來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2020-02-03 10:25:52 頻道: 新概念

High school can teach us plenty of lessons about how to win friends and influence people professionally。關(guān)于怎么在職場(chǎng)中交朋友、影響他人,高中生活教會(huì)了我們很多。

You’d be surprised how much happens in your average high school that’s related to the workday world。你會(huì)驚訝于高中日常生活中發(fā)生的一切和職場(chǎng)是多么的有關(guān)聯(lián)。

Here are four shining examples that prove what goes on in high school hallways isn’t that different from what’s happening around the water cooler。以下舉出了4個(gè)例子,足以論證高中教室走廊里發(fā)生的和公司飲水機(jī)邊發(fā)生的一切也沒什么不同。

1. Tardiness isn’t tolerated。千萬別遲到。

Even though most offices don’t have a tardy bell, you can bet someone is taking note of who shows up late and who skips out early。即使大部分的辦公室不會(huì)安一個(gè)鈴,你也難保不會(huì)有專人記錄誰在遲到早退。

Attendance is a basic tenet of all schooling, and that’s because — like it or not — it matters. Forever。校園守則中,按時(shí)出勤是最基本的。這是因?yàn)?mdash;—不管你喜歡還是不喜歡,這真的有用。永遠(yuǎn)有。

Showing up on time is a sign of respect, courtesy and responsibility。守時(shí)代表了一種尊重、禮貌和負(fù)責(zé)。

2. Mean girls finish last。別做個(gè)壞女孩。

Whether you were poked fun of for your braces or you were the one who did the poking, tearing other people down never helps you get ahead。不管你是那個(gè)被嘲笑著裝的或者你就是那個(gè)嘲笑他人的人,打壓他人不會(huì)讓你脫穎而出。

And like high school, trying to boost yourself up by making fun of someone else, spreading gossip or giving people the cold shoulder is a surefire way to lose respect, inspire distrust and become someone who coworkers avoid。像高中一樣,想通過嘲弄?jiǎng)e人、傳播八卦消息或冷落某人來提升自己的地位一準(zhǔn)會(huì)讓你不被尊重、信任,甚至成為同事避之不及的人。

3. Where you sit matters。挑個(gè)好座位。

Where you sit on the first day might be where you’re stuck all year — and in the conference room, as well as the classroom, the seat you choose can say a lot about you。入職第一天坐的位子可能也是你整年的座位。同樣的,你在會(huì)議室、教室里選的座位也大有文章。

It’s a delicate balance between looking like a suck-up and seeming completely disengaged。在選座位上,看上去像個(gè)馬屁精和看上去不合群之間存在著一種微妙的平衡。

If you’re looking to move up the career ladder, be strategic。如果你想升職,那么你得有策略一點(diǎn)兒。

Observe what other leaders in your company do in meetings and follow suit。觀察一下公司其他領(lǐng)導(dǎo)在會(huì)議中是怎么做的,然后跟著學(xué)。

Sit near the person leading the meeting, sit up straight and take notes。坐在會(huì)議主持者的旁邊吧!務(wù)必要把身板挺直了,也要記筆記。

4. Focus on what you love。專注于你的興趣。

One of the best parts of high school was having more control over the classes you took。高中最好的地方就是你對(duì)所選課程有更多的發(fā)言權(quán)。

There’s no reason to stop doing what you love after high school。高中畢業(yè)并不意味著你就要放棄興趣。
