。故答案為C。

3. D分析:由文章第三段最后一句“The rope and steps of the DNA, they said, were made of four kinds of nucleotide bases hooked together in special ways that could carry the coded messages of life 可知答案,故答案為D。”

4. A分析:本體的答案就是第一段第一句:“Each living cell contained the message EAT, GROW, SPLIT, AND PASS THIS MESSAGE ALONG.”之所以選A,是因為它包含的內(nèi)容最全面,而B, C D三個選項都僅說到了問題的一個方面,故答案為A.

5. B分析:本題考察對文章的推理。由第三段中的“… which contains the cell messages.”可知答案,雙螺旋結(jié)構(gòu)就是指DNA的結(jié)構(gòu)。故答案為B。



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