新概念雙語:科技產品用戶 你是卡戴珊還是水果姐?
來源: 環(huán)球網校 2019-10-29 09:48:55 頻道: 新概念

When it comes to using your smartphone, iPad or laptop to access social media are you a hypersharer like Kim Kardashian, a tinkerer like WILL.I.AM or a make-doer like Jennifer Aniston?

提到媒體社交,無論是用手機、iPad還是筆記本電腦,你是金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)那樣的分享者,WILL.I.AM那樣的思考家,還是詹妮弗·安妮斯頓(Jennifer Aniston)那樣的實干家呢?

Dr Jonathon Hutchinson, a lecturer at Sydney University, conducted the research in conjunction with Microsoft 'because technology is in every part of our lives'。

秉著“科技與生活息息相關”的觀點,悉尼大學講師、博士(Jonathon Hutchinson)聯(lián)合微軟公司對人們使用科技的方式做了調查并定義了六種不同的類型。

The digital ethnographer started by looking at whether other social scientists had conducted research to dissect what sort of technology types humans are。


'Scientists tend to stray away from that sort of research, it’s a difficult task, it's like trying to dissect a human,' He told Daily Mail Australia。


'I wanted to do this type of research because technology is in every part of our lifestyle, it's connecting between our work and lifestyle。


'I am interested in why people do that. We might be looking at Facebook when we are at work or we might be at home responding to work emails.'


The 38-year-old, who is a self confessed lover of Twitter, explained he wanted to know what technologies people are interested in, who the users are and to what capacity they used the technology。


Focus groups were set up and they interviewed two groups of 15 people- one group was aged between 22-25 who were full time students and the other set of 33-43 who were full time professionals。


The groups were asked seven questions and they included one about if they use technology to create media。


He went on to create six different 'technology types'。


The first type is called the tinkerer, who is someone obsessed with technology like WILLI.IAM,. The music star: 'I'm hands-on creative when it comes to technology collaboration.' A tinkerer is curious about technology and likes to take things apart to find out new solutions and shortcuts。


The second type of person is a self improver, a person who uses technology to make life more productive。

Actress Blake Lively said: 'I find all my looks for events on this app by browsing all the runway shows. It updates quickly during Fashion Week, I truly couldn't live without this app.'

These people are career-focussed and driven to deliver and they carry technology around, which helps them stay connected。


The third is the hypersharer - aka Kim Kardashian - who loves to share content。

She said: 'I take in excess of 1200 selfies of myself everyday. It ended up turning out so cool that we came up with this idea; a selfie book.'

These people can usually be found pointing their devices at anything they find worth sharing。


The fourth personality is the make-doer, someone like Jennifer Aniston who doesn't care much about the newest trends。

The Friends star said: 'I'm really computer illiterate. When I see people on their Blackberrys, working them like some girls work a hair-dryer, I'm just stunned.'

These people have a good personal style, they know what works for them and stick to it。

第四類是“實干家型”,這類人很有自己的風格,他們知道自己為什么而努力并能持之以恒。比如詹妮弗·安妮斯頓(Jennifer Aniston)就對這些流行趨勢不感冒。這位因《老友記》而成名的明星說:“我真的是電腦盲?粗麄冊诤谳蠑[弄,就像女孩們擺弄吹風機一樣。太令人吃驚了。”

The fifth type is the spectator who knows what is happening in the technology world but isn't fussed, like Julia Roberts。

She said: 'Technology is like cotton candy: it looks appealing and you just can't resist getting in there.'

These people are normally digital introverts and you might find them watching, reading, listening to talking about great stories.

第五類是“旁觀者型”,這些人清楚科技圈發(fā)生的一切但他們不怎么在意。他們是數(shù)碼產品中的觀望者,一般瀏覽一下、讀一讀或者聽聽別人對大新聞的評論。朱莉亞·羅伯茨(Julia Roberts)就是這樣的。她說:“科技產品就像棉花糖:看起來很誘人,難以抗拒。”

The sixth and final type Dr Hutchinson identified was the content creator, like Katy Perry。

She said: 'I'm about sharing my life; it's not always me saying 'buy my record, buy my record!' Although I do say buy my record like once, and then I share a YouTube video of a cat.'

These people are usually dressed with flair and are working on their next big idea。

第六類(最后一類)是“原創(chuàng)型”。這類人通常充滿創(chuàng)意,并且善于將新點子付諸實踐。凱蒂·派瑞(Katy Perry)說:“我隨時隨地都在分享我的生活;我不用總說‘快來買我的唱片,快來買我的唱片!’盡管我確實說了一次,但隨后我就在YouTube上分享了一只貓的視頻。”

Dr Hutchinson said: 'This is the first time that this type of research has ever been done in Australia. The quiz will be a nice way for people to see what technology type they are。


'I would like to think that I am a will I am but I am a Katy Perry.'

