來源: 環(huán)球網校 2019-10-15 09:25:46 頻道: 新概念

You could tick all the boxes in terms of experience, education and skills when applying for a job, but if your email address is too informal it could be holding you back。申請工作的時候,你的工作經驗,學歷和技能都達標,但是如果你的郵件地址太不正常的話,這會在求職時拖你的后腿。

Research has discovered that addresses considered cute or funny, and even those that contain underscores, can hinder your chances。研究者發(fā)現可愛滑稽或有下劃線的郵箱地址會讓你錯失工作機會。

And this has the same negative effect on recruiters as spelling mistakes on a résumé。簡歷上的拼寫錯誤對招聘人員也會產生同樣消極的影響。

The study was carried out at the Department of Social and Organisational Psychology at VU University, Amsterdam。這是由阿姆斯特丹自由大學社會與組織心理學系進行的一項研究。

The team wanted to see if a résumé containing a formal email address would boost the applicants' chances of getting the job than an informal email address résumé。該團隊想看看有正式郵件地址的簡歷,和有非正式郵件地址的簡歷相比,讓申請者得到工作的幾率會不會變大。

It deliberately used different fonts, including Arial and Times New Roman, littered spelling mistakes throughout and altered how conscientious, intelligent, honest and humble the applicants appeared。該團隊故意使用了不同的字體,包括Arial和新羅馬字體,還充斥了拼寫錯誤,并且改變了申請者本身的認真,聰慧,誠實和謙卑。

The results show that recruiters do indeed assess the hirability of an applicant with a résumé featuring a formal email address higher than that of an applicant with a résumé featuring an informal email address,' said the researchers。結果表明,招聘人員的確會通過郵件的正式程度來衡量應聘者的應聘競爭力,正式郵件地址的簡歷比非正式的應聘競爭力高。

And this detrimental effect was on par with that caused by spelling errors。拼寫錯誤有同樣不利的影響。

This trend was only mediated if the applicant appeared more conscientious, or showed signs of humility。只有在申請者表現的更認真和謙卑的時候,這種趨勢才不會影響應聘。

"In summary, the results showed that when writing a résumé, it is important to use a formal e-mail address," concluded the researchers。從而言之,研究結果表明,寫簡歷的時候,使用正式郵件地址很重要。

"The initial screening of an applicant's résumé can strongly influence first impressions。初步申請者簡歷的篩選對第一印象有很強的影響。

'Even "small" résumé characteristics, such as the email address, can determine a positive or negative impression by recruiters.'即使是例如郵箱地址這樣很小的簡歷特征,可以決定應聘人員對求職者產生積極印象還是消極印象。
