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The mortgage-rescue plan


Will the bail-out work?



From Economist.com

The bail-out becomes law after the House reverses its rejection. Money markets call for urgent attention


“CRISES have the power to unite us in strange ways.” So said Steny Hoyer, the Democratic majority leader in the House of Representatives, in an article on Friday morning that pleaded for passage of the $700 billion bail-out plan. United they were. The House voted by a huge 263-171 margin for the bail-out, a dramatic reversal of the 228-205 rejection on Monday. On Friday October 3rd 172 Democrats backed the bill, up from 140; 91 Republicans did so, up from 65. As the Senate had already approved the bill, it was immediately signed by George Bush.考生如果怕自己錯(cuò)過(guò)考試報(bào)名時(shí)間和考試時(shí)間的話,可以 免費(fèi)預(yù)約短信提醒,屆時(shí)會(huì)以短信的方式提醒大家報(bào)名和考試時(shí)間。

“金融危機(jī)使我們以一種陌生的方式團(tuán)結(jié)到一起。”美國(guó)眾議院多數(shù)黨(民主黨)領(lǐng)袖Steny Hoyer在周五早上一篇請(qǐng)求國(guó)會(huì)通過(guò)7000億救援方案的文章里如是說(shuō)。他們確實(shí)團(tuán)結(jié)到了一起。眾議院以263對(duì)171的大規(guī)模票數(shù)差距通過(guò)了救援計(jì)劃,這與周一的228對(duì)205否決形成了鮮明的對(duì)比。在周五(10月3日)的投票中,172位民主黨議員贊成,比周一上升了32人;91位共和黨人贊成,比周一上升了26人。因?yàn)閰⒆h院已經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)了此項(xiàng)議案,所以很快就會(huì)被布什簽署(使之生效)。

The rejection on Monday was caused by conservative Republicans who said it was socialism, by Liberal Democrats who said it did not do enough for poor people, and fears by many that voters would fire them for bailing out Wall Street. The rejection triggered a plunge in stocks and a scramble to sweeten the bill. In the end numerous, mostly unrelated, items have been grafted on, from higher federal deposit-insurance limits to a tax exemption for wooden children’s arrows. The tide was turned because of that, nausea over market turmoil, news that non-farm employment sank by 159,000 in September (the steepest in five years) and because of furious business lobbying.


Now the real test comes: will it help? The Treasury is expected to take a week to set up the auctions for the first mortgage purchases, and the first purchases could therefore take place within weeks. Henry Paulson, the treasury secretary, could act sooner: he has the authority to buy mortgages from individual institutions or inject capital into them if they are nearing failure.


Speed is of the essence. Banks are loth to lend to each other, except at record punitive rates and for the shortest of periods. Most want their money back within a day. Massive liquidity injections by the Federal Reserve and other central banks have done little to unclog the pipes.


Worse, the availability of short-term loans to companies is shrinking at an alarming rate. The market for commercial paper has shrunk by around $600 billion since last summer, with almost $100 billion of the reduction coming in the past week alone. This hurts companies large and small. General Electric has had to raise new capital partly because of funding concerns. Retailers report problems financing purchases of holiday-season inventories. The head of AutoNation, a car dealer, told CNBC that “banks were looking for every excuse to say no…We’ve gone from a credit crunch to a credit panic.” Firms say that some banks are trying to invoke “market disruption” clauses to cut credit lines or raise the fees for renewing them, leaving corporate treasurers unsure how long they can pay employees or buy raw materials.

更糟的是,公司可使用的短期貸款正在以驚人的速度下降。商業(yè)票據(jù)市場(chǎng)自去年六月以來(lái)萎縮了約6000億美元,而僅在過(guò)去的一周里就減少了1000億美元。這對(duì)大大小小的公司都有傷害。通用電器不得不籌集新的資金,部分原因就是由于對(duì)融資的憂慮。零售商也報(bào)出其在購(gòu)買(mǎi)假日季節(jié)物品的融資上也有問(wèn)題。汽車(chē)銷(xiāo)售商AutoNation的老板告訴CNBC:”銀行在尋找各種理由對(duì)你的貸款申請(qǐng)說(shuō)‘不’…我們已經(jīng)從信貸緊縮到信貸恐慌了。”銀行在竭力引用”市場(chǎng)混亂 “的條款來(lái)減小信貸或是提高費(fèi)率以使其恢復(fù)元?dú)?,但是這使得企業(yè)財(cái)務(wù)主管不能確定他們多久才能給雇員發(fā)工資或是多久才能去購(gòu)買(mǎi)原材料。

The pain is reaching municipalities and states. Alabama’s Jefferson County is on the verge of bankruptcy. California’s governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has reportedly given warning, in a letter to the Treasury, that his state is running out of cash to fund day-to-day operations and may need an emergency loan of $7 billion from the federal government.


While the Troubled Asset Relief Programme, or TARP, may ultimately unfreeze the mortgage market, restore confidence to banks and restart lending, that may take too long for a far more pressing problem, the blockage in the money markets. Tellingly, the yield on short-term government debt-the most popular destination for investors seeking safety-barely budged after the vote. Bank-to-bank loan spreads fell only slightly. American stockmarkets gave up gains built up in the hours before the vote.


While the TARP may lift confidence, the timing and extent to which it boosts their capital will depend on the prices paid, which remain unclear. Moreover, the target is moving. Even if house prices stabilise soon, non-mortgage credit will go on deteriorating as the economy shrinks. Bank regulators will have their work cut out as failures mount among small and medium-sized lenders. More will seek sanctuary in the arms of stronger rivals. On Friday Wachovia threw itself at Wells Fargo, only four days after Citigroup had agreed to buy its banking operations in a government-backed deal. Citi threatened to sue.


The crisis is intensifying in Europe, where governments have been forced to prop up several banks in the past week. European leaders are due to meet this weekend to discuss forging a more co-ordinated response, possibly including a continent-wide bank-rescue fund. And doubts about solvency are spreading beyond banks. After a sharp drop this week in the share prices of large American insurers, such as MetLife and Prudential, they came under pressure to raise fresh capital as a bulwark against the storm.

歐洲的情況更糟。歐洲各國(guó)銀行在上周被迫注資支持幾家銀行。歐洲幾國(guó)領(lǐng)袖預(yù)定將在本周末會(huì)面商討出臺(tái)更加協(xié)調(diào)合作的應(yīng)對(duì)措施,可能包括一個(gè)整個(gè)大陸范圍的銀行拯救基金。而對(duì)償付能力的疑慮已經(jīng)超出銀行范疇,在其它金融機(jī)構(gòu)也蔓延開(kāi)來(lái)。在本周股價(jià)急劇下挫后,幾家大型美國(guó)保險(xiǎn)商,例如MetLife 和 Prudential迫于壓力不得不募集新的資本作為防護(hù)堡壘來(lái)抵御風(fēng)暴的襲擊。

Until the TARP shows results, the pressure remains on the Federal Reserve to contain the crisis. Ben Bernanke, the Fed chairman and the main driver behind the TARP’s creation, congratulated Congress for demonstrating the “government’s commitment to do what it takes to support and strengthen our economy”. His language was remarkably similar to what he used, as an academic, to describe Franklin D. Roosevelt’s attack on the Great Depression. Mr Bernanke made it clear that he included the Fed in that commitment: “We will continue to use all of the powers at our disposal to mitigate credit market disruptions and to foster a strong, vibrant economy.” The Fed has already expanded its balance sheet by around $600 billion since August, an amount not much smaller than the entire TARP, as it replaces evaporating private credit with central bank credit. The odds are high it will also cut its short-term interest rate, now 2%, to 1.5% either at or before its policy meeting at the end of October.



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