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Emerging markets

All fall down都跌了

Oct 9th 2008

From The Economist print edition

Firms in developing countries struggle to escape their roots發(fā)展中國(guó)家中的公司掙扎著逃命,考生如果怕自己錯(cuò)過考試報(bào)名時(shí)間和考試時(shí)間的話,可以 免費(fèi)預(yù)約短信提醒,屆時(shí)會(huì)以短信的方式提醒大家報(bào)名和考試時(shí)間。

STOCKMARKET bubbles often take a genuine improvement in economic orcorporate performance, and then vastly overestimate its effect. Equityinvestors in emerging markets must wonder if they have once again beensuckered into giving developing countries the benefit of the doubt.Prices have fallen by almost half this year. On October 6themerging-market shares recorded their biggest one-day fall in at least20 years, prompting all-too-familiar scenes of chaos followed byenforced inactivity, as trading at some bourses was suspended.


For bullish investors one attraction of emerging economies was thefact that they had started with better public finances andbalance-of-payments positions than in previous cycles. How resilientthose positions are is now being tested, as plunging commodity pricessap export earnings and capital flows dry up. Even sound economies maystill be dragged down. As Stephen Jen, an economist at Morgan Stanley,points out, in a crisis “bad things happen to good countries”.

對(duì)于那些看好的投資人來講,與以前各次循環(huán)相比,此次新興經(jīng)濟(jì)一個(gè)吸引人地方在于他們以更好的公共債務(wù)及收支平衡作為起始。當(dāng)大宗商品價(jià)格暴跌,使得出口收入受到影響,且資本流處于枯竭,這些國(guó)家的那些狀況有強(qiáng)勁目前正受到考驗(yàn)。即使那些最健康的經(jīng)濟(jì)也可能被拉下水。大摩的經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家Stephen Jen指出,在危機(jī)中“好的國(guó)家會(huì)發(fā)生壞事情”。

Equity investors’ enthusiasm also reflected a more novel idea—thatthe quality of emerging-market companies had improved. Rather than anold guard of conglomerates with hazy ownership and accounting, thethesis ran, there was a new generation of large, well run, globallycompetitive “mega-cap” firms. Indeed, these might even be less riskythan their homelands’ governments. And just as the Dutch economy haslittle bearing on Royal Dutch Shell’s share price, or the Britisheconomy on Vodafone’s, the hope was that these firms might eventuallytranscend their domestic markets.


Some of the claims were over the top. In April 2007 Gazprom, anenergy firm controlled by the Kremlin, made a Dr-Evil-style predictionthat its market value would reach $1 trillion (ten times today’slevel). But there was substance too, exemplified by the wave ofcredible bids for Western companies before the credit crunch, such asthe multibillion approach by Vale, a Brazilian miner, for Xstrata.

有些叫法有些太過頭。在2007年月,由俄國(guó)政府控制的能源公司Gazprom宣布了一個(gè)惡魔式的預(yù)測(cè),估計(jì)其市值將達(dá)到一萬億美金(是目前市值的10倍)。但是這些公司也有行動(dòng),在信貸緊縮前不斷出價(jià)收購(gòu)西方公司,例如巴西的礦業(yè)公司Vale出手上千億美金收購(gòu) Xstrata就是實(shí)例。

EPAJust like the old days


Why then, have most emerging stockmarkets fallen by more thanWestern ones, particularly in the past month? There are some plausiblefundamental explanations. They may have been more overvalued to startwith. Even after their tumble, the aggregate price-earnings ratio is inline with developed markets, rather than at the discount that has beenthe historical norm. The composition of most indices also makes themvulnerable. Almost two-fifths of the earnings of the FTSEemerging-markets benchmark are from highly cyclical energy orbasic-materials companies—twice the share in developed markets—soearnings forecasts are falling faster than for developed peers. Mostindices under-represent mainland China, which has been relativelyresilient in recent weeks, on the grounds that it is hard forforeigners to invest there. And the top 20 companies account for justover a quarter of the FTSE emerging-markets index. Although that is ahigher proportion than in developed economies, it still leaves a longtail of smaller firms which may be less well run.


As well as quirks of composition and valuation, the harsh reality isthat, as in previous crises, investors are not discriminating much.Most “mega-cap” companies have been penalised more heavily thanrich-world peers in the same industry. Credit-default swaps, a type ofinsurance against bankruptcy, suggest that the borrowing costs of bigemerging-markets firms have spiked along with those of their homecountries’ governments. This is despite the fact that emerging-marketindustrial companies in aggregate, like their governments, have lowerdebt levels than their Western equivalents. Shares of emerging-marketbanks, which with the exception of a few places such as Russia are inreasonable shape, have plunged in sympathy with their Western peers.


There may well have been structural improvements in emergingeconomies, but just now markets are having none of it. That couldpresent a buying opportunity. But if capital remains scarce for toolong, and big companies struggle to refinance their foreign debt,investors’ gut reaction could become a self-fulfilling prophecy.



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