新概念雙語:24個超級爆笑離奇的英語怪詞 你見過嗎
來源: 環(huán)球網(wǎng)校 2019-11-18 11:11:46 頻道: 新概念

English is a crazy language. 英語里有許多非常好玩的單詞。它們的詞意和表明上看起來的完全沒有關(guān)系。都有哪些個怪詞,讓我們趕快來瞧一瞧。

There is no egg in eggplant (1) nor ham in hamburger(2), neither apple nor pine in pineapple(3)。


English muffins(4) weren't invented in England or French fries(5) in France。


Sweetmeats(6) are candies while sweetbreads(7), which aren't sweet, are meat。


We find that quicksand(8) can work slowly, boxing rings(9) are square and a guinea pig(10) is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig。


If a vegetarian(11) eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian(12) eat?


How can a slim chance(13) and a fat chance(14) be the same, while a wise man(15) and wise guy(16) are opposites?

胖瘦截然相反,可后面跟著chance就都變成“機會渺茫”了;聰明人(wise man)改一個詞,就淪落為自作聰明的人(wise guy)。

How can overlook(17) and oversee(18) be opposites, while quite a lot(19) and quite a few(20) are alike?

Look和see是近義詞,但oversee監(jiān)視,overlook意思怎么就是忽視呢;A lot和a few是反義詞,但與quite連用,怎么都表示很多的意思呢!

When the stars are out(21), they are visible, but when the lights are out(22), they are invisible。


When you wind up your watch(23), you start it, but when you wind up an essay(24), you end it?

給表上發(fā)條,表就開始走了;wind up一篇文章,哈哈,文章到此結(jié)束啦。
