來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2019-12-04 09:19:38 頻道: 新概念

I’ll have what she's having! Women prefer men who have been 'road-tested' in previous relationships - but not too many


• Australian scientists say that women take part in 'mate copying'

• 澳大利亞科學(xué)家表示,女性喜歡所謂的“配偶復(fù)制”

• Their study showed that females preferred men who had ex-girlfriends

• 他們的研究表明,女性喜歡有過前女友的男性

• Researchers found optimum number of previous partners was one or two

• 研究人員發(fā)現(xiàn)前任伴侶的最佳數(shù)目是1個(gè)或者2個(gè)

• Men with no old flames were less desirable especially with younger women

• 沒有戀愛史的男性沒那么有吸引力,尤其對于年輕女性更是如此

• But males with five previous partners were found to be the least appealing

• 但是據(jù)研究發(fā)現(xiàn),有過5任前女友的男性, 是最沒有吸引力的

What’s the best way for single men to land a girlfriend?


According to one study the answer turns out to be a bit of a catch-22 - women prefer men who have had previous relationships, but having too many partners is detrimental。


In fact, Australian researchers found that having too many partners was less desirable than someone who had none at all。


The study was published in the journal Human Nature and is somewhat amusingly titled ‘I want what she’s having’。


In it, Ryan Anderson and Michele Surbey of James Cook University in Queensland, Australia looked at how human mating compared to the rest of the animal kingdom。


They noted how non-human animals prefer males that have had had previous association with other females, a phenomenon known as 'mate copying'。


The researchers investigated ‘whether humans also exhibit mate copying’, and if women preferred experienced men。


In the study, 123 female university students rated men pictured alone or with one, two or five women represented by silhouettes。


The silhouettes, or lack thereof, represented how many relationships they had had in the last four years。


The findings showed that women preferred men who had one or two previous partners, as opposed to those who’d had none.Men with five previous partners, however, were the least desirable。

結(jié)果表明女性青睞那些有過一到兩名女朋友的男性更勝于沒有戀愛經(jīng)驗(yàn)的男性。然而有過五位女朋友的男性, 在這項(xiàng)調(diào)查中排名墊底。

‘Maybe that's an indication that he's promiscuous or unable or unwilling to commit, maybe he's a bit flaky - for whatever reason, he just can't hold down relationship so that was seen as a huge turn-off,’ the researchers told ABC。


And age was also a factor - younger women were more likely to ‘mate copy’ than older women。


‘Our results suggest that women do not always make mate choices independent of one another [and] there appears to be a significant desirability advantage for men who have been previously selected as a romantic partner,’ the authors added。


‘Humans are nothing more than a really pretentious species of animal,’ Anderson added。

