來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2019-11-28 09:05:11 頻道: 新概念

If you can't seem to find yourself motivated this year because of several reasons, take a deep breath and try to motivate yourself with these simple yet effective tips:


1. Close your eyes, and visualize yourself reaching your goals。

1. 閉上眼睛,想象自己達(dá)成目標(biāo)的樣子。

2. Try something new today。

2. 今天嘗試下新事物。

3. Take a walk in a park, and let nature reset your mind。

3. 去公園散步,讓大自然洗滌頭腦。

4. Make a to-do list. You'll feel encouraged as you cross off items。

4. 寫待辦事項(xiàng)清單。當(dāng)你劃掉清單條目時(shí)會(huì)覺得受到鼓勵(lì)。

5. Get more sleep. Sleep deprivation could be making you less motivated。

5. 有更多睡眠。睡眠不足會(huì)讓你缺少動(dòng)力。

6. Start exercising, and you'll feel like yourself。

6. 開始鍛煉,你會(huì)找到自己。

7. Take a small step. You don't have to immediately immerse yourself in the project and see it until completion right away. Just make baby steps, and take it one day at a time。

7. 循序漸進(jìn)。你不必立即投入項(xiàng)目并看著它結(jié)束。只是每天計(jì)劃一點(diǎn)并完成它。

8. Wake yourself up from your slump with a cold shower。

8. 用冷水澡把你從頹敗中喚醒。

9. Have a reward system, so you'll have something to look forward to。

9. 有獎(jiǎng)賞意識(shí),這樣你會(huì)有期待。

10. When doing a task you don't want to do, play energizing music to help you get through it。

10. 做你不想做的任務(wù)時(shí),放有活力的音樂來幫助你完成它。

11. Get the hard stuff done first thing in the morning. Once you're done with the most challenging projects, you'll be able to tackle the others with ease。

11. 早上首先完成困難的事情。一旦你做好最具挑戰(zhàn)性的事,就可以輕松解決其他的了。

12. Prepare early so you're not in a rush. When you're late all the time or feel rushed, this may stress you out and kill your motivation。

12. 早做準(zhǔn)備就不會(huì)倉促。你的遲到或匆忙會(huì)讓你有壓力和沒動(dòng)力。

13. Push yourself. Realize that getting things done means giving yourself a little push sometimes。

13. 推自己一把。要意識(shí)到做事有時(shí)意味著催促自己。

14. Set a deadline for a task to spur you to get it done before the time is up。

14. 給任務(wù)設(shè)定最后期限,這樣能激勵(lì)你在截止日期前完成工作。

15. Focus. Doing too many things at once can overwhelm you, so drop the multitasking and focus on one thing at a time。

15. 集中精力。一次做太多事會(huì)讓你無法承受,所以別做太多事,一次關(guān)注一件事就好。

16. Clean up your home or your workspace, and you'll feel like you can get more done in a decluttered environment。

16. 整理你的家或工作區(qū)域,你會(huì)覺得在整潔的環(huán)境中能做更多的事。

17. Let go of your fears, and you may feel brave enough to take on challenging tasks。

17. 不要害怕。你會(huì)敢于接受具有挑戰(zhàn)性的工作。

18. Eat right. Treating your body well will put you in a better place mentally。

18. 正確飲食。愛惜身體會(huì)給讓你在精神上更上一層樓。

19. Do something you enjoy when you first get up. Whether it be drinking hot chocolate while reading a book you're currently glued to or taking a hot shower, start your day off on a positive note。

19. 起床后做你喜歡的事情。無論是邊喝熱巧克力邊讀喜歡的書還是洗熱水澡,在積極的心態(tài)中開始一天吧。

20. Share your goals with others. Being public about your goals will give you a sense of accountability, which may make you more inclined to get going。

20. 與他人分享你的目標(biāo)。讓大家知道目標(biāo)會(huì)給你責(zé)任感,你會(huì)更傾向于實(shí)現(xiàn)它們。

21. Fake it till you make it. Act like you're motivated, and it'll become a reality in time。

21. 一直假裝直到你真正做到。你裝成有動(dòng)力的樣子,它終會(huì)成為事實(shí)。

22. Focus on the positive instead of the negative, and you'll feel more inclined to start new projects and take risks。

22. 關(guān)注積極的而不是消極的一面,你會(huì)更愿意開始新項(xiàng)目和承擔(dān)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。

23. Bring light into your room. Open up your curtains. Let fresh air into your room by opening up windows if it's not too cold and if it's not polluted outside。

23. 給房間帶來光明。拉開窗簾。如果天氣不是太冷又沒有污染的話,打開窗戶讓新鮮空氣進(jìn)入房間。

24. Encourage others, and you'll automatically start seeing encouragement from them. It's a cycle of positivity!

24. 鼓勵(lì)其他人,你自然會(huì)從他們那里受到鼓勵(lì)。這是正能量的循環(huán)!

25. Don't compare yourself with others or you'll get discouraged. Compete against yourself。

25. 不要把自己與他人比較,你會(huì)氣餒的。與自己競爭。

26. Have realistic expectations. Know yourself and how far you can go。

26. 期望要實(shí)在些。要了解自己以及知道自己可以走多遠(yuǎn)。

27. Stay excited. Keep coming up with new tweaks so you won't get bored。

27. 保持興奮。不斷思考如何調(diào)整,這樣你不會(huì)無聊。

28. If you fail, pick yourself up and keep going. Don't let it derail you or cause you to lose confidence, which ends up affecting your motivation。

28. 如果你失敗了,打起精神繼續(xù)前進(jìn)。不要讓它影響你或讓你失去信心,這些最終會(huì)影響你的積極性。

29. Read biographies of the people you look up to for inspiration。

29. 閱讀崇拜之人的傳記來獲得激勵(lì)。

30. Volunteer. It'll make you realize that you're fortunate, so you should take the opportunity to make the most out of your life。

30. 做志愿者。這會(huì)讓你意識(shí)到自己是幸運(yùn)的,所以你應(yīng)該抓住機(jī)會(huì)好好享受生活。

31. Dress to impress yourself. You'll feel like you can get more things done when you're putting your best foot forward。

31. 好好打扮取悅自己。當(dāng)你展現(xiàn)最好的一面時(shí),你會(huì)覺得自己可以完成更多事情。

32. Write down a few things you're grateful for. If you have a more positive mind-set, you'll find yourself more motivated。

32. 寫下一些讓你感激的事情。如果你有積極的心態(tài),你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)自己更有動(dòng)力。

33. Reflect on the times when you worked hard and succeeded at your task。

33. 反思你努力工作和成功完成任務(wù)的時(shí)候。

34. Remind yourself that it's better to try and fail or succeed than living with regrets。

34. 提醒自己比起生活在后悔中,嘗試后的失敗或成功更加值得。

35. Give yourself a pep talk, and tell yourself that you are awesome。

35. 給自己打打氣,告訴自己你是很棒的。

36. Drop the projects that you might not be totally committed to and focus on the ones you're really passionate about。

36. 別做那些你可能不會(huì)全心投入的事,并專注做你真正熱愛的那些。

37. Tell yourself that nothing worthwhile is ever easy。

37. 告訴自己有價(jià)值的事都不輕松。

38. Know that only you have the power to create your dreams。

38. 要知道只有你有能力創(chuàng)建自己的夢想。

39. Set your alarm clock to remind you when it's time to start on your task。

39. 定鬧鐘提醒你什么時(shí)候開始做事。
